Chapter 6!

I own nothing!

Lovina was pissed. This bastard - Antonio- was on top of her! ON TOP OF HER! And she didn't enjoy it not one bit dammit! Nope, she was not blushing dammit! He was just really hot!

Wait no!

That came out wrong!

He's hot because he has a fever dammit! A fever!

Geez its not like she likes him or anything! Take a chill pill fangirls!

Anywho, Francis lifted Antonio off of Lovina, as the group headed to the nurse's office. 'Why don't you just tell people when you're not okay Toni?' Francis thought.

Antonio heard voices. Everything sounded like his head was stuck in cotton. ' Why is it so dark?' Antonio thought. He then realized his eyes were closed. ' Oh! Why are they closed?' Then he was hit with everything. He felt sick. 'Ugh... Why do I feel like this?' He thought. He felt something cool being placed on his forehead. ' Thats nice' He thought, shifting on the bed and hugging his tiger close to him.

Wait a second... Bed?! SENOR TIGRE?! 'Where am I?!' He thought. Antonio opened his eyes to see a few sets of concerned eyes. A deep blue with great concern that reminded him of his mother except her eyes were brown not blue, an electric blue with a slight monotone look to them, Fiery ruby red, bright sunshine amber with a glint of wonder in them, and finally fiery concerned and curious hazel golden orbs. Antonio liked those eyes best. Antonio's vision cleared to see that it was Francis, Monika, Julia, Feli,and Lovi staring at him.

" Antonio?" Julia said softly. Antonio blinked, coughing a bit before sitting up.

" Wh... What happened?" Antonio asked, surprised at how heavy his accent was. He looked around. The nurse's office? Why-

" You passed out this morning Mr. Carriedo." The nurse said entering the room. She was a very tall sweet lady in her mid 40's. She had mid back black hair that fell in waves and had slight streaks of silver in them.

" Que?! Why?!" Antonio questioned. The group all looked at him dumbfounded.

" Because you're sick and didn't tell us bastard!" Lovina exclaimed. Antonio paused. He's sick? Oh man, last time he was sick... Well, he can't remember...

" Oh, well, you don't have to worry guys. Lo siento." Antonio started to get off the bed, but as soon as his feet touched the ground, he felt dizzy and he nearly collapsed, had it not been for Francis grabbing his arms.

" Whoa there buddy, lie back down." Julia said, helping Francis ease Antonio back onto the bed. It was only then that Antonio realized he was shirtless.

And pantless.

'QUE?!' Antonio thought, face going red as he made eye contact with Lovina. The Italian's cheeks were tinted pink and he couldn't place the look in her eyes.

" ¿Q- qué soy yo sin camisa ?!" Antonio exclaimed looking for his shirt. He was shushed mid rant by a cool thermometer being placed in his mouth. He stared at the nurse, still red in the face and wide-eyed. Oh Lovi sees everything. How embarrassing. She wasn't supposed to see him weak.

" 101.4. You need to lie down Antonio." The nurse said. Antonio did as he was told.

" Wh-Where's my shirt?" He asked, thoughts less jumbled so he could speak English. A small tan hand then held out his white button down, black hooded vest, black jeans, and red converse. Antonio looked at Lovina, grabbing the clothes gently.

" Lovi why are my clothes in yo-"

" Shut. Up." Lovina said, blushing fiercely as she remembered what went down earlier.

Francis and crew rushed into the nurse's office with Antonio on his back.

" Nurse he passed out in the hall!" Francis exclaimed. The nurse walked over to him and felt his forehead. She tsked.

" Oh . You've been stressing again haven't you?" She chided the sleeping exerted boy lightly. She led them to a room in the back with a bed and a nightstand. Francis placed Antonio on the green comforters before looking around.

" Well, he needs to be stripped down. His body is very overheated from what I felt. I'll be back to let you take care of that." And with that, the nurse slipped out the door to get medicine and water. Francis looked at the others.

" Well?" He asked. Julia smirked.

" I volunteer Lovi as tribute." She said, shoving the small Italian forward. Lovina turned around glaring.

"Me?! No way, one of you two bastards do it!" Lovina whisper shouted. Everyone paused as they heard Antonio groan in his sleep. They turned to see Antonio whimper slightly.

"Mami ... yo no siento bien ... duele la cabeza ... No papi ... Hurts ..." He whined, hands twitching in his sleep as if he wanted to grab her. Lovina felt her eyes sting slightly as she saw a small tear slip under his eyelid and on to his cheek.

