This is my first fan fiction so bare with me please :L

Nicki POV

There he was sitting in his chair legs crossed reading the sports edition of today's newspaper, his hair fluffed up but sitting perfectly on his head. His eyes were glistening in the light of the morning sun, I couldn't take my eyes off him.

Lorraine was trying to get Nicki's attention "Nick, Nick are you even listening to me at all?" Nichi ripped her eyes away from Tom and glared at Lorraine "What? Look I got a lot on my mind right now and listening to you isn't helping so just leave me ok" Nicki sounded angry at the fact Lorraine had disturbed her dreaming about Tom, Lorraine took a sigh of anger and stormed off out of the staffroom.

Tom glanced over to Nicki and seen that she seemed distressed and upset, so he went over to see if his friend was feeling ok. Tom sat in the empty seat next to Nicki.

Nicki gazed into Toms eyes as he spoke to her "Nick are you feeling ok? You look upset" She started to think of something to say to Tom as she didn't want him to find out about the feeling that she has for him " Yeah, just got some family stuff that is piling up in my head" Tom placed his hand on Nicki's leg "Well I am always here if you need me at all" When his hand was placed on her leg Nicki felt electricity run through her body, it made her shiver with excitement.


She looked so upset I just wanted to know that she was ok. I was thrown by the feeling of electricity that I felt when I placed my hand her leg, it was mesmerising, I know that she felt it to because I felt her body shiver with emotion. Does she feel the same as I do? Or is it because she is upset?

Tom and Nicki gazed at each other when they felt the spark of electricity run through them, they then realised where they were. Tom looked down at his hand and pulled it away fast from Nicki's leg. He didn't know what to do or say "Nick, I gotta... I ugh Bye" Tom walked away because he didn't know what to do. Nicki sat there in shock, she placed her hand on her head as her eyes filled up with tears, she thinks she has ruined everything with Tom.