Author's Note: Hello All Hope you enjoy the fic please read and review because I really am flying blind here as this is the first one I have written in ages that seems to catch on in my mind. I do hope you enjoy it more to come...

The rain beat against the window and as the huddled figure bent further over the parchment and attempted to ignore the annoyed noises of the tall redhead.

"I mean she is acting like it's such a big deal-Har it was one time! And it was a muggle for Merlin shake...but nooo she has to bring up she is a muggle born. Are all pregnant witches like this!" The redhead shouted causing the dark haired man who had been trying to keep calm as he documented supplies that had been used in the most recent mission.

"You cheated on her Ron, when she is seven bloody months pregnant with your twin children and you haven't even proposed to Mione yet!" The raven haired man exploded throwing aside the quill to glare at one of his oldest best friends. Ron sheepishly smiled at him, through fear entered his eyes. Harry Potter mad was a very scary thing, every wizard in the entire world knew he was most likely the most powerful beings-known. Harry had made hints that he had discovered others who were just as powerful and perhaps had other talents, and Harry also had an uncanny way of judging other's emotions.

"Harry I know it sounds bad but I mean...she'll get over it...and not everyone has to get married..." He froze when actually felt the room actually drop several degrees in temperature.

"Ronald forget she is my friend to...and whom do you think I have been exhausting myself calming down, who do you think I use what little bit of healing magic I do know to keep your own children from harm when she gets stressed and uses too much magic that her core can't feed them!" Harry snarled standing and actually got pleasure in seeing the other man though taller back away from him. "Who do you think gets to have a splitting headache because this entire Wizarding World is just a group of idiots who like the idea of being higher up on the food chain than 'muggles'." Harry continued and finally he had Ron right where he wanted against his office door.

"Harry, mate calm're just stressing yourself haven't taken a break since-since..." he stuttered, Harry smirked evilly knowing his eyes had a tinge of glowing green to his eyes, they always did when his empathy gift flared out. No one needed to know that it wasn't 'dark arts' but the potential he had learned in journals he had discovered from his Uncle Remus, the potential he had to heal the mind...he had the raw power needed to give Neville Longbottom back his parents, whole minded and healthy and when he had first found out his gift as he recovered from the final battle with Voldemort he approached the other wizard who looked him and shook his head. "Harry...when someone actually trains you to use it without killing yourself, or draining yourself dry then we will talk...go back to sleep." and Neville had pushed him back on the bed with a stern look and wandered away before Harry could bother him further.

"Harry?" Ron's tentative voice called him back to the present. He raised an eyebrow and the door behind the redhead flew open and he fell backward onto the floor. Almost amused besides the headache he had Harry leaned in the doorway.

"Go away Ronald, when you learn to mature you can come back...oh and don't go looking for Mione, she decided to take a trip with Luna and her father to the countryside somewhere so she can get the rest she can't knowing you're about." He said finally was amused as Ron turned bright red and started stuttering.

"Perhaps Malfoy was right do look like a tomato." he said and slammed the door in his face he made a few steps from the door before he crumpled into a heap on the floor the pain in his head taking away his breath, sight and all his strength...oh he knew part of the reason Mione had decided to go with Luna was because she could see the more time she spent with him, the more relaxed she got...and the thinner Harry became, the paler his skin, his eyes seemed to always be eerily green glowing much like his enemies once was. She declared she was leaving and that Harry had better go on his own 'little trip' she had snooped about in his notes. How she realized that he had located a large family that had gifts like his and so much more deep in the woods of Amazon. She even packed his bags before she left that very morning and gave him what he joked as her "death glare" telling him he had better slip out of town quietly and the very same day. He pulled his knees underneath his body and took in a shuddering breath, thanking his thought to throw up wards so that if he closed his door with magic no other person would be able to enter...well almost no one...he felt the door opened and in swept a breath of cool air.

"You are waiting too long..." An echoing voice said and he turned weakly to see the see thru body he had been seeing since he woke up in a hospital ward after the end of the final battle. Everyone told him that the being he now stared at was dead.

"And everyone thinks you're dead...interesting Patronis you've developed now..." Harry attempted at a joke, he was still as always unnerved at the sight of what should be a ghost but somehow he knew was merely an image projected from far away giving the feel of the unearthly.

"And you are becoming weaker every day you wait, every hour...just what is holding you here?" the man's transparent eyebrow raised in challenge. Harry rolled his eyes.

"The idea of going hiking thru the Amazon jungle and getting eaten by a Python." Harry countered.

"Says he who speaks the language of the snakes." Harry glared at him and slowly got to his feet swaying as he made it to the chair behind his desk.

"I have paperwork, I can't just pack up and-"

"Why not?" again the man advanced looking down at his papers. "You've written the same supply about 50 times in a row by the way." Harry let out what could be considered a scream.

