Dragon Ball Z or its characters

Don't belong to me… The upside,

This idea belongs

To me!

My Sort Of Brother: Chapter 12: Confusion

Days since Bulla's arrival: 21

Trunks had decided to finally leave Bulla alone for the night after barraging her with endless questions about how she felt and what she remembered. None were answered. She couldn't recall anything or for that matter, anyone.

He had taken up a sleeping position on the uncomfortable chair next to his sister's bedside. The child was sleeping soundly and was due for trauma examinations in the morning. Her body momentarily lifted and deflated when she breathed.

He rested his chin on his tired arm. He could feel his own drowsiness begin to conquer his will to stay awake and watch after her. He had never in his life felt so over joyed. She was alive. That was all he needed to go on.

Rebuilding the world was a difficult task. There were so few of them now so it got rather lonely. Having someone to talk to was hard to find with everyone being so cautious. Who could blame them? These people have gone through hell and back. They don't want to get hurt by having someone they care about being stripped from them at a moment's notice. Some people don't even have that luxury. He sure as hell didn't.

But the gift that the little girl before him was alive was more than enough to send through a wave of total jovial emotions. What haunted him now was the fact that she had no memories to go back to. All she had ever known was swiped from her brain and erased.

He hadn't really known Bulla that long. In fact, the only times where she had been conscious would have been the day she arrived and today. Two days total. The rest were spent crying over her. But… he had grown attached and protective of her. Like it was second nature.

He pondered that maybe it was only the act of his subconscious. That maybe it was the sheer thought of having to be a brother that made him do these things. Cry, laugh, tease, teach, were all things he needed to do because the blood in him was the same as hers.

His eyes twitched when he thought of the inevitable dilemma that would soon appear. How was she to return home? There was no way of using the dragon balls in his time. He can't find his time machine-

Wait a minute... The time machine Bulla had… The should be able to travel back perfectly! If it was still where he left it…

Trunks slapped his forehead. How could he be so stupid!? Who leaves a time machine in the open for anyone to take!? There was just so much going on at the time… He forgot to capsulate it and take it with him…

He slowly raised himself from the chair, careful so as to not make any noise, and inched towards the door. When his arm reached the handle he swung out of the room and ran down the halls for the exit.

Doctors and nurses either stared or shushed him. He was in no place to think about what they thought of him. It didn't matter at the moment anyhow. He sped out when the exit was in sight and flew the rest of the way to his mother's memorial, his hope higher than him at the moment.

As he flew he ignored the gushing wind abusing his already scarred face. It made his bangs slap his forehead as he rushed forward. He located the memorial and let himself breathe easy again. He touched ground and ran towards the hopefully untouched time machine.

He examined it and let out a sigh of complete relief. Un-harmed. Just the way he liked things.

He knelt down and gently pushed against the big red button in order to capsulate it. When the small item bounced into the air, his right arm swiftly caught it in the nook of his palm. The corners of his mouth began to pull up.

Everything could be solved. Bulla would go home when she was strong enough to endure the journey there. Time travel isn't exactly a walk in the park. After she recovers… he would have tear whatever bond he has with her, like prying off a band-aid. It might hurt when the skin is clinging on to the adhesion… but it's for the best.

As he trudged along the sidewalk, the post light being his only guide, Trunks took in that he would have to say goodbye. Just when he started to say hello again…

With each thought, his steps became heavier and harder to take. His chest felt like a spiked lump was lodged in the middle and his palms felt clammy. A cold sweat began to trace down his spine but slowly trickled into a run.

It came to a point where he could no longer walk, no longer think, and no longer breathe. It felt… unfair… The universe just decided to make him completely alone. It's not that he wanted Bulla to stay away from her family, he was just jealous she had a family. People to talk to…

Trunks lowered his head and ran a hand through his greasy lavender hair. He could make do with a shower…

Days since Bulla's disappearance: 99

Bulma could feel her head again, like all the pesky and awful worries zoomed out the window that is her ear. Her hair was pushed back by her formerly soft hand. She filled her lungs with air and began to continue thinking.

She brought a flat hand to her forehead and inhaled. Her eyes darted up to the dragon towering over her. Her voice finally made an appearance. "Bring my daughter back home!" she roared.

