Hello everybody! So, um, this is my first Fanfic, Ok? So please be nice to me!


Allen Walker, a fifteen year old British boy. He had white hair and grey eyes; his personality was the kindest of all the people you would ever meet in the short remainder of your life. He is always smiling and laughing, and being all social. There was only one person in the entire Order who knew that all of Allen's smiles are fake, forced, and causing the young boy pain.

Yuu Kanda.

Every time Kanda saw the younger boy alone, he was never smiling. His eyes were always glum and gloomy; he had only sadness on his perfectly shaped face. Kanda almost felt sorry for the younger boy; but of course Kanda would never feel sorry for anyone, right? He would simply continue on his way. He occasionally would see Allen slump to the ground and hold his face in his hands; Kanda would think about turning around and trying to make the boy happy, but as quickly as the though comes, does it go.

Kanda would never realise just how much pain Allen is in. He does not realise that it is just as bad as the pain he went through with losing Alma. Kanda does not realise that the pain that Allen is in could very-well maybe greater than the pain Kanda was in when Alma died. Kanda does not know of the pain Allen is in when his foster father 'Mana' died. He can only assume that Allen is sad because he did not manage to save an Akuma's soul during some mission he may have had recently.

Kanda would scoff at the thought of Allen being such a cry baby over the soul inside a demon, not being able to be saved. Kanda soon realised that Allen only ever showed his sadness when he was alone, or thought he was alone. Kanda could tell that Allen did not want to burden his comrades with his own woes and troubles, fears and desires. What were Allen's desires?' Kanda would find himself wondering.

Kanda would sometimes go to the training grounds to train, but he would see Allen there; not training but sitting in a corner and just holding Timcanpy in his arms, occasionally Allen would have a few tears sliding down the side of his face. Kanda would feel like going over to the younger boy and wiping the tears away. But of course, Kanda would brush away the thought of trying to be nice to the younger boy; Kanda just was not meant to be nice.

But it was on one snowy day that Kanda had decided to meditate outside; the mediation room was crowded with people who were sick of doing whatever it was that they were doing outside. Kanda was walking in the snow of the forest nearby the Order; his feet leaving footprints in the soft white frozen water. He walked for what felt like hours and hours, but was really only about twenty minutes, when he came across a small forest clearing; it was at least a kilometer or two into the dense forest.

Kanda had been in the forest many times before, but had not come this far in for all the time he has been at the Order. It was as he aproached the small clearing, that he heard some crying. Shock, mad Kanda freeze some ten meters away from the snow filled clearing. The object that was crying had not heard Kanda approach the clearing; and therefore did not stop crying. Frowning, Kanda inched his way closer to the source of the crying, he still could not quite see the person.

Kanda made sure to not make any noise as he slipped behind a thick trunked tree. Slowly, he peeked out from behind the tree. His eyes widened in shock as he saw the head of white hair and black exorcist uniform of Allen Walker. Kanda could only stare at the younger boy. Allen's body was shaking uncontrollably; he was sobbing, hiccuping, coughing, his head placed in his arms, in which were wrapped around his knees. His hair was matted and damp from the snow; it was all knotted in places where he had been throwing some sort of fit.

Once again, Kanda found himself wondering what Allen's desires, fears, woes and troubles, were. He felt like he should just walk away and leave the boy to wallow in his own pity, but another part of him wanted nothing more than to go over to the younger boy and comfort him in some way. The only thing stopping Kanda was the fact that he did not know how to comfort anybody; he had never been comforted in anyway at all, so he did not learn from experience.

The part of Kanda that wanted to help the younger boy took over. As silently as he could, Kanda made his way over to the sobbing boy. Just as silently he sat down next to him and took off his own exorcist coat. Hesitantly, he moved the coat off himself and wrapped it around the younger boy. With a gasp and a small squeak, Allen jerked his head up and out of his arms. Looking at the coat wrapped around him, he frowned in confusion and wondered who had put it around him. Then all of a sudden, as if coming to his senses that there was a person next to him, he turned to face the older boy who had wrapped his warm coat around the younger of the two.

"K-Kanda...? Why would-" Allen started, but he did not finish as Kanda had cut him off. "Shut up, Moyashi. Do not ask me any more questions." Allen frowned, "Do not tell anyone." Allen muttered, turning his head away from Kanda. "Don't tell anyone what?" Kanda asked, raising an eyebrow curiously. "A-About me...you know? Being like this..." He trailed off in a whisper. Kanda sighed and crossed his legs; denting the snow beneath.

"Ok, fine Moyashi, I won't tell anyone. But you have to tell me this: Why are you always so goddamn upset!?" Kanda growled.

END of chapter 1! Ok, here is the deal. If I get at least two or three favorites, and at least ONE review, then I will post the second chapter immediately. Before I post this chapter, I will have completed the second chapter, but I will not post it until I have at least ONE review and two or three favorites, OK? If you think that it is unfair, let me know and I will just pretend that you favoured it, and then post it straight away! :D