"I was dealing with-"

"I believe your friends would call it 'the mother of all migraines'. Stop stalling before WE come and get you ourselves, and Harry you would not like how we would go about that." the figure said folding his arms and looked satisfied when Harry paled and laid his head on the table knowing his ink had long since dried.

"Maybe in a few days." He muttered to the table.

"Admit to weakness is one of the first steps in wisdom Harry." was the counter he got. Harry looked up at him.

"I thought I was wise, hero of the wizarding world remember?" he countered back.

"To weak then to come on your own, well as I have no intention of showing my presence again just yet I will send one of the others-or shall I say he is already on his way to you." He said smirking.

"Don't smirk it's just plain mean. At least I don't call you by your name in case someone managed to sneak a listening spell in." He grumbled. The man laughed something Harry was getting used to him doing, oh he was still himself but the 'self' he now showed Harry in these visits showed that he was happy.

"And don't look smug because you can feel my shouldn't be able to, your gifts were just awakened." He frowned.

"What can I say? I have all the luck in the world. So when can I expect one of your sexy man-guards who guard your temple of snakes?" Harry joked and had the pleasure of almost seeing a blush on the image.

"Potter...he is not my MAN guard, and I do not live in a temple, we have technology thank you very much, it just may or may not run on muggle ways. and he should be there by this afternoon, after of course he stops at your loft to pick up your luggage as he is very very good at picking locks-" He turned and smirked as Harry slammed his office door with his mind again then slammed his own head on his desk as the pain nearly caused him to pass out. "Oh yes very smart, you know you have talents that are growing rapidly because they were blocked by that real SNAKE's touch on you when you were one blocked them. And I was too fool to notice that you already were developing a gift of empathy during your schooling."

Harry looked up at the bitterness in the other man's voice. "Can you do a sweep or something to make sure no one broke my wards...besides you..." he asked softly, the other man snorted and paced some.

"Your Wards Potter are the most complex things on this earth, and how you just knew instinctively how to make them is beyond me, they are spells laced with spells, laced with wards and ancient magic wording. So yes it is safe...however do not think that Yuki can not pick that lock, or the one you are always wrapping yourself in like a blanket. He has as much empathy and is fully trained in many things."

"Ever notice that you only call me Potter when your angry with me?" he asked then at the glare he sighed. "I'm not breaking yet Snape, it takes a lot more than pain to break me."

"Yes the pain of others." Snape's figure snapped, when he had hunted out his former student to assure himself that the boy didn't blame him for his 'death' he was as shocked as his student that they saw each other, and sadly for Harry that sealed his fate. He would only grow more powerful and this time the power would consume him inside out not hurting anyone save himself. Never in the history of Snape's new family had they seen one so young filled with so much raw power and the instinct to be able to use it. But Snape knew the minute Harry had been able to see him that he was more than anyone ever thought he was. Harry groaned.

"Can't you just leave me in my peace...before your lock picker attempts to get in." Harry asked the desk. Snape chuckled.

"Oh I will leave you Harry but Yuki will get in, either you let him in and he is nice or he has to do it himself and then well-if you are foolish enough to choose that you will find out why it is only he that they sent." Snape said. Harry raised his eyes to look at him.

"You never did tell me who 'they' is." he snapped.

"Why Harry I'm surprised you haven't figured it out...they are the direct descendants of the greatest wizards the world has ever known. Morgana, Merlin, even the Irish Rhiannon. They hold to tradition very tightly, apparently even those that are muggleborn are trained just as if they had magic. To them there is no Wizarding World, to them there is no Muggle world." Snape explained and smiled at Harry's shocked face.

"And does this place have a name or is it just called Amazon." He said growling. Snape leaned forward as Harry heard footsteps coming towards his door.

"Oh yes...though they have had to move it a time or two, but they keep the original name known only to those who are called to it." Snape said turning and started to dissolve as the footsteps stopped outside Harry's office door.

"Severus!" Harry snapped almost desperate, he didn't know who was on the other side of the door but at least he knew his Potion's Master. Snape smiled.

"It's Avalon Harry, and you child are a direct descendant of the one they called the Lady of the Lake Nimue. Though you already knew you were something more." He gestured to Harry's right arm, where months ago as his Empathy began hitting him harder, text began to appear like a a tattoo...he couldn't make out the words and neither could Mione no matter how many books the poured through. "You'll have the answers when your ready's time to find your home." and with the same wind that he came in Snape was gone. Harry stared and then glared at the door as the knocking grew louder.

"Kiddo, I can feel you in there, going to open up or are you going to let me have some fun?" the voice was musical but Harry felt a chill spread down his spine he was in deep trouble...