Shenron's eyes glowed for a moment. Nothing happened. The parents of the missing child were pushed beyond any limits of pain. Perhaps she was just around here somehwere…

"Well!?" Vegeta barked, his power level flaring while his hair was flickered with gold.

Shenron remained as emotionless as ever. "The one called Bulla, wishes to remain where she is."

All noise went mute. Vegeta let his anger surge through him. The universe was done teasing him. A sick game… That's what this was. Nothing held him back from transforming into the very thing desperation molded him into being.

His his calloused hands clenched to the point where his digits drew blood from his palm. His right leg took one step towards Shenron. "You stupid fool! You are supposed to bring my kin back! And now you're telling me that she doesn't want to come back!?" he roared, his aura being so thick, you could practically touch it. It sent some to the ground when it flared.

Gohan faced the angered father, and placed his hands on his shoulders. His dark onyx eyes weren't playing when they stared into the symbolic green irises of Vegeta. "Calm down. We can settle this."

Vegeta shook him off and sped towards the dragon, being stopped by Gohan once again, with a clean thrust to his lower left cheek. The kid had gone soft. "Vegeta! Knock it off! Bulla wouldn't want to see you like this! Would she!?"

The man froze. He closed his eyes and lifted his head. Kakarot's brat was right. This was no way to get Bulla back. His cheek throbbed but he himself felt no pain, not even when he let himself dull down to his dark hair and eyes. No pain could compare.

Gohan let his guard down with the man in front of him and turned to look back at the mighty Shenron. His mind was a bit rattled. He walked back towards the hurt mother and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Bulla… doesn't want to come back? That doesn't make any sense… We're all she knows… Why isn't she jumping at this chance?" Bulma choked. Her mind went through everything that had happened. And then, when all thoughts clicked she remembered something.

Her daughter had to be wished back to life… Which means that she had died. Alone. Bulma could feel her stomach topple over inside her body. Shouldn't she have felt something? Mother's intuition was supposed to warn her of this kind of thing!

The legs keeping her up buckled, making her fall to the ground on which she had formerly stood her guard. Her hands clenched the the grassy turf, ripping the green from its home. Tears welled up on her bottom eyelids. How could things have gotten this bad?

She felt as if she were the worst mother to have ever existed. She didn't even know how Bulla was at the moment. She must have been scared. The little girl in which she at one time cradled in her very arms, was without anyone she knew. The excruciating pain which Bulma contained went off edge when the repugnant and insufferable notions continued to roll in her blue haired head.

She stayed on the ground. She couldn't be brought down any lower could she?

Gohan could never know what it felt to have your child stripped away from you, nor did the curiosity of knowing ever tempt him, but he and the others could only offer comfort. Before his very eyes, the man that once tried to slaughter him and his father, was breaking down.

The woman whom he associated strength and courage was falling apart. He didn't know what to do. He looked to his wife and gestured towards Bulma. She nodded and kneeled to pick the poor woman up. His eyes scanned for Vegeta and found him, aimlessly walking in circles. He was at a loss… for anything.

A hand ran through his hair in attempts to get the thoughts flowing. He had been in a situation similar to this. His own father, after being wished to return, refused to do so. He never thought that it would happen again… In his lifetime anyway.

All this misery… from a time machine? You would think that there was a return button or something.

Gohan's neck turned towards his own parents. The half Saiyan figured the only one close to knowing what it felt like to have your child taken away was his mother… He never really put much thought into how much him fighting hurt her. He almost felt ashamed.

Krillin was holding his head, concentrating on what could be done. Eighteen had a hand to her forehead, following her husband.

Bulma slowly lifted her head. It felt so painful to even have to move. Her eyes were almost blinded by the bright yellow aura of the mighty dragon that could not retrieve her daughter. She could at least know how her daughter was doing, right?

All the pain Bulla endeared, she wished would be placed square upon her shoulders. As her mother, wouldn't it be logical? It seemed only natural. All she wanted was to hold her baby in her arms again. She always believed that with her husband and her wealth and technology that her children would always remain safe and happy.

And now, she knew nothing. She felt agony in the wells of her being. Her heart ached and her body was the representative of all the pain. It was nothing compared to what Bulla was probably going through.

