This is the last update! Wahhh! Hope you all enjoy the epilogue, it's been a pleasure writing this story :)

Disclaimer: I don't own Glee!

"Let's hear it for our second straight national championship, baby!" Blaine roared at the top of his lungs, whilst the rest of the Glee Club cheered and wooped. "On behalf of Mr Schuester, who can't be here tonight in case Coach Sylvester gets too suspicious of his friendship with teenagers, I would like to thank you all for your incredible performance in LA two days ago, especially you Marley…you quit until two weeks ago but you still killed our duet! It's been a crazy few weeks for us but we did it guys, we did it!" The New Directions cheered again. Blaine jumped down off of the table he was standing on.

"Oh!" He shouted quickly. "I almost forgot, thank you Tina for hosting this celebratory party," he added, before ending his speech once and for all. Kitty replaced him on the table.

"Glee people, I have an announcement to make," she declared. "Well technically two…first of all I just wanted to thank you all for how kind you've been to me since I left hospital…I don't feel like I deserve it…I've been horrible to pretty much every single one of you at least once, but…yeah. You're the best." The group 'aww-ed' and clapped. "Also," she continued, "you all know that not long ago my Mom kicked out my cheating asshole of a Dad, and is filing for divorce. Well…let's just say that, having a Dad who is a) a very powerful man within Lima and b) totally needs to make a lot up to me, has its advantages…" Kitty looked back at a sea of confused faces, and continued her explanation. "Basically I told my Dad that I might consider speaking to him again in my lifetime if he pulled some strings to blackmail Coach Sue into giving me another chance on the Cheerios. Long story short, it worked, I got a second try-out, and obviously aced it, and…this girl right here is back to her rightful position as head cheerio and top dog at McKinley!" The Glee club broke into rapturous applause, and, grinning, Kitty jumped down from the table, before they all got back to their fun.

"Hey there beautiful," a familiar voice whispered into Marley's ear. She spun around and grinned, and stood up on her tiptoes to peck Ryder on the lips. After their topsy-turvy year, they were finally boyfriend and girlfriend; Ryder had officially asked Marley just after they won Nationals.

"Hey," she replied, smiling. Her grin was all she needed to prompt Ryder to lean down and kiss her again, more deeply this time.

"Get a room!" A recognizable, sarcastic voice interrupted them. They broke the kiss, and Marley turned to raise her eyebrow at Kitty, before breaking into a grin. Ryder was quickly distracted by Sam, so Marley turned to talk to her.

"So…" she started. "While we're on the subject…" She said, suggestively. Kitty's eyes widened.

"Oh my God! You and Ryder did it?!" she exclaimed.

"No!" Marley replied, shocked. "At least…not yet…" Kitty rolled her eyes, but smiled.

"You know, if you keep this up, I think you should consider removing the 'L' and the 'E' from your name, and become Mary, named for history's most famous virgin…" Kitty joked. Marley laughed, and playfully swatted her on the arm.

"I'm just waiting until I'm ready!" She exclaimed to her friend. "Besides, I wasn't talking about me. I was talking about you."

"Me?!" Kitty asked. "Me and who?" She asked, although she knew exactly what the answer would be.

"You and Jake of course!" Came Marley's predictable reply. Kitty sighed and looked down. She was embarrassed, a very rare thing for Kitty Wilde to be. "Oh come on, Kitty!" Marley exclaimed. "Now that I am no longer clouded by my own no-longer-there feelings for him, it's obvious; you really like Jake and he really likes you! This is a party! It's your perfect opportunity! Look, he's over there on his own, go talk to him." She prompted, pointing over to Jake, who was leaning against a wall, watching the room. Kitty inhaled and exhaled deeply, psyching up her game.

"Okay." She affirmed, and Marley squealed excitedly. "But don't forget we have something important to do before we leave." She reminded her.

"Oh, I won't forget," Marley replied. Kitty nodded, then swaggered over to Jake with confidence.

"Hi Jake," she said, smiling at him. He looked up, snapped out of his trance, and smiled when he saw who it was.

"Congrats on getting back on Cheerios," he told her, by way of greeting.

"Thanks." She replied. "Congrats to you too. You killed your dance solo at nationals." Jake grinned gratefully at her compliment, before his tone turned more serious.

"So…how are you Kitty? Like, really? You know with the…" he trailed off, wondering how to approach the subject of her extensive psychiatric treatment.

"I'm ok. It's kind of hard trying to explain to a shrink why I ran away when I don't even know myself, but…I'm much, much better," she explained ironically, wondering if that might confuse Jake too much, but he simply nodded understandingly.

"That's great." He smiled. "So…it's kinda loud in here…do you wanna go somewhere more quiet?" he asked hopefully, and Kitty nodded, and, just as they had done the last time they had been here, on that fateful, fateful evening, they slipped discreetly out into the front hallway.

Marley watched from the other side of the room, grinning.

"What are you smiling at Miss Rose?" Ryder asked, putting an arm around his girlfriend's shoulder and kissing her on the cheek.

"Just…call me Cupid, Ryder." She giggled. "That is the easiest match I'm ever going to make." Ryder looked back at her with a confused expression. "Kitty and Jake. I totally just set them up." She explained, grinning proudly at her achievement.

