Tom was standing in the car park waiting for Nicki so that they could go to the hospital when Barry Barry walks out of the front door of the schools main doors. Tom noticed Barry and questioned him "Barry why are you not in class?" Barry was looking for an argument "Sir, why are you not in class?" Barry stood a few metres away from Tom with a cocky stance and a smug look on his face "Don't try to be smart now Barry, we all know that you are not" Tom took a step towards Barry "You calling me stupid again sir, you will trying to kill me next... oh wait you have already tried that right?" Tom realised who he was dealing with and took another step back from the troubled teen "Just get out of here Barry" Barry let out a slight giggle "I can't go yet Sir, you still haven't told me why you are not in your lesson" Barry knew exactly how to wind Tom up, and he was doing a good job of it "Nothing to do with you" Tom could feel in self getting angry just by the presence of Barry, he knew that he couldn't act on it, he got up lightly last time "Got nothing better to say is it Sir?" Barry started to laugh "Just get back to your lesson" Barry seemed to have just come up with an idea "Havant got a teacher, Boston is on a bunk... Hold on, both you and Boston are on a bunk, coincidence? I think not" Tom didn't say anything, he seen Nikki was about to walk through the door and knew that their cover was blown, Barry heard the door go and turned quickly "Ahh my predictions were correct, Boston and Clarkson are getting it on, are you hot for the teacher sir?" Barry tried to contain his laughter, while Tom tried to contain his anger, Nikki noticed Barry talking to Tom and them two together could never be a good sign "Barry get back to the PRU now!" Barry doesn't tend to take any messing from Nikki and followed his marching orders "Have fun with her Sir" Barry give a wink to Tom. Nikki walked over to Tom "everything OK?" Tom sighed "That boy raises my blood pressure through the roof" Nicki pulls tom in "I know a way of pulling it back down" She kisses Tom forcefully on the lips, Tom pulls away "Last time we done that, we got this" Tom pointed to Nikki's stomach "But I wouldn't have it any other way" Nikki smiles and hugs Tom, the pair then enter the car and pull off out of the school.

Nikki and Tom are at the hospital sitting anxiously in the waiting room, Tom has hid hand waiting on Nikki's leg and Nikki has her finger locked into Toms as they wait. Around 15 minutes later a Woman walked out to the waiting room and shouted "Nikki Boston?" The colour drained from Nikki's face as she realised that it was time for her to go in face the fact that she was having a baby, Nikki and Tom slowly stand up hand in hand and follow the nurse towards a small room with a bed and a few monitors inside. Tom squeezed Nikki's hand to show his support.

The 3 of them got to the room where the Nurse explained what was going to happen "Okay Miss Boston if you could lie down on the bed and roll up your shirt for me that would be great" Nikki seems hesitant because of her bad past experience with pregnancy, but she had Tom by her side and she felt that everything was going to go well because of this. She lies down and rolls up her top, while the nurse pus gel on Nikki's stomach. Nikki takes a short deep breath "Oh its cold" She and Tom laugh to cover their signs of complete fear. The Nurse put the monitor on and run the scanner over Nikki's stomach "Well it looks as though you are only around 4/5 weeks pregnant so the picture isn't very large or very easy for you to see" Tom's eyes filled up with tears and Nikki eyes were fixed on the screen that held a picture of her baby. Tom turns to Nikki and kiss' her the most passion anyone could feel in one kiss, the Nurse turns to Tom and Nikki and changes their lives for another time "If you look closely at the screen you can see two little blobs" There was a silence "Its Twins"