Series Title: After the Reapers; The Miranda Chronicles
Pairing: Shepard/Miranda

Author: Knights-Honour
Disclaimer: Mass Effect universe © BioWare
Any character you haven't heard of © me

Author's Notes:

I really need to stay away from YouTube.

I was surfing the site the other night, and I came across Miranda's romance scenes, and with one watch, I was hooked.

I've always found Miranda to be an interesting character, seeing her go from a cold Cerberus loyalist, seeing her being a caring big sister and her doubts about herself, to eventually resigning from Cerberus when The Illusive Man wants Shepard to keep the Collector base.

So The Miranda Chronicleswere born.

The same deal as the other two series applies here, only the main couple is my other main male Shepard, Xavier and his XO.

I'll distinguish these spin-off stories with 'TMC' in front of the story title.

I hope you guys enjoy these stories as much as you have been with the originals.

Thanks go to my Beta; Blueglaceon, who despite having little knowledge of the Mass Effect universe, agreed to edit the series anyway. Thanks, Blue!

Thanks also go to LuxDragon for allowing me to use ideas from his fic; Fight for the Lost

So the first cab of the block for The Miranda Chronicles isTwilight Talks, which takes place straight after the Normandy returns from the suicide mission.

Twilight Talks

Xavier Shepard couldn't sleep, despite being thoroughly exhausted.

The Normandy had returned, damaged but operational, from the Omega-4 Relay two hours ago. And after telling The Illusive Man exactly where he could shove his opinions regarding the human Spectre's decision to blow up the Collector base, they'd docked on Omega, and would begin the repairs on the state-of-the-art ship first thing in the morning, he'd checked in with his team, making sure everyone was okay, he'd retired to the captain's quarters, expecting sleep to claim him straight away.

'Best laid plans...' he thought wryly as he tossed and turned for what seemed the thousandth time, and releasing a sigh he dragged himself from the bed, running his fingers through his short ebony locks.

There was only one thing that would help settle him down, so pulling on his uniform pants, but forsaking the jacket, he left the Loft.

~ o ~ o ~ o ~

The Mess Hall was dimly lit, but Shepard, being a Navy brat, navigated his way around the kitchen with no troubles, finding his private stores and pulling out his tin of Milo. Locating a mug from the cupboards above his head and milk from the fridge, it wasn't long before he had a steaming cup of his favourite beverage, but instead of returning to his quarters, he took a seat at one of the nearby tables, and quickly became lost in his thoughts.

~ o ~ o ~ o ~

In her quarters, Miranda couldn't sleep either, the horrors of the Collector base still fresh in her mind's eye. She should have taken Shepard up on his offer to spend the night with him in his quarters, she thought as she stared aimlessly at the ceiling, at least she would have had some comfort in his arms then.

'It's not too late...' a voice whispered in her mind, and she headed it, rising from her bad and grabbing a silk robe as she left her office. But she only got a few steps when something caught her eye, or rather someone; Shepard. He was seated at one of the tables, his chin resting on bridged hands, staring out into space, and looking like he was a thousand miles away.

"A credit for them, Commander?"

"Huh?" her voice snapped him back into reality and he turned to look at her as she approached him. "Hey," he greeted softly, gesturing for her to join him. "What're you doing up? And I thought I told you to call me Xavier?"

"I could ask the same of you," she returned as she took a seat beside him and promptly snagged his mug, taking a sip of the creamy liquid within.

"By all means, make yourself at home," he chuckled, her unexpected actions lifting his morose mood. "I didn't know you were a Milo girl, Miss Lawson."

"I have it from time to time. But you didn't answer my question."

He released a heavy sigh. "I couldn't sleep. My mind's running at a hundred miles a minute at the moment."

"We had to do it, Shepard," Miranda said softly, guessing his thoughts correctly, raising a hand to his bare shoulder. "Taking down the Collectors was the right decision. The Illusive Man might not agree, but we had no choice."

"I know. But pissing off Cerberus, and possibly turning them against us, with the Reapers at the galaxy's edge? That could be detrimental when the war begins. We need everyone working together if were to stand a chance at winning this thing."

"We'll find a way."

"I know, and believe me; I'll have no troubles or qualms about hunting Cerberus agents if they get in my way. But what about you, Miranda? The Illusive Man is bound to be pissed that he just lost one of his best operatives and could easily use Oriana to strike back at you. Not to mention that when the Alliance accepts me back into their ranks, not everyone will be happy about having you on board..." 'Especially Ashley,' he added silently. 'The sparks are going to fly when she learns of our relationship...' "...even if you're an ex-operative now-"

Miranda silenced him with a kiss, which they quickly became engrossed in, the curvy biotic shifting over onto his lap, her fingers threading through his hair as he loosened the belt on her robe and slipped a hand inside, his fingers slipping under the top she wore beneath to caress her silken skin. It was only when the need for air grew imminent that they parted, resting their foreheads together at the caught their breath.

"I'm with you, Xavier, no matter what happens," she assured him.

"Thank you," he murmured, raising a hand to caress her face.

They remained that way for a time, before they rose and made their way to the elevator.
