A/N: So, the facts: Not the first new story I promised I'd be writing, but it's the first I'm comfortable uploading. There'll be eight chapters, one for each HP film, this story takes place in the same timeline as my other stories, and their ages will span from 14 to I don't know yet. Definitely after 16 though, dying to write some legit Phineas/Isabella relationship moments.

This chapter starts, as most things do, at the beginning.

...Of the series.

Age: 15

Disclaimer: I don't own Phineas and Ferb. Or Harry Potter. Or half the words mentioned below. Most of them, actually. I guess I borrow all of those too. Oh, I don't own my own couch either. But I just moved my comfy front room chair to my game room and sweet mother of all things bright and beautiful- everything I play/do in that room on that TV suddenly seems so much more AWESOME.

Isabella and the Boy Who Couldn't Pay Attention

"Remind me, why are we watching this?" Phineas asked Isabella as she sat down next to him, having just put the DVD in the player.

"Because it is based on one of the best books in the entire world." Isabella replied simply. "And it's my duty to share its wonder with the world."

"So why is it just us two?" Phineas asked, thankful as he was, he still wanted to know.

Isabella turned bright pink. "E-Everyone else has seen it. You're the only one that's been living under a rock." She laughed.

"How has Ferb seen it if I haven't?" Phineas questioned her as they both settled into the couch.

"Ferb gets on so great with the ladies he's probably seen every film ever anyway."

"Oh come on, he's not that good."

"I know, he's only been on 3 dates all together, I think. Quite the stud." Isabella told Phineas quietly as the film finally started.

"Why do you know how many dates he's been on?" Phineas asked her in an equally hushed tone.

"Right, I'm a teenage girl in high school that doesn't know her best friends business. Come on, Phineas, you'd know. You two tell each other everything, don't you?" Isabella asked, her voice now a whisper as a man on screen appeared on the dark street.

"Yeah, of course we do." Phineas whispered back, "but I didn't think you'd be keeping track of my brother's dating life."

"I'm not keeping- OK, I am. But so is everyone. About everyone else! Oh wait- shush! They're gonna start talking now, you need to watch this part."

Phineas immediately looked towards the screen in time to see a cat transform into a woman wearing a long cloak.

...What? What am I watching?

Phineas turned to look at Isabella and saw a smile form on her face as the film progressed.

Ok, apart from her, what am I watching?


"Shhh Phineas! You'll miss it!"

Miss what? Some kid under the stairs?

"Isabella?" He asked her again.

"What Phineas?"

"Do you know how many dates every one of our friends has been on?"

"What kind of question is that?"

"...A regular one?"

Isabella chuckled and rolled her eyes. "Yes, ok? I'm good at remembering stuff like this."

"So...how many dates has Baljeet been on?"

"Just two." Isabella responded without looking at him.

"And Buford?"

"Surprisingly, four." She responded with her eyes still glued to the screen.


Isabella finally looked around at him. "None...right?"

"You'd know." He told her with a smile. "I think this is probably the closest I've actually been to having a date. Lucky you, eh? He joked, his voice making it evident that he considered it unlucky for her to be an almost date for him.

"It's an honour; you're my closest to a date too." Isabella told him quickly, eager to keep this conversation going more than she was to watch the film uninterrupted.


"Yes, Phineas?" She asked eagerly, leaning closer to him.

"Will you- I mean- do you..." He sighed. "Could you tell me how that cat turned into a woman?"

"Oh... Um, sure. She's an animagus." She told him dully, her eyes slipping back to the screen.

"Oh yes, an animagus. Well, they're everywhere these days, aren't they?" Phineas joked and Isabella dragged her eyes away from the screen and back to him.

"They're not. There's only around 12 registered ones at the moment." Isabella told him, and seeing his despairing look, she quickly added "They're people who can transform into an animal at will. Her form is a cat, obviously."

"Obviously." Phineas agreed while he watched a kid throw a tantrum about only having 36 presents.

If I were an animagus, I wonder what animal I'd be? A dog? They seem pretty fun. But then what if I came into contact with someone who wasn't a dog person. Or someone who was allergic to me? Guess I can't be a dog then. A cat, like that woman?...Nah. Cats seem to do even less than Perry- Hey! Perry! A platypus! Then I could finally see where he's always sneaking off to during the day.

"If I were an animagus, I'd be a platypus." Phineas told her, though it seemed to fall on deaf ears.

"I think I'd miss my thumbs though." He said to himself and examined said thumbs.

"What do you think you'd-mmmf!"

Isabella laughed and held her hand over his mouth tighter.

"Phineas! Pay attention to the film!"

How can I when you're kneeling so close like that?

She held her hand over his mouth for a further 30 seconds before asking "Now, are you going to be a good boy and keep your mouth closed?"

Isabella didn't need to see his mouth to know that he was grinning. She saw the crinkle of his eye and rolled her eyes when he shook his head.

I should have said yes. I should have said yes. I should have said yes.

Then she'd move away.

Not that I want her to.

It's just getting warm in here.

And she's sitting so close that she can probably feel how warm I'm getting through her knees.

Are knees all that receptive to temperature?

Why does that man with greasy hair look so much like a bat? I bet he's an animagus too.

Phineas stole a sideways glance at her and noticed her attention had been fully recaptured again.

Lucky film.

Her hand was loosening on his mouth as if she'd almost forgotten why it was there in the first place.


"Ew, Phineas!" Isabella cried as she yanked her hand away. "Did you just lick my hand?"

"A whole three times." Phineas grinned at her triumphantly.

"A whole three? Jeez Phineas, if you wanted some time alone with my hand, you should have just said so!" She laughed, and then realising how it sounded, stopped immediately and stared wide eyed at the screen to avoid embarrassing herself further.

"Just-just pay attention to the film. You're making us both miss it."

"It's not like you don't know it off by heart. I've seen you mouthing along with them."

"You're supposed to be watching them, not me." Isabella told him, her eyes still glued to the screen, her cheeks turning bright pink again.

If you've read my 'Yours, Oblivious' story, and are just so beautiful enough to remember, I wrote a chapter where Isabella is proper miffed at Phineas for not paying attention while they watch HP 1 together. This was what happened.

P.S. I can't say 'awesome' anymore without hearing the Slab King.