But until then I will write Bleach fanfics...



Grimmjow growled as he pulled his jumper closer to his body. "Damn Aizen... I don't have the fucking time for this!" Grimmjow continued walking and his body connected with another. "Watch it!" Grimmjow snarled.

"Sorry I didn't notice you there."

Grimmjow turned and saw a man standing to the side. He had orange hair and milky cold brown eyes that probably used to be warm and dark brown. The man fidgeted. "Uh.. I don't want to be a bother but could you help me find which way I was walking in?" Grimmjow nodded then realizing his mistake answered. "Yea sorry." The man smiled. "It's no problem you're probably busy."

Grimmjow held the man's shoulders and turned him. "It's this way." The man nodded. "Thank you." Grimmjow watched in awe as the blind orangette walked away. "Orange hair huh?" Grimmjow looked at his watch. "SHIT!" He sprinted in the direction of Las Noches.

Ichigo opened the door to his house next to the clinic and was bombarded with questions. "Ichigo! You could have asked one of us to go with you!" Ichigo scowled. "I can do things on my own too." Rukia sighed at the two. "Renji's right we could have just walked with you we didn't have to do anything if you didn't want us to." Ichigo sighed. "I don't want to be a burden. Yuzu! I bought some of those teas you like!" Ichigo heard the teen bounce down the stairs. "Oh.. Oni-chan aren't these expensive though?" Ichigo ruffled her hair. "It's okay Yuzu. Hey! Have you gotten taller? You feel... Two inches taller." Yuzu smiled. "Beeeeeep. Nope! I grew 2 and a quarter." Ichigo pouted. "Still counts." The two siblings laughed and Yuzu went to go out the boxes of tea away.

"Ichigo you know that it wouldn't burden us to..." Ichigo grabbed a bag of chips from a cupboard.

"Yuzu what flavor is this one?" The girl turned around. "Sour cream and onion." Ichigo nodded, opened the bag, and sat down. "Oh shut it guys. I know you two are busy and I can't stay here. I'll die of boredom or die because I get too fat." Rukia sighed. "Ichigo would you at least quit your job at the dojo?" Ichigo gasped. "No way! The only thing wrong with me is my eyes I can still instruct and besides Urahara would have a tantrum if I quit."

Ichigo popped a chip and then offered Renji and Rukia one with a gesture. Sometimes Ichigo would look and act so normal that the two would forget he was blind. "Guys it's getting dark you should start heading home." The pair nodded. "Alright Ichigo." Ichigo tossed the bag in the trash and walked upstairs. He laid down on his bed and sighed. "Why does everyone insist on watching me?"

'Cause ya different now King.' Ichigo jumped up. "Who's there?" The voice chuckled.

'I'm right here king.'

Ichigo passed out.

When he woke up he was standing... On the side of a building. "HOLY SHIT!" Ichigo laid down against the wall and turned his head when he heard chuckling. A pale man walked toward him. "You..."

'I'm the voice King. I'm yer reflection.'

Ichigo watched as the man walked towards him. "Why aren't you falling?" The man shrugged. 'This is how it always is.' Ichigo stood up hesitantly. "Where are we? Why can I see?" The man opened his eyes. They were an eerie black on gold.

'This place is in yer head of course ya can see. It's what yer heart truly desires.' Ichigo shook his head. "No that's not true... I'm fine. How I am it's okay it's not horrible. I'm over it..." Ichigo yelped as the man grabbed the front of his shirt harshly.

'King... I'm yer thoughts I'm yer reflection ya can't lie ta me. Ya want ta see. Ya want strength. I can give it ta ya... Fer a price.' Ichigo stared at him. "A price?" The man smiled sadistically. 'I wanna fight.' Ichigo stared at the man. 'King yer gonna fight fer me. Yer gonna join the Shinigami.'

Ichigo woke up on the floor and groaned. "Was that a dream?" He got up and started to get ready for work. He grabbed his duffle bag and walked out the door heading for the dojo. 'Duck!' Ichigo crouched down and he felt a whoosh of wind above his head. His eyes widened.

"Hey! Ulquiorra! I thought ya said this one was blind!" Ichigo jumped backward. "Who are you?" A tall bulky man walked forward. Ichigo felt the tension and started walking backwards. "Ulquiorra! Is he really blind?" "Che. Trash. Yes he is blind. Do not underestimate the man. He is the top karate teacher in Japan. Plus he is friends with them." Ichigo stopped. "Them? Who's them?" Yammy chuckled. "I see... He is in the dark. Ulquiorra! What did Aizen-Sama want from him anyway?"

"He is merely a trading chip. A blind man can only do so much. Especially when he was not always blind." Ichigo stiffened. "You bastards who do you think you are!" Ichigo felt a fist connect with his stomach and he jumped only getting minimal damage.

"He is not bad. Relying on the feeling of someone about to deliver a blow is not always the best tactic. It makes it so you can only defend yourself." Yammy shot his hand forward and Ichigo caught it. "I'm not as nice of a person as you think I am to only defend." He grabbed the front of the man's shirt and threw him into a wall. Ulquiorra got up. "We will meet again. Do not let your guard don't for even a moment. If it wasn't for the crowd we attracted I would have finished you." Ichigo heard the man sling Yammy over his shoulder. "I heard you have two lovely sisters as well. Keep watch over them." Ichigo grit his teeth felt around for his bag. "Here." Ichigo turned to the sound of the voice it was familiar. "You're the man from yesterday..." "I am... You run the dojo right? Urahara Shoten/Dojo? Do you want me to take you there?" Ichigo shook his head. "I couldn't I..." Grimmjow laughed confusing Ichigo. "You're really independent. It's okay I know that you really don't know and those guys kinda veered you off your path. It's no trouble." Ichigo sighed in relief. "Thanks." Grimmjow grabbed his wrist and slung the bag higher on his shoulder. "Lets go then."

