~ A Bunny in the Field ~

Chapter 2:Cake and My Barn

When I arrived home, the sun that had been beaming on me all day was finally sinking down into the land. All my thoughts from that house visit were pounding in my head; it was as if someone was banging nails into it. 'I don't think I have met anyone that rude before. He disrespects his mother and slams a door in someone's face, someone he doesn't even know..' I didn't like this kid, not one bit. And I love everybody, even people I don't talk to, I still get along with them but when it comes to Marshall, he's just a troublemaker.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance, still having that feeling someone was following me. I quickly turned around, but all I saw was the sunset and all its vibrant colors. I realized I was just being paranoid and should honestly get back to the house. I knew dinner had to be almost ready by now. I did wonder what Papa had made for us this evening. Before I could headed over there, I parked my bike in its usual spot; I never locked it. Who would steal a worn-out thing such as this piece of junk? Probably no one. And if they did, God help them.

I fiddled with my hands nervously as I approached my sweet home. 'What do I tell Grandpa Joe? I know he'll ask how it went. I surely can't mention this obnoxious boy, he'll worry about me too much. But I can't lie either. Ughh, life's decisions' I sighed heavily in thought. "Guess I'll have to do to whatever I have to do." I reminded myself out loud, hoping that it would supply a boost of confidence. I kept a steady pace as I strolled; regulating my breathing measurements with each step. I could remain calm if I concentrated hard enough.

Sooner than expected I reached the front door. I gulped anxiously before I gripped the knob tightly. It seemed like forever until I eventually twisted it. It was opened to reveal a cheery Papa. In his old hands was a large serving plate; on the plate was cooked duck. I couldn't find the words to respond with. I was just left in my thoughts. 'How long was I gone? It takes forever to roast a duck...oh Grandpa..' I rolled my eyes playfully before I completely entered the house.

"In case you were wondering Fionna, I started this before I met you in the barn." He grinned with a laugh shortly following.

I cocked an eyebrow, 'How didn't I smell it when I came in earlier? I really wasn't paying close enough attention...huh.' I shook the thought from my head before I offered to help. He quickly declined it. "This is my night to show you this old man still has it!" I just giggled at his wittiness.

"Please, sit down. Tonight I serve you for all your hard work." He smiled is normal toothy grin. I swear every time he did it, there was a sparkle in his eyes. It always gave me hope ever since Grandma died. He was after all, all I had left. The thought brought on a tug to my lips. "Alright Papa." I took my seat across from where he'd be sitting. There was already a white plate in front of me with silverware on the sides of it. I could whiff the delicious aroma in the atmosphere; it made my mouth water with anticipation.

A few minutes later, a roasted duck laid in the middle of the table with a bowl of freshly cooked vegetables off from the side of it. It appeared so great, so wonderful; better than what I could have ever made. But before either of us could dig in, we always did Grace. We both grinned widely as we both extended our arms across the table; grasping each others hands firmly. Together, we stated our prayers.

"Amen," we said in unison.

I didn't dare hesitate to gently tear off the leg of the bird and plop in onto my China. I then scooped up the vegetables. I loved healthy food, as weird as that may sound. It was probably just me and mu upbringing. Then Grandpa Joe cleared his throat before he spoke out. "So. How are the neighbors?" Oh great, the question I was dreading this whole time.

My mouth was full, so I chewed slowly. But my Papa was a patient man. No slow pace of eating would stop him from getting his answer. Did I mention he's also persistent? I didn't even notice the class of water beside me until I realized I needed a sip of some type of beverage. I took the glass and chugged it until it was half full.

I sighed and thought deeply on how to approach the question. "Well. They live in a lovely home." I eased into the conversation.

"That's great, and so are the people just as lovely?" He asked before biting into the meat.

"Um. Yeah. The young women is very nice and made me tea while I was there." I thought I could just not mention that Marshall figure, and we'd be good. I wasn't at all lying. I'm just holding back information, right?

Papa took a sip from his own glass. "That's good to hear. What about her son? Did you get the pleasure of meeting him?" Damn it, I thought he didn't know about that.

"Oh yeah, I had almost forgotten," I played it cool, "He does have some manor problems, but nothing like living out here can't change!" I mentioned before shoving the rest of my veggies into my mouth. 'And maybe with some ductape and rope.'

