Hellooow! :) so happy you're still reading this fic, you are awesome! Seriously awesome!


Disclaimer: No.

"... 5 bottles of milk on the wall, 5 bottles of milk, pick one down, pass it around, 4 bottles of milk on the wall.

4 bottles of milk on the wall, 4 bottles of milk, pick one down, pass it around, 3 bottles of milk on the wall.

3 bottles of milk on the wall, 3 bottles of milk, pick one down, pass it around, 2 bottles of milk on the wall.

2 bottles of milk on the wall, 2 bottles of milk, pick one down, pass it around, 1 bottle of milk on the wall.

1 bottle of milk on the wall, 1 bottle of milk, pick one down, pass it around and all the milk was gone! HEY!"

Mikey bowed a few times for his not existing crowd, and then looked betrayed at the buffalo who was still pulling the cart, acting like Mikey wasn't there.

"You know, you could at least try to be a little more social with me! I just like count down from 500 stupid bottles, and I don't even get a sound?"


"Tshh tuff crowd." Mikey sighed under his breath, sat down and went back to looking at scary tree's, he had already made 3, top 30 scary tree's lists.

Suddenly a chuckle escaped him, "You know you are nothing alike my brother Raph, well at least not on the inside..." He snickered a few times. "Last time I tried that song with Raph I didn't even get to 497 bottles before he slapped me... And he sucks at ignoring me... or I'm just to good at annoying him. Probably a little of both."... Still no reaction from the buffalo being.
"You would have liked him though, he likes people who are quiet and not annoying, but I know that deep down he loves me... Yeah sure he doesn't say it much, and he's always been the type who doesn't share his emotions. But I'm real happy to have him as a big brother, feels like some kind of privilege... He makes me feel safe and secure, he's my hero actually... Don't tell him that I said that though, he would never let me live it down..."

The buffalo stayed in his role of silent draft animal.

"And then you got Leo, *sigh* good old Leo, always in control. When he's in charge, it's bound to end well, he's my big brother also! He's really cool, a little old fashioned but cool, he also likes peaceful and quiet people, but he loves me to! I made him a promise to hold on until they come... Doing good so far mmh?...Ugh who am I kidding? I swear, if he was in my place, he would have broken out for sure! He always got some tricks on his sleeve, and makes sure I know and feel comfortable with each plan. He's the oldest of us all and an amazing leader, but even a more amazing brother! Kinda miss him... A lot."

The trip continued without a word from the buffalo being.

"And then you got the genius of the family and my immediately older brother Donnie, yeah I can feel you thinking 'how did I ever survive 3 big brothers?'. Well honestly I have no idea... maybe thanks to my strong nature. But with Donnie it's a little differed, he doesn't always treat me as a little brother, well most of the time, but not always. He's also the one who understands me the most, I feel really comfortable with him, although he can be a little know-it-all, I mean it's not because your IQ lies in the 300 that you know everything, right?"

Buffalo: ".…..."

"I knew you would understand me." Mikey nodded. "They truly are a hand full, but I'm proud I can call myself their little brother... I just hope they feel the same way about me."


"Oh, oh, oh! Did I already tell you about my master and father? Hamato Splinter? Oh he's really cool! He's the one who thought me ninjutsu, and he's a battle nexus champ also, like his master before him, Hamato Yoshi. But not the video game Mario Yoshi of course, no human Yoshi! First my master was his pet rat... I don't think master Yoshi ever known him differed but now he's a humanoid Rat!" A confused look crossed Mikey's face for a second. "That sounds pretty weird when you say it out loud. ANYWAY, he's an amazing father, besides ninjutsu he taught me about respect, honor, concentration and patience. I still have to work on those last two, but one day I hope to be just like him! Only with a little bit more humor... Okay a lot more humor!"

Mikey settled himself a little straighter and gripped with one hand a bar from the cage, feeling it slide smoothly in his palm.

"You aren't really a companion pet are you?" The buffalo stayed silent as death. "Yeah I figured... Are we there yet?"


"Oh well, 500 bottles of milk on the wall, 500 bottles of milk, pick one down, pass it... Whaaaahh?"

The buffalo pushed trough some tree's and suddenly everything came back, including the sun. Mikey quickly had to cover his eyes, they weren't used to such an amount of light anymore, after being so long in the forest, but now he was out of it. He was now by the highest point of the island. But the strange thing was that the other aliens in cages before him wore back on the path, and when Mikey looked behind him other cages wore pulled out of the forest. 'Definitely not an everyday ordinary forest.' Mikey thought, though he was happy that he was finally out of there.

The path he was riding on now, was surrounded by dead grass and leaded to a giant arena, and with giant, I am super serious that I mean GIANT, maybe 7 times the battle nexus arena +castle.

