
Agent Jared Stack walks off the elevator onto the 4th floor of the 12th precinct. His walk is more akin to an attack. He is obviously not a very happy person. He is closely followed by Supervising Special Agent Ramirez and Agent Raylene Dodson

"Detective Beckett, may I have a word with you" Agent Stack says with an extremely high level of angst in his voice

"Certainly" Beckett responds. As she stands, she smiles toward her fellow officers and partner, and then follows the federal agents as they move toward the conference room.

Once Agent Stack closes the door he turns and begins a "Detective! I need to know how you did it? I had an entire team brought here from DC along with several agents from the local FBI field office and all the technical support to deal with a very sensitive case involving national security and you and your group of misfits sticks your nose into my case"

"I'm sorry, Stack, but I didn't know the New York police were denied the right to investigate murders that happen inside our city. Or does your department want to blunder thru cases that it has no business getting involved in while wasting taxpayer's money?" Kate responds with just a little glee in her answer

Stack turns toward the other two Special Agents with a face full of anger "Well Beckett I have to admit that you solved this case in a way I never thought about and obviously these two did not either"

"Well, Stack, what is it you want? For me and my team to gloat or for us to wait for you to apologize to us for your department's ineptitude? "

"Actually, Detective Beckett. Neither. I came here today to again offer you the job with the task force. But this time the job is not just as an agent. This time it is the SSA"

Kate looks at Agent Stack with wonderment in her eyes "Stack! I already told you no, that I was not interested in the offer"

"I know but what you did with this case shows how much we need to in DC. How much good you would do if we had you there"

Agent Dodson tries to interrupt "Sir, as I said I saw more than just Detective Bec…"

"Agent Dodson DO NOT interrupt" Agent Ramirez comments

"Sir. I will interrupt as long as you two continue this charade. I watched this case unfold. And I can tell you that the four of them solved this together as a team. Not just Beckett alone. She is the team leader, yes, but it took all of them. So if you want to learn from them, you need everyone"

She looks over to Kate "I have learned a giant lesson from these detectives and I will be tendering my resignation as soon as we return to DC and I hope to apply for a position here in New York. If I am lucky they might let me learn from this team and if either one of you has a brain in his head, you will ask for the help of these four in solving crimes or at the very least, have them train you. You could learn a lot from them"

And she turns and exits the room.

"So, Agent Stack, I think that just about covers our conversation, don't you?" Kate asks of the two men left standing

"Actually, Detective, I still think my five year plan sounds better than anything else you have. Don't you?"

"No Stack, I don't. As I said, in five years, I will be married to Richard Castle and I immediately will have one child, a step daughter, but Rick and I are going to have more together. And with the help of the best detectives in New York, we will still be solving crimes without your computers, smart boards, and data mining. We use good old fashioned police work. And at the end of the day, we know exactly who we arrested and what family member we helped."

Kate looks out toward her partners "And that's enough for me!"

Kate walks out to the bull pin, takes Castle's arm and along with her detective partners they leave the floor

Another brain explosion over with. Thank Goodness