"Urahara I'm..."

"Ura? Kurosaki-San you're late! Who's this?" Ichigo walked over and grabbed his hakama off the shelf. "Shut up Urahara class doesn't start until 12 you just want me here to move your stuff." Urahara smiled. "Sasuga Kurosaki-San nothing phases you! And you are?" Grimmjow set the bag down.


"What's your relationship with our dear Kurosaki-San?"

"Nothing at the moment..." Grimmjow dodged a shoe thrown at him. Ichigo walked over and started pushing him towards the door.

"Aren't you busy?" Urahara chuckled and pulled Grimmjow towards him. "Kurosaki-San? Why don't you go to the basement and start practicing? We have a new student today." Ichigo groaned then walked through the shop and down to the basement.

"He really is amazing isn't he?" Grimmjow turned to face Urahara. "He wasn't always blind." Grimmjow nodded. "I heard."
"Sit down. I'll tell you a bit about Ichigo." Grimmjow sat down on a bench. "Ichigo was always pretty independent. He was always picked out because of his hair. The kids teased him which as they got older turned to abusive methods. Ichigo was strong. All the time. Even when he came home with a gash down his leg he hid it. Not that we didn't know how he got it."

Grimmjow stared at his hands. "It was a car. One of the people who always antagonized Ichigo thought it would be funny to spook him." Urahara looked down hair shadowing his eyes and his tone grew cold. "The car impacted and Ichigo hit the glass. The shards went into his eyes and he went blind. You couldn't even look at him the first few weeks after he woke up again. He didn't get it. He went mute for a while until... Until his little sister Yuzu started cutting. When she walked in Ichigo felt her wrist and just stopped. She was 10. He stopped being sad. He stopped moping around. He went back to school for that year he missed and continued High School."

Urahara sighed and leaned back into his chair. "Ichigo's been carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. He never got the time to be a kid. When his mother died he went sad for a bit unitl he noticed his sisters needed him. He stopped being sad then too. When he should have had someone by him to guide him he refused everything. He tried to act as though the accident never happened. The driver's name was Renji. He's Ichigo's best friend now. After a few weeks he came back to apologize. Even though everyone else pegged it as his fault Ichigo forgave him and didn't press charges."

Urahara got up. "Ichigo hates help. It makes him feel as if he's a burden even though no one thinks that way. Renji tries to help him with everything. He still thinks the whole thing is his fault. That was eight years ago. Ichigo has lived eight years in darkness.''

Grimmjow watched as kids from various ages started to come in. ''URAHARA-SAN! WHERE'S ICHIGO-NI! I'M GONNA BEAT HIM TODAY!'' Grimmjow chuckled as a hyper kindergartner ran in. Ichigo walked up from the basement and frown at Grimmjow. ''Weren't you going somewhere? You can go if you want.'' Grimmjow shrugged. ''I'm bored I wanna watch.'' Ichigo smiled then turned to the kindergartner. ''Kyo. Did you leave your hakama at home again?'' The child jumped. ''Myah! ICHIGO-NI! How are you always so quiet?'' Ichigo smiled and tapped the boy's mouth. ''Silence is golden. Now lets go down to all the other students.'' The boy nodded and ran down the stairs.

''They don't know do they?'' Ichigo shook his head. ''No they all know I'm blind... You might actually want to leave I'm getting a new student today and most of the time they don't think I'm fit to be a teacher because of my eyes. Plus this one's in high school.''

Grimmjow chuckled. ''Nah I'm in the mood to watch you hand that kid's ass to him.'' Ichigo smiled and walked towards the stairs. ''Lets go then.''

Grimmjow walked behind Ichigo and as soon as they got down there were fangirl screams. ''Ichigo-Sensei! You didn't tell us you had a boyfriend!'' Ichigo stepped back a bit. ''Eh? He's not...''

Grimmjow smirked at the girls causing some of them to faint a little. ''Only a friend.''

Ichigo walked to the front of the class and began instructing when a short boy walked in. He had snow white hair that was styled up and looked disinterested.

Ichigo walked over and stopped two feet infront of the boy. ''Hey. You must be Toshiro.'' The boy toyed with his phone. ''I prefer to be called by my last name.'' Ichigo smiled apologetically. ''Sorry Toshiro.'' A tick formed on the boy's head and some of the girls giggled. ''All right class this is Hitsugaya Toshiro. He will be in our class from now on. Any questions?'' Ichigo heard nohting. ''Good. Toshiro your training partner will be Momo shes been training with me for the past few weeks.'' Toshiro walked over.

''Hello Shiro-chan. I hope we can become friends.'' Momo gave him a warm smile. Toshiro blushed slightly. ''Uh... Yea...''

''Alright! Class tomorrow at the same time as today. See you guys tomorrow!'' Everyone bowed and left some of the guys snickering at the word see. Ichigo walked over to the bench and plopped down.


Ichigo heard nothing. He reached his hand out and touched Grimmjow's hair. He leaned down. ''I guess he's sleeping...'' Ichigo walked over and pulled out a blanket from the closet. He walked back and pulled the blanket over Grimmjow. He walked up the stairs.

Ichigo changed back to his normal clothes and grabbed his bag. 'Urahara! I'm leaving now!''

''Yes Kurosaki-san! Be careful on your way home! Be sure to come back early to work!'' Ichigo nodded and left. On his way he was pulled into a corner and something was put on his mouth.

''I caught ya.'' Then Ichigo blacked out.