Mikey couldn't keep his eyes of the dark building, while it was being filled with thousands of cages. It didn't take long before Mikey's cage was in front of the gates, there wore again some roman dressed yeti's making some kind of list up. When the 3 yeti's took a closer look at Mikey, they started growling something to each other. A resolution was made and before Mikey knew it was the buffalo busy getting him through the rest of the cages, who wore being lined up, and brought him right to the front line of all cages.

It was almost like they had a spot reserved for him, he was put on the last spot of the line. But all that wasn't what Mikey was actually looking at. A gaint crowd was looking down on him on..., ever seen the colosseum? Well that but only 100 times bigger and darker, and it didn't look like just any ordinary crowd, but all kinds of rich looking aliens, creatures and other rich life materials the universe so kindly provided us from.

It was almost like the crowd was observing them, like when you went window shopping which pretty much exists out of looking trough the shop windows and judging what you wanted most, or looked the best,...

Suddenly Mikey saw 2 yeti's next to his cage, and if he looked around, by every cage the same scenery was playing. In a flash one of the yeti's was holding up a needle. A red substance was sucked into the needle. Mikey's heart skipped a beat when one of the yeti's held out his claw, wanting Mikey to give him his arm so he could inject Mikey with whatever was in the needle.

Looking around, Mikey saw that in every cage was happening the same thing, well almost... Some creatures wore giving 2 injections one red like Mikey's and then an other green one. Mikey wasn't supposed to get the green one apparently. A growl slapped Mikey back to reality and not really having the upper hand, Mikey was forced to let him inject him. Luckily Mikey didn't receive any pains after the substance entered his body, he could only hope it would stay that way. Soon all the yeti's wore starting to clear them selfs from the arena, leaving the cages with the creatures behind.

The only sound that was present was the talking of the rich looking crowd, but suddenly even that sound was gone.

A shadow of a flying being swooped over the arena, and while doing so making a screeching noise. The being wasn't very big, maybe 3 foot taller then Leo. Unable to look up through the cage Mikey had to make his judgings by the shadow, and according to that, it was flying over the arena a few more times.

Suddenly the screeching noise became harder, indicating that the creature was coming closer to the ground. Finally Mikey was able to see the creature, when it landed.

Mikey quickly noticed that 'it' was a she. She somewhat resembles a upstanding dragon, with her red, dark, long, scaly appearance, red bat wings, red hands with sharp claws and golden piercing eyes. She looked so coldhearted, yet like she meant business. For clothing an even darker then herself red blazer did the trick of completing her just fine.

(Ever seen Dean Hardscrabble from the movie Monsters University? Well she could have been her twin sister.)

Suddenly a captain yeti leaped to her with a microphone in his hand and handed it over to her. She cleared her troth by coughing a few times to get everyone in the cages their attention, and it worked quite well considering that everyone wanted to know why they wore here.

"Welcome to all of you, My name is Ms. Lugisa, and you shall all address me that way." She said with a cold smile that sent shivers up and down Mikey's back.

"Many of you who got the green substance injected..."

'Not me.' Mikey thought quickly, hoping she went to the part where she actually said something useful, like why he was kidnapped and then brought here.

"...Will be confused why you can understand me. Well that would be because of that green substance, and everyone who got the red one..."

Mikey listened a little closer.

"... will be able to understand our grads." She casually said waving her hand to a few yeti's. "Believe me it is better for everyone." She gave a coldhearted chuckle after it.

"Now, you all be wondering where you are... Well I am happy to tell you that you are in the 'Caskill Games'."

'CasKill Games? What's that for bullsh*t?' Mikey thought. But suddenly 1/2 of all the caged creatures started roaring, struggling... practically everything to get out. It made Mikey worry.

Obviously annoyed by the commotion, Ms Lugisa raised her finger, indicating silence, but that obviously didn't help. She gave a tired sigh then looked coldly with her gold coloured eyes over the cages and then spread her giants wings, and by doing so, sending a big gust of cold air over the cages, making Mikey's bandana tails sweeping hard. Silencing them all completely.

"Now I see some of you heard the legend 'The Caskill Games', well let me tell you all, that that tale is more then true." Before the commotion could return she held up her finger again. Not wanting that gust again, everybody stayed quiet.

"Now I would love to tell you all, but unfortunately I have a planning to keep to, although I do like you all to know something else... I want you all to think of your life you lived until the very moment you wore ripped away from it. Well from this moment on... That life is GONE!" She literally screamed that last word, stomping a foot hard down when she did so.

"From this very moment you are officially priority of the Caskill Games and that go's on until the moment you're last breath leaves you're body." She simply loved the terrified looks she was getting.

"And with a lot of you, that moment will come a lot sooner then you hoped for..."

End ch 18