Shuhei Hisagi was beautiful. There was no question about that in Renji's mind. But, there was a slight problem; the man was straight. Or so Renji thought, yet the current situation was starting to change his mind.

Sure, the squad nine vice-captain was drunk (or so Renji figured), but even drunk a straight man wouldn't have his mouth wrapped around another man's dick. . . Would they? Renji honestly didn't know if they would nor did he care. All he knew was that the man pleasing him really was a sex god.

The older's tongue wrapped around the head of his staff while his right hand stroked the rest of it. The red head let out a loud moan when more of the warm mouth engulfed his heated flesh.

"I'm putting it in now." A smooth and partly lustful voice said, as he pushed into Shuhei's entrance.

When Renji had brought the other vice-captain the paperwork he had expected to be scolded for being late: not to walk in on a naked Shuhei straddling the still fully clothed Akon.

Shuhei pulled away from Renji slightly to pout about the squad twelve member's roughness.

"Don't put it all in me!" Shuhei moaned softly "and don't rub against me."

Akon gave him a deadpan look as smoke exited his mouth "That's going in you too, or do you want it without prep?"

Renji looked down at his member 'He means that. . .' his eyes widened 'Shuhei will break!' Akon rubbed the back of his head.

"It's amazingly good once you try it." The researcher told them and then added as an after thought "I can't make any promises though. . . "

Shuhei shoot the other a dirty look. Akon smirked and pulled Shuhei with him to the ground, so that the younger of the two was sitting on his manhood. He pulled his legs apart, exposing his full entrance to the red-head in the room with them.

"I guess it can't be helped. . . "Renji said not meeting his senpai's eyes.

"Oi!" Shuhei complained "meet my eyes when you say that!"

Renji ignored the comment and pushed himself into Shuhei's entrance next to Akon; filling the man to the limit. The uke's eyes widened at the pain. He had never been double penetrated before and it hurt.

The two men inside of him waited for him to adjust. When they thought he had they made eye contact as if to ask 'okay?'. At the same moment the both of them thrusted their hips up.

Akon grabbed onto Shuhei's hips and lifted his body and slammed it back down with each one of his and Renji's thrusts.

Soon the two semes had their uke crying out in pleasure. They timed their thrusts so that the squad nine member's prostate was hit in close proximity; when Akon was pushing against it, Renji would be barely inside of Shuhei.

Shuhei let out a loud moan as he came for the first time that night. Next came Renji, whose body couldn't handle the pleasure of the tightness pulling him deep into the tight, heated, tunnel. With one last deep thrust he came inside the other.

After Renji pulled out, Akon moved Shuhei onto his hands and knees and slammed deeper into his body. Renji's seed seemed to make the pleasure greater for Akon as he came with little more than a grunt of the other's name.