A/N: At last I completed it. I am not satisfied with the ending but i didn't want to leave it unfinished for long. I may rewrite it some other time, but for now it is finished. I am hoping for at least 10 reviews for my first fic. So please review...

Harry groaned loudly as someone making him to wake up too early in the morning. Somebody again shook him up. Cursing loudly Harry got up and it took him couple of minutes to wake up completely.

Harry was surprised to see Ron standing before and he appeared to be already ready for the office. Panicking that he may have overslept harry grabbed the alarm clock to see it's still very early in the morning.

"Ron, why did you wake me up? It's still early and where the hell you are going this early in the morning." Harry asked grabbing his glasses from the night stand.

"Sorry mate I forgot to tell you yesterday night, Hermione is leaving to Australia and her Portkey is just half an hour from now. I am going to give her send off. You want to come?" Ron asked checking his appearance in the mirror.

"Why is she going to Australia? And I thought you two were not in speaking terms." Harry asked getting up from the bed.

"She is moving there permanently, she says since we broke up nothing is holding down her here. Well even we are not in speaking terms we were best friends right." Ron said taking his wand out.

"WHAT?" Harry shouted startling Ron. "Why didn't she tell me? What the hell she is thinking at all? How can she move to Australia? We have to stop her Ron." Harry shouted frantically, all his sleepiness vanished as somebody poured a bucket full of cold water on his head.

"Actually she told me to tell you but it was sudden decision, I forgot to tell you." Ron said apologetically.

"How can you just forget to tell me this? If she goes away now I am going to kill you Ron." Harry said shouting as he took Ron's hand and apparated them straight away to Brad's flat just to find it is locked.

"I think you are stressed too much mate you apparated us to the wrong place." Ron said looking at the surroundings.

Harry didn't reply, his mind is working very fast. He is never going to forgive himself if Hermione goes to Australia leaving Ron and that too because of him. He quickly came to a decision he sent a patronus to Brad and told him to come to Ron and Hermione's flat.

"Harry what are you doing? Why do you want that idiot to come to my flat? He is the reason Hermione and I split up." Ron asked with a bewildered look on his face.

"There is no time for the explanations Ron, we have to stop Hermione." Harry said as he took Ron's hand and apparated them to Ron's flat.

Harry greeted with a view of Hermione levitating the huge bags outside. Harry let out a sigh of relief seeing Hermione.

"Hermione, you can't leave. I know you love Ron, just because you are having a rough patch doesn't mean you should leave the country." Harry said desperately.

"I am not going to be with this man who doubts me constantly without reason. Whatever speech you have planned for stopping me you better forget it. No matter what you say I am leaving this place and that's final." Hermione said throwing Ron a withering look.

"I didn't come here to fight with you Hermione. Please listen to me. I am the reason for your break up. I was jealous of Ron and I was out of my mind. I don't why I did this but I planned your every fight with Parker and we created doubts and misunderstandings. Please Hermione don't go Ron loves you and I know you love him." Harry said everything he has been holding for past few days.

"Harry, you don't have to do this. I know you; you would never do anything like that. Just to make me stay here you don't have to lie and you shouldn't have to cover it for Ron. I know he doesn't love me." Hermione said looking concernedly at Harry.

Harry felt like pulling out his hair. He doesn't know whether to feel happy at Hermione's confidence on him or sad that he doesn't deserve that kind of trust.

"Hermione, I am not being noble or anything here. I am telling everything honestly. If you don't believe me you just wait I called Parker he must be on his way. Please just wait for some time. If you go now you will regret later." Harry said and to his surprise he saw Parker coming out of the apartment.

"Hello, Mr. Potter, I am glad I finally met you." Parker said with a huge smile on his face.

"Parker, thank Merlin, you are finally here. You don't have to act anymore. Just tell Hermione and Ron about our plan and how we split them." Harry said frantically pulling Parker in front of Ron and Hermione.

"What are you saying Mr. Potter? I don't understand." Parker asked with confusion written all over his face.

"You idiot, I want you to tell them about our plant to make Ron jealous and pull out a prat out of him." Harry said angrily.

"I don't know what you are saying and I don't know anything about your plan Mr. Potter." Parker said with a blank expression on his face.

Harry couldn't control his anger anymore. He lunged at Parker but was held back by a invisible shield suddenly appeared from Hermione's wand. "YOU LYING BASTARD, I WILL KILL YOU." Harry started throwing punches at the shield and was thrown back.

"TELL THEM THE TRUTH OR ELSE I WILL KILL YOU." Harry shouted from the other side of the shield.

Ron who was silent spectator until then started laughing. Hermione threw him an angry look.

"Sorry Hermione I couldn't stop myself. You should have seen the look on his face. If not for you he would have killed Parker." Ron said clutching his stomach.

"Ron, you spoiled everything." Hermione huffed and walked towards Ron and gave him a kiss straight on the lips.

Harry who was angry beyond words until than was at loss of words. He didn't understand anything happening in front of him.

"Sorry mate, Parker told about your plans before itself." Ron said shrugging his shoulders with Hermione still in his arms.

"But… When… How…" Harry stuttered with bewildered expression. "But why didn't you confront me?" Harry asked.

"We wanted you to realize your own mistake. So we just played along with you. See you realized your own mistake and you just confessed everything just to bring us back together even though you know once we know the truth you may lose your best friends in the world." Hermione said.

"I don't know what I was thinking. I know what I did was unforgivable. But all I can do is beg you to forgive me. I am sorry guys please forgive me." Harry said with remorse.

"Its ok mate, I forgave you. You know you forgave me many times for being an arse many times in the past. Let's say everybody deserves a chance." Ron said consolingly.

"Hermione?" Harry asked looking at Hermione.

"Oh Harry, of course I forgive you. You are like my brother." Hermione said hugging Harry.

"But, you were packing and all. Where are you going?" Harry asked looking at the luggage.

"Hermione and I are going for a holiday with Hermione's parents. So we ended our drama a bit earlier than we intended." Ron said smiling.

"But you could have said it before itself." Harry said. "You know how much I regretted doing that to you."

"We just wanted you to suffer a bit. You know best friend or not, nobody gets away with getting between Hermione and I." Ron said. "But mate, all is forgiven and forgot. But thanks to you, I won the bet." Ron said smugly.

"What bet?" Harry asked smiling.

"You don't want to know the terms and conditions." Ron said winking. "But I said I you wear pink trousers with heart symbols. Because they are Ginny's favorite." Hermione turned away blushing.

"Oh give it a break mate. I don't wear anything like that." Harry denied.

"Well I know you will never agree. But mate look down once." Ron said looking smug all over.

Harry looked down and found that he was wearing nothing but the trousers and Ron is right. He is going to kill him. Harry lunged at Ron as Hermione and Parker started laughing clutching their stomachs.