"Really?" Ryder asked, surprised. Marley nodded happily, and he grinned, happy that Jake was obviously no longer a threat to his relationship with her.

The party was drawing to a close, and people were starting to leave.

"Marls, do you want me to give you a ride home?" Ryder asked chivalrously.

"Oh, thanks babe, but Kitty said she would…we actually have to do something before we leave, can you help me find her?" She asked. Ryder nodded.

They did not take long to find Kitty. They walked into the hallway and immediately discovered her and Jake, passionately making out by the stairs. They looked at each other and burst out laughing, before approaching the couple, who had heard them, and were now looking very embarrassed.

"I hate to interrupt this beautiful moment," Marley giggled, "but Kitty, we have important business to tend to," she said, and the blonde nodded, looking back knowingly. They kissed 'their boys' goodnight, and disappeared back further into the house.

"Dude!" Ryder exclaimed, teasing his best friend, who smirked. "So…are you two gonna date now?"

"I hope so…" Jake said simply. "So…what do think this business they need to attend to is?" He asked, nodding in the direction Kitty and Marley had just gone.

"Who knows?" Ryder asked, shrugging. "Girls…" They both laughed, said goodbye to Tina, and left.

The girls in question searched Tina's house with purpose, until they found her, cowering nervously in a bedroom upstairs. She had obviously been fearing this moment all night.

"Hello," Kitty greeted her, with sarcastic acidity. "Do you remember us by any chance?"

"So you swap back?" Tina's Grandmother asked. "So it's good, yes?" She stuttered.

"Yes we swapped back. After YOUR cursed fortune cookie completely screwed up both our states of mind and almost killed one of us!" Kitty shrieked. Marley let her do the talking, but still stood menacingly beside her, hands on hips.

"I didn't mean for that to happen-" the old woman muttered, before Kitty interrupted her.

"Just shut up, lady. Just be thankful that Marley here won't let me beat you up!"

"Please don't hurt me!" She pleaded.

"Like I said, we're not gonna hurt you. As long as you promise to never, ever, EVER, give anyone a voodoo cookie again. Because if we find out you have, Marley will not stop me from hurting you. In fact, she'll help me. You understand me?" Kitty yelled.

"I promise!" The old lady said, sincerely.

"Good!" Kitty replied, with a fake smile. With that, Marley and Kitty left the room and made their way out of the house, and got into Kitty's car.

"So, am I driving you home or do you wanna come back for a sleepover at mine?" Kitty asked.

"Oh…that sounds awesome! Besides, you need to tell me everything that happened that lead up to you and Jake sucking each other's face," she giggled. "Oh…but I don't have any stuff."

"Shall we stop by your house to pick some things up? It's not that late, your Mom will still be up right?" Kitty asked.

"Awesome, yeah, she probably will." Marley affirmed. "Do you know the way to my house?" She joked. Kitty laughed.

"Yeah," she giggled. "I've been there once or twice!" The two girls laughed, and Kitty turned towards Lima Heights Adjacent.

So that's it! Thanks so much for reading guys, I love you so much! That's my second published multi-chapter story finished, I feel quite emotional :p I would really really love a review from you all, I will make sure to reply- if you are signed in/on tumblr, I will PM you or thank you on tumblr if applicable, if you are a guest, I can edit your review and add my reply on the end of it. Thanks!

(Shameless self-promotion time:) If you liked this story, ship Ryley, and have not been reading my other on-going story 'Ryder's Chance', please check it out, it's currently on chapter 10 but will be updated in a couple of days and have many more chapters! I am also starting another Ryley fic soon :)

To my reviewers:

Ember411: 2 reviews, you spoil me! Reading and reviewing in school, you badass, you :p Yup, they're friends now :) I know, so sad…tomorrow for you I guess, morning of the day after tomorrow for me. I'm not ready :( Oh, and here was your Jitty, which I hope you enjoyed. I do love me some Jitty! Thanks for being such a loyal reviewer to this story :)

TeaAndGlee: Hooray, I'm so glad! And yay, Ryley finally happened :p Hope the epilogue was enjoyable, and thanks for all your reviews on this fic.

Gleeatic713: Thanks! Aw, you're welcome. Aww, I'll miss this story too, I've loved writing it! Hope you continue to enjoy my writing and thanks for all your rylazing reviews on this story!

Gleek555: Aw, you're so sweet! Aw, I'm sad it's over too! I am/will be writing more- see above :), and thank you!

xlilmisswarblerx: Oh, thank you so much, that's such a lovely compliment :')

savannaramirez35: Yay for every Ryley kiss! Thanks! Here is the epilogue :p Thanks once again for being such a loyal reviewer!

Alese222: Yup, they're friends! I did decide to put Kitty on the cheerios as it was her route into college, but I think she'll be much nicer from now on! I agree, I'm pretty sure Bree will be in Glee club soon. I thought the episode was ok, my fave bit was Marley's crazy dancing in Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band! Thanks for all your reviews for this fic!

Littlehoneypot: And now everything is as it should be :) Thanks for all your reviews to this story! :)

And with that, A Journey Soon Begins, I bid thee farewell :'(

Loads of love to all you amazing readers,

Lauren xxx