Now I look like Gin (I dyed it white turned out silvery and decided to cut it short and cosplay) ^^

Oh my god it was so funny earlier today when I scared the shit out of my friend at her Birthday party driving a Knightmare.

Well... After that she wanted it...

But too bad for her it's mine O_O

I gave her the working 3DM Gear.

She can't use it though XD It was hilarious seeing her try to use it. She ended up like Eren the first time he used the gear... (But mine wasn't defective cause I used it too to make sure.)

Would I get in trouble if I drove a Knightmare or 3DM Gear to school?

Not like it has guns on it or blades...



Ichigo snapped awake.

Ichigo remembered the last barely audible words flowing from Shiro's mouth.

''You're stronger than I am... So I'll give you my remaining power. Please don't turn out like me.''

He got up and walked down the hall running into someone. ''Sorry I... Ichigo? What the fuck are you doing up? OH MY GOD YOU'RE UP!'' Ichigo nodded. ''Uh... Shinji where's Grimmjow?''

''He was in your room for three days... I have no clue.'' Ichigo growled and ran past him. ''WAIT! You woke up just...'' Ichigo ignored him and continued running. He ran to his house and ran into the closet.

''Open Zangetsu Program''

'Opening program. 5 seconds.4,3,2,1. Zangetsu opened.'

''Track program MurciƩlago.''

'Tracking program MurciƩlago. 10 Seconds until track completion. 9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1. Tracking completed. Location of program Fourth residence on Espada Lane. Directions once inside residence. Go up the front stairs, Across the main upstairs hall, take a left. Any other requests Captain?'' Ichigo scowled. ''None. Don't call me captain. I do not work for the underground anymore.''

'Understood. Destroying search. Cancel possible within 5,4...' Ichigo ran out of his house and drove to the home. He walked up to the door.

A gun moved to face him. 'You are an unidentified. Please state your name and reason for arriving sir.'

''Open direct line to Ulquiorra.''

'Direct line open. Welcome Zangetsu-Sama.'

A video of Ulquiorra came up.

''Kurosaki Ichigo? How did you get into my...''

Ichigo waved the video off. ''Enough Sciffer. Is Grimmjow there?''

''He is... How did you access my...''

''I'm Zangetsu. Please let me in so I can beat sense into him. I can come in myself but I would rather not break in.''

Ulquiorra sighed and pressed a button. 'Access granted' The doors slid open and Ichigo ran inside passing people. He went up the stairs, across the hall, took a left, and opened the door to Ulquiorra's room.

''Where's the idiot?''

''In front of my computer.''

Ichigo walked over the man who was currently searching.

''Open entry 3.''

'Opening entry...'

''Close entry.''

'Yes Zangetsu-Sama.'

Grimmjow turned. ''You bastard I... Ichigo?'' Ichigo nodded. ''I'm up.'' Grimmjow stared at him. ''You are... What about Shiro? What about him? Just wait a bit okay? I'll...'' Grimmjow turned back to the computer but stopped when he felt a hand on his arm. ''Don't... Shiro... Shiro's dead.''

''What?'' Grimmjow looked at him confused.

''He gave up.'' Ichigo looked down. ''Shiro... Was a human.''

''No...'' The two looked at Ulquiorra who was standing by the door. ''There's no way he could...'' Ichigo stood up. ''He was.'' Ichigo placed a hand on Ulquiorra's face. Grimmjow stared as Ulquiorra went from shocked, to scared, to crying, to angry, to empty. Ichigo removed his hand and Ulquiorra collapsed forward.

''What did you do to him?''

''I showed him Shiro's past.'' Ichigo set Ulquiorra down gently then stared at the ground sadly. ''Shiro's sad human life.''

''How... How did you show him?''

Ichigo walked towards Grimmjow and put a hand on his chest. ''Like this.''

Grimmjow winced as his body was thrown out of a building and into the cold snow.

''AND STAY OUT YOU DISGUSTING SCUM! Sickening monster!'' Grimmjow gathered himself and stood up ''I'm not a monster...'' The man in the door slammed the door. And Grimmjow walked down the snow covered street. People in the street not going near him.

''Mama! Is that?...'' A little girl pointed at him with brown hair and blue eyes.

''Oh no. Don't go near him dear he's a demon. Look at his eyes.'' The woman who was her mother walked away quickly.

Grimmjow pulled the small red newsboy cap to shade his eyes. And he walked. Getting the same treatment for years.

5 years later

Grimmjow walked down the worn down brown streets.

''IT'S THE DARK MAGE!'' A large man yelled.

Grimmjow growled and continued walking. The 11 year old boy grown cold.

A girl that had pink pigtails stopped in front of him. ''What do you think you're doing?'' Grimmjow looked at her. She had large bright pink eyes. ''Isn't it obvious brat? I'm walkin.''

The girl giggled. ''You talk funny! I'm Riruka! 13 years old! Who are you?''

Grimmjow stared at the girl wide eyed. ''Don't you know who I am?''

''Of course not! That's why I'm asking you! Although I have heard stories of you being cursed... But who cares!'' Grimmjow stood still shocked. ''Grimmjow...''

The scene changed and Grimmjow felt his body impact with a hard rough wall. He looked up to see a man with brown hair and cold purple eyes.

The unknown man chuckled. ''As you can see I am everything the villagers call you. 'Black mage', 'Monster', 'Demon' '' Grimmjow took a step forward. ''Fine. I'll go with ya.''

He chuckled. ''My my Grimmjow. That is unnecessary. What I want is a test subject I don't need to take you.''

Aizen touched Grimmjow's forehead and the 15 year old boy grew rapidly turning into a man with long blue hair. Riruka stepped forward. ''Grimmjow?...''

He looked at her. ''Riruka...''

The scene changed once again and Riruka was walking down the street.

A bunch of villagers ran forward. ''It's the witch girl!''

''Kill her!''

Riruka's eyes widened and she was brutally raped then murdered.

A few hours later people watched from their houses as Grimmjow approached her cold body. ''Riruka...''

''Kill the mage too!'' A man yelled.

''If we killed her we can kill the demon too!'' The woman with red hair screamed.

Grimmjow turned to the people. ''Demon? You have never been so fucking right.''

Grimmjow killed everyone and buried Riruka in the forest next to her favorite river.

Then he saw more...

Grimmjow watched from behind Shiro's eyes as he killed people from within. There was a small happy greeneyed boy.



But no matter how much he screamed his voice did not reach the boy whose body was taken over and forced to kill his entire family.

Grimmjow watched in horror as his body leaned over and whispered. ''I'm not done with you boy... But I will spare you. The game is only fun when the opponent struggles.'' Grimmjow's body walked away. ''Perhaps in a few years you'll find someone precious to you. I will come back then.''

Grimmjow snapped awake. ''Ichigo...''

Ichigo stared at him. ''Did you see?''

Grimmjow gripped his shirt. ''I saw... I saw from behind Shiro's eyes. I watched everything as him. I watched him grow crazy. Even I went crazy for a bit...'' He looked to Ulquiorra who was huddled in a corner. He was showing too much emotion to be normal.

''Shiro was...''

''Grimmjow...'' He felt a hand on his own. It was Ichigo. ''Shiro was not a bad man. He just had something taken away from him. Something completely important to him and precious. I would have been like him as well... I think Urahara told you what happened after the incident. But I forgave Renji. I wanted to kill him. I wanted to destroy him. I wanted him to feel the same pain as me but. After I heard the yells from my family and friends and his apologies...'' Ichigo looked at Grimmjow his eyes dull once again and he smiled.

''I found that there were things much more important than revenge.''