"Ohh I see. What kind of behavior problems?" Papa questioned. His eyes opened wide in curiosity. He didn't seemed concerned, at least not yet.

I winced; I didn't want to answer that quite yet, but what choice did I have? "He can talk back and he doesn't seem to know how to communicate with others effectively," I shrugged, trying so desperately to avoid anymore talk about him.

I realized I was done with my food and all this uneasy talking made me not want to dive into seconds. My body stood up before I could even process what I was even doing. "May I please be excused? I need to go feed Cake before it gets too late." I asked politely. I noticed the newly found concern drawn all over my Papa's face.

"Of course sweetie. Are you sure you don't want anymore?" His generosity always made me smile in spite of anything. I nodded no, and took my plate into the kitchen, rising it off.

"Thanks Grandpa, I'll be back soon, no worries," I faked a smile and quickly headed out the door.

My heart was pounding fast; it was difficult for me to deal with this. I couldn't believe I stretched the truth out about that kid. I really wish I could have said something like 'Oh, he's such an ass. He talks back to his mom like it's no big deal and slams doors in strangers' faces.' But I had to refrain from my temper. In my entire life, I never felt so disrespected. 'He called me a redneck. Like wow, I know you're from the city but that doesn't mean you can degrade me.' I grunted in irritation.

I bolted from the house and towards the barn. I had to get to my three best friends to help calm my nerves. 'Is it sad that I have no human companions? At least I know they won't ever call me a redneck and act like a jerk.' I felt like I would never let that go, and that's something that's never happened to me. 'Damn...he's bringing the ugly out of my sweet personality...'

I didn't even break a sweat running to the barn. It wasn't like earlier; before it had to almost 100 degrees, and now it was in the 80s. It was strange how the weather worked around these parts. Soon enough, I arrived to my destination, but it didn't make me feel any better. I could still feel a pain of eye staring at me. It was like someone was screwing nails in the back of my head; that's how intense they felt.

'Maybe it's an owl wondering what I'm doing out here. After dinner, I rarely ever come back outside, especially to the barn.' I shrugged it off and went on to what I needed to do. So I unlocked the lock on the barn with the keys I had in my pockets; I didn't bother relocking it when I entered the foundation. I felt too light headed and aggravated to think straight, to even think to relock it.

When I shoved the doors open out or distaste, I immediately discovered Cake on a pile of hay. I wasn't sure if she was sleeping or just relaxing; cats are naturally laid back creatures. I smirked, sensing a newly found calmness overtaking me.

While scrolling towards her, I realized I had fed her before I left earlier. Maybe that's why Papa seemed worried whenever I said I had to go feed her. I shook the thought from my mind as I grew closer to her. I soon sat next her. She stretched her puffy body before leaping onto my lap.

I snickered, "Oh Cake, you're too precious." I began to brush my fingertips through her beautiful fur. "At least I know you'll never leave me." I laid back in the hay; I gazed up at the ceiling. I was concentrated on the framework of the barn as a few tears fell from my blue eyes. I wasn't even sure why they were there. I hated to cry, even if it was just a few tears. I wiped them away just as quickly as they came.

After about ten minutes of internal bliss, I couldn't help but hear my horses making a loud commotion in their stalls. Fear quickly struck me; a part of me was mentally smacking me in the face for not locking the barn door. 'Even after this long, how didn't I turn around and just lock the freakin's thing!?'

Cake started to hiss on top of me. 'Oh Cake, you're so fearless.' I made my way onto my feet. My eyes met the intruder. Anger quickly made it's way into my heart; replacing my fright immediately.

But before I could make any words out, his raspy voice entered the air. "Hey there." It seemed almost too casual coming from someone like him. And in a place that was private property. It's considered trespassing, and I could so easily call the ranger. But what was stopping me? There was a force that made me rethink that theory. Instead I just growled out my thoughts.

"What do you want Marshall Lee?" I snapped.

Author Note's: Well, I have to say it's been way to long since I've last updated and I don't blame any of you precious followers if you hate me now /-\ I really am sorry. But school just got in my way and I couldn't find time and oh my glob I know I must suck butt! I'll try to update this soon, and but soon I mean not 7 months from now O.O

And if you're a new person to this story and you're reading this, please don't get the wrong idea about my poor updating habits. I promise you I'm not terrible!

I love you all, I really do. I hope you can find it in your hearts to review? D;

~Sad me..