Fair warning, this gets raunchy very quickly. There is graphic language and sexual content, violence, and abuse. Viewer discretion is advised.

I sped down the highway in whatever direction was farthest from Vegas. I wasn't sure where I was going or what I would do when I got there, but I was damn sure I'd be as far from Jack as my Audi A5 Premium Quantro would allow.

"Shit." I muttered to myself as I realized how seriously lost I was. Being lost in the desert at sunset was probably one of the worst situations one could be in. Falling close second was having serious withdrawals and fucking starving in the middle of the desert at sunset. Unfortunately, I was about to experience both firsthand.

I had tossed my cell phone out the window along with the tracking device Jack didn't know I knew about at the border between Nevada and Utah. Any connection between us had to be severed immediately following my speedy getaway. That, unfortunately, left me stranded without a way out.

I came up on my first road sign in the past 100 miles. "Cainville, UT: Next Exit." I recognized the name from one of Jack's dealers. They imported some potent meth from this place a time or two. I figured it was my only option for another hundred miles with all the canyons and hills of red clay I had passed out here anyway, so I took the exit.

The one road in town led to a shithole bar in the center of it all called "Luna Mesa." It seemed as though every car in town was parked outside of the establishment so I decided it was probably a safe enough place to stop and get a feel for this town.

I was still wearing the skirt and top I had on earlier and I silently cursed myself for not changing prior to arriving here. I pulled a cigarette from the pack in my purse and lit it before exiting the car. I made sure to lock the doors before headed to the bar.

Once inside, I realized the bar was inhabited solely by men and every eye in the joint was on me. Ignoring the attention, I sauntered to the bar and leaned into it, extenuating ample cleavage for the bartender; an older man who seemed to be Hispanic.

"What can I get for you, dear?" He asked, seemingly impervious.

"Jack and Coke." I announced, grabbing an ashtray and pulling it towards me. He handed me the drink and I stirred it with my finger, sucking the liquid off to sample the cocktail before downing it in one gulp.

"Another?" He asked.

"Sure, papi. Also, I was wondering if you knew where I could get some stuff." I took a long draw from my cigarette, letting out circular puffs of smoke in the barkeeps facing before butting the cigarette out.

"I'm in the market for nose candy." I casually sipped from the new drink the man passed over to me.

"We don have anything quit that lavish in these parts, miss."

"How about motels, guapo?"

He ignored my obvious insult and answered me anyway. "About three miles west. Follow the road out to the fork and take a left." He said before walking off.

I pulled a bill out of my bra and left it on the counter feeling completely dejected. I wasn't gonna get a fix out here, I could at least find a place to take a damn shower. I took one last sip from my drink and left the glass on the bar.

"Baby girl needs a place to stay, huh?" Said a raspy voice behind me. I felt a sharp sting in my left ass cheek before I spun to face my assailant. "Got room in my bed. Gotta pay the admission price, though." He snickered, leaning into me and placing his hand on my hip. On contact, a surge of moisture rushed between my thighs. "What's yer name, sweetheart?"

"You can call me Lola, or don't call me at all." I mocked, biting my lower lip as his fingers lingered on my thigh.

He was sinister, handsome, but he had obvious meth mouth that almost ruined the whole façade, but the huskiness of his voice almost made up for it. All in all, he was perfectly my type.

I made an attempt to push him backwards, but he laughed at my failure and only leaned closer into me, the scruff on his chin now ticking my neck as he took a deep whiff of my perfume. "The fuck is a fancy bitch like you doin' out here, huh? Fell right out of heaven into yer own personal hell."

"Get the fuck off of me, hick." I bit back, stomping his instep with my spike heel.

He growled at the sudden pain and his hand quickly found my neck. "You do that again, bitch, it'll be the last thing you do." He reached in his pocket with the hand not currently cutting off my larynx. "Sides, I'm tryin' ta do ye a favor." He produced something from his pocket and slipped his hand down the waistband of my skirt into my thing lace panties. "Free sample." He muttered as his fingers loosened the object he was holding, but didn't stop there. They ventured further into the confines of my crotch, probing the delicate flesh. "Fuck bitch, yer wet for me already." He muttered against my throat, his tongue licking the length of the skin there up to my chin before I heard the definite sound of a shotgun cocking.

"Let the girl go, Mac." The bartender said.

"Fuck, Walt. I'm just breaking in the newbie." He said, feigning innocence and taking a definite step backwards, holding up both hands.

"Best git outta here, miss." The barkeep muttered to me. I looked back and forth between these two men.

'Mac' winked at me defiantly, taking the two fingers he had just used to assault my pussy into his mouth, making a show of sucking all of my juices from his hand. "I'll be seeing you."