" You wouldn't deny him when he's at his most vulnerable, would ya Lovi?" Julia said. Lovina regained her composure, glaring at the German (PRUSSIAN!) before marching over to the Spaniard. She unzipped his vest and had only undone four buttons, before she began to shake. Everyone looked at her questioningly as they saw her begin to shake even more violently.

" Sorella?" Feliciano said, reaching a hand out to his sister's shoulder. Lovina still shook but didn't respond. Francis peeked over her shoulder to see that Lovina was full blown red in the face, neck and ears. Francis chuckled.

" Its only the first four Lovina. Do you want me to-" Francis was cut off.

" No bastard. You wanted me to do it... I-I can do it." She said. Francis smirked, backing away. Lovina then took a deep breath and proceeded to unbutton really fast with her eyes closed. She then sighed in relief. She looked to see that Antonio was still asleep. He had a pretty cute chest. It really was cute how he always wore his dog tag and cross loyally. Lovina smiled to herself. She didn't freak out. She didn't-

" Lovi, you still have the pants." Feliciano stated.




Lovina looked at the black jeans and Antonio's signature wallet chain. No biggie. She could do this. Okay. Lovina unbuttoned his jeans and unzipped them, when she noticed two things.

One... Antonio had tomato print boxers. Cute.

Two... He just moaned.






Its not alright... Lovina shook face turning completely red again.

" Ch - Ch - Ch- COSA ?! OH OH DIO DIO NO NO NO NO NO NON POSSO FARE QUESTO ! Sto andando ... DIO" And Lovina then passed out, Feliciano catching her with a cry of " SORELLA!". The group just gaped at the Spaniard. Francis then laughed as he noticed why Antonio moaned.

"F - frío ..." He groaned, curling in on himself. Francis walked over to the window, shutting it closed.

" Nurse! We need another bed!"

Francis chuckled at the memory, only to receive a glare from Lovina. Luckily, Antonio was too out of it to put the pieces together. He put his clothes back on and the nurse noticed his tiredness from all the excitement. She looked at the group.

" Alright. I think thats enough excitement for Antonio today." The nurse said. The group looked to see Antonio having trouble keeping his eyes open. They all nodded and began to leave with promises to see him at the end of the day when Francis came to get him, when Antonio spoke.

"Wait... I want...Lovi." Lovina stopped mid-step, looking at the boy wide-eyed. Everyone looked at her and she suddenly found her converse very interesting as she played with the black lace hem of her red plaid skirt. The nurse sighed.

" Mr. Carriedo, you really need rest." The nurse scolded.

" But... Lovi... Please." Antonio said, his last word a whisper. He looked absolutely pathetic right now, tears in exhausted green eyes, nose runny, and a slight whimper to his voice. The nurse sighed. Antonio didn't need to be stressed out any more. She looked out Lovina.

" How are your grades in 3rd and 4th block?" She asked. Lovina thought. 3rd block was her gym class. All you have to do is dress out for an A. And 4th block is Science. A.

" Fairly good I suppose." Lovina shrugged. The nurse sighed before nodding.

" You can stay. I'll let your teachers know." She stated, before walking out with the others to write passes. Lovina grabbed the red chair and scooted over to Antonio's bedside, before placing her hand on his chest and laying him down.

" Alright bastard, you've got me. Now relax." She said, with a softness to her voice. Antonio did as he was told, relaxing into the sheets. The two sat in a comfortable silence for a second.

" You scared us." Lovina said. Antonio turned to look at her. He saw her hands balled into little fist.

" Y-you... You scared me dammit. That's twice bastard." She exclaimed. Antonio laid his hand on her shaking shoulder.

" L-lo siento Lovi. I didn't mean to." Antonio said softly, sneezing.

" No bastard. Don't apologize. Why are you apologizing? You did nothing wrong." She sighed. Antonio removed his hand, tilting his head.

" You don't get it do you? Stop being so nice. Stop apologizing. You never do wrong. You're... You're awesome, alright bastard? So stop being kind and not telling us when you aren't alright. I had the feeling you we're getting sick.I saw how tired you seemed on Saturday night, how early you went to bed. Stop it. Stop not telling me when you have a panic attack cause... I wanna make you feel better dammit. Just... Stop being so damn nice!" Lovina exclaimed to him. Antonio looked astonished. She cares so much.

Just like Julia and Francis.

Just like his mom.

Lovina looked over when she heard a sniffle. Antonio was crying.

" Crap! I'm sorry, d-don't cry! Toni..." She looked at him. He looked so out of it. So exhausted. Kind of think of it, these few days, he's been on a set of concentration. Her, and his grades. He hasn't really relaxed. Makes sense why Julia told her that Francis always is telling Antonio to go to bed because he stays up late studying. He always murmurs how he's working to impress someone. To change things.

