Okay, so the wrestling archive just hasn't been as interesting as it could be the last few several years or so; because of this, I decided on creating a writing contest for anyone who's interested. The catch: one of the two of your main characters has to be Sheamus. Below are a list of prompts that you can choose to create a one-shot:

Prompt 1: Character A finds out they can no longer wrestle, which brings them to turn to Character B for comfort.

Prompt 2: Character A deals with the struggles of balancing two relationships; one that consists of casual sex with Character B and the other that happens to be a more serious relationship with their current partner.

Prompt 3: A summer romance starts between Characters A and B, but eventually comes to an end when both have to say goodbye to one another.

Prompt 4: A plot of your choosing, but you must include the words, "silly soda", "jaybird", "shoe-in", "backbiter", and "meander". Words must be highlighted in bold.

Below is a little snippet/example of the first prompt just so this entry doesn't get reported for chattiness, lists, etc:

"Stephen could feel the fresh tears brim his lashes. No, circumstances such as this wasn't supposed to happen to him; he was different...Or so he thought. He was used to retirements in the company, seeing as that guys came and left. Some returned, others never came back, but the fact of the matter is most of the one's who did finally hang up their boots retired on their own terms from what he'd seen over the years. This wasn't the case for him..."


1. No slash.

2. No more than two main characters. One of the two must be Sheamus, as stated above. The fic can be AU (Alternate Universe).

3. No M-rated fics. I know some of you guys do enjoy writing smut, but this particular contest is not for that.

4. If you want to enter this contest, please PM me so others can be on the look out for your one-shot. I greatly encourage everyone in the contest to read and at least review each other's work. One of the reasons for creating this contest/challenge is to not only shake up this archive, but to allow others to take a look a look at your work, also.

5. Using stories you had before to submit into the contest is an automatic disqualification. Everyone must be able to write at least one story.

6. Story must be 1,000+ words. You at least want to have a lengthy tale. :)

7. Please have all one-shots uploaded by August 8. This gives you guys a bit of time to get your creative juices flowing. After uploading your one-shot, I will enter it under this story. If you do not want your story uploaded here for voting then I really advise you not enter the contest, because this is what I will eventually have to do in order to determine a winner anyway.

Optional, but suggested:

Please try for different pairings, guys. I'm not saying you cannot write Sheamus/Kaitlyn, but it would be awesome to get some different pairings other than the usual.

Other details:

Names of those who have entered the contest will be posted on my profile, so please check back frequently so you can make sure to read the writer's story. I'm honestly not forcing anyone to review, but it would be beneficial for everyone involved to.

Please make sure to alert this; how will you know about any updates if the story doesn't have an alert?

The story will be judged in these areas:

Creativity - How well can you work with the prompt you've chosen.

Writing Quality - You do not have to be the best writer in the bunch to win, but quality writing is one of the factors in choosing a winner.

Character - Personality and depth to a character is everything, especially when you have just one chance to make them work in the form of a one-shot.

After all judging is complete, the winner will be decided. Whoever wins receives a wrestling one-shot from me, which includes whichever pairing of their choosing. At the end of the day, this contest is simply for other writers to be noticed as well as to bring some fun into the Sheamus archive. Happy writing, guys!