I walked out, absolutely disgusted with the entire ordeal. Not only with this strange character, Mac, but with myself. Why had I been so stupid? What's more, why was I so incredibly turned on by this disgusting horror of a man?

I got back into my car and reluctantly reached into my panties to pull out the bag Mac had placed there. It was full off a white powder, but I could tell by the grit of it that it was meth. I had never tried meth before, it wasn't my drug of choice, but shit, it was better than nothing.

I dipped my pinky into the bag, using my nail to dig out a bit of the powder before bringing it up to my nose, holding the opposite nostril and taking a deep snort, rubbing my nose to get a good hit. It stung worse than coke, that was for sure. I dipped my pinky into my mouth and ran it along my gums to get the little remaining powder off my finger.

The euphoria I felt from the drug was almost instant. I realized quickly that I should make it to this motel before I forgot my own name. I pulled out of my parking spot and fishtailed out onto the dirt road and into the dark desert.

It had been a long fucking day. The heat in the cave was too much. Wearing that fucking gas mask the whole time as he was cooking didn't help. All Mac wanted was a stiff fucking drink.

The old man handed him a whiskey straight as he settled in on his side of the bar with a few of the regulars there. By no means would he call them friends, but they kept each other company as they got shit faced. They'd buy from him every once in a while. Respected him. Mac wasn't the kind of guy you'd tangle with.

He was slowly getting more and more shit faced by the time this saucy little number walked into the bar wearing clothes that left little to the imagination. She had long dark hair that reached to her navel in flowing waves. Mac found himself wanting to pull that fucking hair. She leaned over the bar, showing off her full set of tits and her ripe round ass in one motion. She was just asking for it, the little slut.

She ordered a Jack and Coke and sucked the liquid off of her fucking finger. Mac's dick twinged in my coveralls as he watched her practically begging for someone to walk over and fuck her against the bar.

He walked a little closer and heard her ask about getting some blow. Rich little bitch didn't know what she was asking for. People around here probably haven't even seen coke before. When he heard her ask about a motel, he could barely contain himself. He waited for the Spic to leave before he approached her.

"Baby girl needs a place to stay, huh?" He asked, bring the palm of his hand into contact with the rump of her ass that was peaking out of that tiny fucking skirt. "Got room in my bed. Gotta pay the admission price, though." He could feel her twinge at the contact and a surge of blood rushed to his dick. "What's yer name, sweetheart?"

"You can call me Lola, or don't call me at all." She began biting on that flush, full lower lip of hers. Her skin was flawless, tanned and taught. Her eyes were deep blue. Mac imagined them cowering in fear, full to the brim with tears as she begged him for her life.

She tried to shove him and nearly toppled over in those heels of hers. He couldn't help but laugh, pushing her back into the counter of the bar and leaning into her neck. She even smelled rich. "The fuck is a fancy bitch like you doin' out here, huh? Fell right out of heaven into yer own personal hell."

"Get the fuck off of me, hick." She brought that heel down onto his instep and red hot rage sparked behind Mac's eyes.

He grabbed her neck in the palm of my hand and was mesmerized by how perfectly it fit in his grasp. "You do that again, bitch, it'll be the last thing you do." He reached in his pocket as she began to gasp for air. "Sides, I'm tryin' ta do ye a favor." He reached down her skirt with the party favor and found her completely bare. "Free sample." He slid his fingers into her sweet little cunt to find her very tight and very wet. "Fuck bitch, yer wet for me already." He ran his slimy tongue along her throat and felt her shudder under the touch. He was gonna have a good time making this bitch scream.

He backed off when he heard the Spic cock his shot gun. "Let the girl go, Mac."

"Fuck, Walt. I'm just breaking in the newbie." He said, holding up his hands.

"Best git outta here, miss." Walter told the new girl.

Before she left, Mac winked at her, ramming the two fingers he just pulled out of her tight little pussy into his mouth and running his tongue over the digits. She was sweet and tangy and utterly irresistible. "I'll be seeing you." He watched that sweet little ass swish out the door. Walter turned to his son,, lowering the riffle.

"Stay the fuck away from her, ya hear?"

"Mind yer own fuckin' business, old man."

"She's just a distraction, Mac. Only passing through. We've got our own shit to deal with. Did you get the batches ready for Vegas, yet?"

"Almost." He gave Mac that disappointed look. "It'll get done, don't worry." He muttered. He kept that fucking glare trained on Mac. "I'll go right now." He mumbled, walking out of the bar into the cold desert air. He leaned on his truck as he watched the tail lights of an impossibly nice car rumble down the dirt road and knew exactly who was at the wheel. He pulled a tin out his pants pocket, pinched off a good helping of meth, and ran the bulk of the drug over his gums, stinging it's way into Mac's blood stream quickly. "Couldn't hurt ta have a little fun first."