'But for who?' Lovina thought. She couldn't figure it out. ' Well, whoever he's trying to impress should get a friggin grip! He's just one person!' Lovina thought angrily. She turned to see Antonio was silently crying, sniffling and looking down at his sheets. He looked so vulnerable, like a little child. Like just a small breeze could break him. His green eyes were darkened with what looked like anguish.

It was then that Lovina decided she hated when he was sad.

Absolutely fucking despised it with the fire of a thousand suns.

So she did her best to make him smile again.

" H-hey Toni... Look, you shouldn't be crying. Stop stressing. Stop staying up so late to study. You're one smart kid, alright? And... And whoever the hell you're trying to impress, just let me sock them in the face cause they clearly should know that they should be impressed already!" Lovina said. Antonio looked up at her wide-eyed as she spoke, tears dried.

'You mean to tell me she doesn't know its her I'm trying to impress?' Antonio thought.

And then he laughed. He laughed till his ribs hurt. He laughed putting himself into a coughing fit. Lovina looked at him alarmed. She reached for the cup of water on the nightstand and gave it to him. Antonio drank it.

" Now what is just-a so funny eh?" Lovina questioned, so worried that her accent came out heavy. Antonio smiled and put the sup down.

" Its just that... Lovi..." He looked at her with a dead serious . Lovina's cheeks tinted red, taken aback by the look on his face.

" S-Si?" She asked. Antonio looked at her for a little longer, before smiling.

" You're just muy lindo~!" He cooed. Lovina glared. On the inside, she was glad he wasn't crying anymore.

" Hell no bastard! I'm not cute! I-I'm... Weird! Yeah! Not cute so yeah!" Lovina exclaimed. Antonio chuckled. He then yawned. Lovina looked at him, ignoring her girly side that screamed 'Cute!' and laid him back down.

" Now sleep for real bastard. You'll need your energy. We got results today." Lovina explained. Antonio laid down thinking. ' Oh yeah I do remember that... Wait a second...' He thought.

" Say... Lovi?" He questioned, eyes drooping. She looked over at him.

" Cosa?" She asked. Antonio struggled to keep his eyes open.

" What... did you get?" He asked softly.

" Singing, instrumental, and Dance. But they want me to do 9 weeks of Dance, 9 of drawing for some damn weird reason." Lovina said bluntly. Antonio smiled. He wished Lovina would know how talented she was and kill those who didn't believe it.

He was drifting...



" Lovi...Wha... What did I get?" Antonio asked. Lovina looked away, fidgeting.

" Well ah... S-same thing..." Lovina said. She didn't get a response.

"Bastard?" She questioned, looking over at him. Antonio had fallen asleep, mouth slightly open. Lovina smiled a little. 'Finally. Now that bastard can relax.' She pulled the comforters over him and turned off the light deciding that a nap could do her some good too. She sat in the chair and closed her eyes.

Antonio smiled in his sleep. His mom always told him the girl he chose would be most like his mom. He opened his eyes and looked to see Lovina sleeping. Her brown hair fell in wavy curls down her back, fiery golden orbs that told a million stories, A soft but fierce accent. And she cared.


'Mami was right.' He thought, closing his eyes again.

Alright! Well? Did ya like it? Do I still have it? Lemme know!


Mi tomate: Spanish for 'My tomato'

Puta: Technically Spanish slang for 'Bitch'.

Idiota- Italian for idiot

Si- Italian and Spanish for yes

amigo/amiga- Spanish for friend(Boy) and friend(Girl)

Mon cher- French for My dear

Mon ami- French for my friend

Ciao- Italian for hi

Bella- Italian for beautiful

Que-Spanish for what?

Schwester- German for sister

Fratello- Italian for brother

Sorella- Italian for sister

Amour- French for love

Je t'aime aussi cousine: French for ' Love you too my cousin'

Molto Bello: Italian for 'Very Beautiful'
Stronzo, Bastordo: Italian for ' Asshole and Bastard.

il mio amico: Italian for 'Hey my friend.'

Antonio's rant: Why the hell am I freaking out so much! Gosh she was so cute! NO Antonio she isn't yours! I love her but too fast TOO FAST! Oh no, I'm freaking out! Breathe Antonio! Breathe Antonio! OH MY GOD! I can't breathe!

Francis' Terms of coomfort: Its alright dear, Do not stress, I am here.

Lovina's cheering: Yeah bastards! I get all the money!

¿Q- qué soy yo sin camisa ?: Spanish for- 'W-Where's my shirt?!'


F-frio: Spanish for ' C-cold...'

Until next time~!