She stood up with the aid of Videl. Her legs felt weak. She just wanted to roll over and… die? She knew she had to be strong but… it was too hard to have your hopes be crushed over and over again… like a never ending torture.

Her thumbs rubbed over her eyes to dry them. "I wish to know how Bulla is! Is she safe?" she screamed. Everyone's head snapped when she had made the final wish.

Shenron growled but agreed. "She is safe… But she is confused about where her parents are." Bulma let herself breath. At least she knew that her daughter was fine. She looked to her husband; he seemed to be relaxing. Bulla was wondering where they were. Bulma would see her daughter again before if she had anything to say about it!

Shenron spoke, "I have completed two wishes. I bid you farewell." With that, the mighty eternal dragon disappeared into the orange spheres and they parted ways.

Bulma smiled. Her daughter was safe… That was all she needed to keep going. She would not sit around anymore. There was a way to get her back, and she would find it.

In a five year old's dream…

She had never seen so much candy in her entire life! The rivers were pure sweetness, the milk chocolate mountains went as far as the eye could see. The taffy palm trees were so lovely and delicious. She could stay forever.

She was under a canopy of gumdrops, basking in the vanilla scented air when an intrusion came. It was as if she could feel it in her body.

A voice spoke to her. "You have been requested to return to your family. Do you wish to return?"

Her mind rattled for a bit. Her consciousness was brought back. She knew he was dreaming. But wasn't it supposed to end?

Family. As far as she knew, she had only a brother. Why would he want her to return from such a wonderful place? What did she care anyhow? This was all a dream. And for the moment, she would like to stay in her candy paradise.

"No… I want to stay here!" she shouted. She felt that if she didn't scream, he wouldn't hear her over his own mighty voice.

The voice spoke for the final time. "As you wish."

And that was the end to everything. She woke up, her eyes slowly blinking back into reality. Her candy paradise being replaced by the man at her side again. She raised herself up and pouted. She really liked the dream before the awful voice came in. What a buzz kill.

The smell of sanitizer wafting in the air made her nose crinkle. The light sun rays told her that it was still early, but sleeping wasn't an option anymore. When her yawns became present, the man awoke as well.

"You're awake?" he asked stretching his limbs. She continued to stare at him. Was this her only family?

She slowly nodded to him. He smiled and looked around, the dim rays of sun confusing him of what time it was.

"You hungry?" he inquired rubbing his cheek; he had slept on it wrong.

There was a question eating away at her mind. Something she had wanted to ask before but he hadn't let her. Where were her parents? Her eyes poured themselves on him. He was still waiting for an answer.

Her head shook as a response. She really wasn't hungry but the question sure was. "Where are mom and dad?"

His teal eyes widened and in between his lips was a gap of nothing. He was speechless. She would've poked for an answer but a woman in a white coat entered the room.

"Good morning! I see you're awake," her smile was too cheeky for the morning, "Mr. Briefs may I speak to you outside for a moment?" she asked turning towards the door.

He nodded and placed a hand on Bulla, a sign that he'd be right back. He made his way out the door, despite the clear expression of annoyance on Bulla's face.

The doctor smiled and made sure the door was shut before speaking. "Mr. Briefs... Her tests came back and… by some miracle, all traces of temporal damage was gone. As if it were never there…"

Trunks could feel the happy gland in his head do summer saults. But what about her memory? "She doesn't seem to remember anything… Can you tell me about that?"

The doctor scratched her head and frowned. "It's normal for trauma patients. It might be permanent or it might come back with time. What she needs is a nurturing home. We can discharge her today if the tests come back as well as they did. But try not to overwhelm her with too much information. When patients are bombarded with things they are supposed to know, they tend to… freak out."

Trunks bit the inside of his cheek. How was he supposed to tell her she was from a different timeline?

Days since Bulla's Disappearance: 21 days

Everyone remained where they were, too shocked to move, and too shock to speak.

"So… What now?" Videl asked, cocking her head.

Most shrugged in response. Gohan continued to think. "We think of ways to bring Bulla back. We just have to put our minds together…"

Bashuheubdejnrj; I updated! I promise, quicker updates from now on! Soo… What'd ya think? REVIEW and tell me.

P.S. The Mirai timeline goes about five times faster than the Original timeline.