As Sheriff Stilinski pulls up to his house, the last thing he expects to see is his son's car in the driveway. "What the hell?" He thinks as he puts his car in park. He thinks for a minuet that maybe he could have caught a ride with Scott, but then he remembers that Scott has a really small motorcycle and that the only way his son could get to school was his car. "This isn't like him though. He would never skip school just because I'm not here, would he?" Sheriff thinks opening the door. Everything look fine. Nothing broken, no dirty dishes, and everything seems clean. "Stiles?" Sheriff says looking around the house for his son. He hears a light snoring coming from the living room and he walks is to, in fact, find his son sound asleep. For a second he is furious. Why would his son take advantage of him like this? He is about to wake him up and give him a huge talk, but then he sees his son's face. Its pale and bright red with the fever. Sheriff has never seen his son look so terrible. He moves his hand towards Stiles' forehead. He feels the heat radiating from his son even before he places his hand down. He closes his eyes and sighs. He knew something was wrong with him the day he left. "Why didn't he just tell me?" Sheriff whispers. Stiles eyes slowly open at the sound of his dads voice. Sheriff notices and puts a hand on his sons back. "Stiles? You ok buddy?"

"Dad!" Stiles says waking up a little bit more and pulling his dad into a hug. It wasn't the approach he was going for in the first place but he was just so relieved to have his dad home. "I'm so sorry." Stiles says, figuring that his dad has been home long enough to know that he was sick.

"Why are you sorry? Its not your fault." Sheriff says pulling out of the hug and looking at his son.

"Because I lied to you. I didn't want to though, I just didn't want to ruin your weekend. You do so much for me and you deserve to get a break from me." Stiles says.

"Stiles, I'm your dad. Why would I ever want a break from you? Especially in your condition, I mean seriously look at you! Have you just been taking care of yourself for the past few days?" Sheriff asks, concerned that his son was suffering alone.

"I thought I was going to have to, but then Scott took me to his house with Allison and Lydia and they took care of me."

"Did Melissa know." Sheriff asks in a stern voice.

"Yeah." Stiles says sighing. "But don't be mad at her. She wanted to tell you but we wouldn't let her. Are...are you mad at me?"

"No Stiles, of course not. You don't know how grateful I am that you lied just to let me have a weekend to myself, but Stiles I'm still your father, and aside from being a sheriff my other job is taking care of you. I know and you know that you can get a little hyper from time to time, but I would never want a break from that. I love you buddy." Sheriff says giving his son another hug.

"I love you to dad." Stiles says burying his face into his dad's jacket. When they stop hugging Sheriff puts his hand on his son's forehead again.

"Jesus Stiles, your burning up. How are you not dead?" Sheriff says with a smile. Stiles chuckles a little.

"I know, l was at 102 last time I checked."

"Well that settles it. You. Upstairs. Bed." Sheriff says helping his son off the couch and to the stairs. "I'll come up later to check on you. Just get as much sleep as you can." Stiles smiles at his dad before slowly making his way up the stairs and into his bedroom. He practically collapses into his bed, which is still unmade from the day he left it, and smiles, realizing that this was all he really wanted in the first place.