Chapter 6
Things with France have been strange. I don't know what to think of it other than… how can I break this contract set up by our bosses? I really want to get out of it…
"It's for you…" France's voice interrupted me as I came back to the real world.
He seemed to glare down at me while holding the phone out. I slowly took the phone from him. I watched as France dramatically turned and stormed out of the room.
"Hello?" I said, placing the phone on my ear.
"Hello, England," Russia's voice echoed down the phone line and into my head.
I nearly dropped the phone as the fear of Russia's daily phone calls hit me. He'd been calling me every day, same time. So far it'd only been for "chats". I really wanted to know what his aim or goal or reasons behind this was.
"How have you been, da~" He asked and it took me a moment to get my voice and thoughts back.
"Good… and you? How about China?" I managed to get out; hopefully turning the subject to China would take some of the pressure off me.
"Oh~ I think he's all good," As Russia said this the next question that was about to be asked was answered, "We broke up after America's birthday,"
"Why?!" It was the only thing I could say; it was the last thing I wanted to say though.
"I realized a few things… I wanted something else," Russia sounded so causal about it all and it seemed he didn't even realize he'd broken China into a thousand little pieces.
Silence is what followed, on both ends. I had nothing to say and it appeared Russia had quite a lot to say.
"Do you mind if I come over for some tea?" Russia said eventually.
"I….. Guess," Nothing else I could say.
The phone call didn't last much longer and thank god for that. As I sat on the floor in the longue room I really thought that killing myself would be a great option as France came back into the room.
"Who was it?" He practically growled.
"Russia… again," I muttered as I pulled my knees to my chest.
"Why does he call you every day? What do you even talk about?" France sat down next to me
"I don't know why he calls me but we just… talk," I leant back with a sigh.
"And what did you "just talk" about today," France placed his head in my shoulder and I couldn't be bothered pushing him off right now.
"He asked me how I was… I found out he broke it off with China," France didn't seem surprised by this, "Did you know?"
"Well yea… They broke up after that party," France wouldn't even say America's name, "And that was… nearly two months ago… you've been living under a rock haven't you,"
I wanted to say I'd been living under America but that may have been a little inappropriate. We hadn't "done it" but the only reason I'd gotten out of this house for the past two months was to see America.
"Yeah… I guess I have," I said trying not to look or sound uncomfortable, "Russia's coming over for tea later so yeah… feel free to leave the house or something,"
All I got out of France was a nod of the head and he was gone. I flopped back with a sigh and swept the hair off my forehead. Closing my eyes I thought that a five minute rest would do some good… It's what I needed.
"So bloody much for five minutes!" I practically yelled after finally waking up.
The doorbell was going crazy and I knew exactly who it was and why. I scrambled to my feet and managed to get down the hallway without bumping into anything. 'I slept for nearly 2 hours!'
"I'm coming! I'm coming!" I yelled as I unlocked the door and opened it to the very tall and intimidating nation.
No words were exchanged as I lowered my head and let Russia in. He smiled down at me as I shut the door and led us to my tea room. Russia sat down as I collected things to put tea on and gather a plate of scones.
"Can we drink outside?" Russia said and I nearly dropped a tea cup as I scared myself and nodded to Russia.
He slowly got up and made his way outside; not without brushing close behind me. I felt my heart in my throat and didn't calm till Russia was out of my sight. He gave me such an uneasy feeling that I was trying to work out.
After wasting as much time as I could, I came out to the garden with the tray of tea and scones. Setting it down on the small and elegant garden table I nervously looked at Russia. He smiled at me and I poured the tea before taking a seat.
"Well," Russia said as he sipped his tea, "It's good to see you face to face after all this time,"
"Yea… you too," I said with a bit of effort.
This silence was painful. I was held hostage under Russia's gaze and "innocent" smile. I wondered what Russia was thinking about. I hesitantly took a scone and I tried not to stare at the other nation. As I took a bite Russia spoke.
"Do you know why I came here?" he said with a smile as he lent on his elbows on the table.
"No," I said quickly… a little too quickly might I add.
"Hmm…" Russia smiled at me again as he sipped his tea in a leisurely way, he loved how nervous I was, "I'm jealous,"
I inhaled quickly and spluttered as I chocked on the tea I'd just been about to drink. 'What the hell does he mean by that?!' I thought as I looked at the Russian, sitting across from me.
"I'm extremely jealous of you… and America even more," He said, "Want to know why?"
I stayed silent; no words would leave my mouth let alone enter my mind. With shaking hands I managed to put my tea cup down and look up at Russia.
"I had a rather cold and lonely childhood…" Russia began and I possibly felt a twinge of sadness for him, "The only warmth ever given to me was from this scarf,"
He touched his scarf before continuing, "I remember the first time I saw America… I was still young at the time… I remember seeing a small nation with such a big smile… he came running towards someone with his arms open… someone who embraced him warmly… you,"
"I have never been able to get that image out of my head; you know why?" Russia leaned forward… very forward as we were nearly nose to nose, "I wanted to feel that warmth,"
Nothing could have stopped when happened; I wish something had. Russia had connected our lips and I was paralysed. It wasn't a long kiss. As Russia slowly pulled back everything was suddenly black as something warm and of familiar smell covered my face.
"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!?" America yelled as he jacket covered my face and his arms pulled me from my seat.
"Can't I have him? No-one seems to want him," Russia said.
Nothing was said as I was suddenly whisked away, a painful feeling in my chest. It was so tight, I just wanted to cry now. 'Why is America here?' I thought as America picked me up and took me out through the back garden gate; he must have come through here.
"Are you ok?" America said after we'd gotten to the end of the street, he'd put me down and taken his jacket off my face.
"Yeah," I muttered, my smile quivered.
"Are you lying?"
I spent the rest of the day out with America. We did nothing in particular; we had lunch in a park, walked around the city centre and just talked. It was good to spend time like that after such a shock and then the worry.
"I'm home," I called; I kicked off my shoes and placed my coat on one of the hooks by the door.
I expected France to call back or at least get something from him but there was nothing. I made a quick search of the back garden and thankful found no Russia; he'd been kind enough to bring the tea things inside and clean it up for me.
That was when I noticed the kettle was on and two cups out with tea bags in them. 'Strange…' I thought before looking around the room expecting to see France or something but there didn't seem to be anyone here.
"Hello…?" I dared to call out after thinking.
"Ah England!" I jumped and turned around to come face to face with an old British man who tried to take everything I loved and wanted away from me, "How you been old chap?"
"Good… boss… and you?" I said after a moments shock, I was getting real sick of these surprises everyone seemed so keen on giving me.
"I'm fine~," He said so cheerfully but his visits are never anything close to cheerful.
I stood where I was and he made us tea. 'Why is he here? Why do I feel like I'm in trouble?' I pondered with wide eyes.
"Don't look so scared old chap… You have nothing to be afraid of," He said and I thought I could relax till he added, "Right?"
I was tense as I followed him over to the table. He placed on cup of tea down and waited for me to sit. I let out the breath I'd been holding in and sat, I looked at my hands and avoided all eye contact.
"So what have you been up too?" My boss said, "You've been rather distant and un-sociable,"
"Oh well…" I gave a nervous laugh and sipped my tea.
"How are things with France?" I nearly chocked as I looked at my Boss for the first time.
"F-fine… the same and usual," I blurted out quickly.
"Oh really?" I was panicking now, "I've been hearing rumours though… stop me if I'm wrong; but I've been hearing a few things about you… and a certain colony we used to own,"
"W-what?! I have no idea what you're talking about!" I said it too quickly and with too many shakes in my hands and voice; the game was up.
"End it… and end it now!" There was no room for arguing, that was an order.
"W-what?" It was all I could say.
"You are to go to him after I leave and you are to end it old chap," I wasn't capable of logical thought as I stared at nothing in particular; I was completely oblivious to everything at the moment.
Nothing was said or done while my Boss finished his tea and left. On his way out he placed his hand on mine and looked down at me, "Just end it and save everyone so much pain," he said before leaving me to be devoured by self-hate and shock.
I didn't know when it started raining or how I got out in the rain or why I was going to where I was. 'I can cry now… can't I?' It didn't matter as I already was. They blended in with the rain pouring down my cheeks.
I was cold but didn't mind; the cold within me was worse. I've only ever felt this feeling once before… the Revolutionary war.
"I WON'T ALLOW IT!" I yelled, I charged and nearly did something I would have regret my whole life.
"You used to be great…"
I laughed… I laughed in such a sad way, a way that bought me down to my knees once more. I laughed before letting that sick twisted laugher turn into pain. I threw myself down and cried. There was nothing more to do… only one thing left to say.
I don't know when or how I got there but I was at America's front door. I raised my hand and knocked without hesitation. 'This should never have started,' I thought, 'Now we're all hurt and it's my fault,'
"England?" America was at the door looking the miserable wreck that was me up and down, "You're soaking... hey... why are you crying?"
"It has to stop," I said and slapped America's hand away as he tried to whip some tears away.
"What do you mean?" America knew exactly what I meant.
"It's over… I'm… no I'm not sorry…" Why did I say that?!
I was shaking all over, I bit my lip as a hiccup like sound escaped me and fresh tears fell. His hands came out and I wasn't quick enough to run; he held me and I couldn't struggle. I tried to breath but it hurt.
"I don't believe you, you're lying," America whispered into my wet hair.
"Yeah…" Was all I could whisper back.
I looked up at him and rose onto my toes. Our lips connected and I chocked down my tears. Pulling away I turned and put a hand over my mouth and cried more. 'I don't want this…' His hands wrapped around me and pulled me inside.
"If this is goodbye then let's make it last," America whispered as I nodded…
A/N: TT^TT please tell me Iggy and I aren't the only ones crying… Sorry for the big wait I've had writers block followed by hate mail so I stopped all writing but have gotten over that after finding out over 1500+ people like it~
And yes there is to be a lemon so the next chapter may be a really long way away or here very quickly. I would like to add thank you's to these people-
AlastairEh, Amy Kitty Katz, Apple Republic, Crimson Dragon Devil, FlyingMintBunny2, FrUkFangirl, Kawaii Neko Kitsume, MissyMissMe, New London, Pwishiyaoigirlygirl (extra hug to you), ShadowChaosSilver, . . 313, The Wayward Orphans, Twin Priest, apple abs, autumnlovestomatoes, crunchez, hanamiyoko1, hetalian24601, jelloshots99, pIcKinGBloOdyrOSes, sugarteaspoon, TeamChao, xBluieLovex, StarGirlx44, Anime3217, Scotia, and most of all ActivateBird~
There are so many more for this list but I sadly can't fit anymore… TT~TT you have all been such amazing supports so thank you again!
Till next time my darlings p.s. I got internets at home so you'll get updates quicker~