Okay, dependant on the response from this, it will either be a one shot or more. I do have a lil something planned for these two in this fic but if you guys don't want it then I guess it will have to stay in my mind.

A sequel to MEAN is coming so watch out for that in the next week or so.


It had been a long week and Cassandra July just wanted to relax. She could think of nothing better than just letting her hair down in her loft and having a glass of wine to take the edge off. So maybe a glass of wine turned into a bottle, which led to her calling The Agency, but so what? She was a 33 year old woman in her own place with nothing to do and nowhere to go and frankly, she couldn't bear the idea of going out to try and bring someone home with her.

Everything gets delivered these days, even sex.

So when someone knocks on her door, she doesn't stop to curse the fucker knocking at this time of night, she gets up and answers it with as much of a smile as she can. However, when she opened her door to find Schwimmer dressed in a long black trench coat and heels, Cassie's mouth fell to the floor.

"Hello, my name is Rachel Berry and I-, oh." The girl finally looked up and realised who had answered the door. "I must have the wrong address, I'm sorry Miss July."

As she turned to leave, Cassandra called out to her. "Schwimmer, you didn't get the wrong address, at least I don't think you did."

Rachel looked at the small slip of paper in her hand and read the name and address on it. She was definitely at the right place. "You booked me under a false name?"

"Let's get one thing straight right now, Schwimmer," Cassie stood to the side to allow Rachel into her apartment. "I didn't book you. I called The Agency and you are who they sent me. And since I have already paid and my money is no doubt in your bank account by now, you may as well come in." She gestured inside and Rachel finally moved, albeit timidly, into the woman's loft.

"Well how may I be of service for the next two hours then, Miss July?" Rachel relented and set down her bag, following the blonde into her kitchen.

"You can start by calling me Cassie." The teacher took two glasses out of the cupboard and poured two generous glasses of wine, handing one to her 'escort'. "And then you can tell me why the hell one of my students is working for some escorting agency." Her voice was stern and unwavering but there was a hint of genuine concern and curiosity behind it.

"I need money." Rachel shrugged. "Brody made it seem like so much fun and like such a good idea." She tried to sound indifferent, but Cassie caught the slightest crack in her voice which told her that Rachel was a little ashamed to be in such a position.

The older woman gestured once more for Rachel to follow her and she led the girl into her living room.

"Can I ask why a woman who looks like you has to pay for this kind of thing?" Rachel asked quietly, running her finger around the rim of her glass before taking another large sip of the red liquid.

"You can ask, but don't expect an answer." Cassie snapped but the hurt that flashed through Schwimmer's eyes and the blush of embarrassment that spread across her cheeks made the blonde take pity on her. "I couldn't be bothered to get all dolled up and deal with telling some chick about my dick when I could just pay someone to not ask questions."

Rachel nodded silently in her understanding. When the girl got the details of her client, it said something about a woman with a penis. She didn't ask questions, she just got dressed up and made her way to Soho.

"What do you want from me tonight, Cassie? I have a range of outfits I could change into if you want." The brunette suggested.

Cassie waved her hand, setting her wine down on the end table next to her. "How about you take of that coat and just show me those ridiculously long legs of yours, Schwimmer?"

Cassie had to give this girl credit. She stood without any hesitation and took off her coat revealing a green lace bra with matching panties and garter belt. Her stockings were sheer black and Cassie just wanted to reach out and touch her. But what amazed the dancer more, however, was that Rachel didn't have her usual inhibitions about her body in this moment. She was confident, even if she was knocked off a little by the revelation of who her customer for the night was. She looked good.

The blonde felt her cock stirring in her loose sweat pants as she took in the sight before her.

"Does this please you?" Rachel asked after a few minutes. Miss July's staring was starting to make her feel self conscious.

Cassie nodded her head and reached out to pull Rachel to stand in front of her. She ran her hands over the girl's stomach, over her hips and down to her ass. Cassie squeezed the fleshy globes she found, not missing the way Schwimmer's breath caught in her throat. She looked up, only to see her student's eyes closed and her lower lips sucked between her teeth.

As Cassie allowed her hands to roam over the legs she had spent countless hours fantasising about, she leaned forwards to place sloppy open mouthed kisses to Rachel's stomach. When Cassie's tongue dipped briefly into Rachel's belly button, she was slightly taken aback by the moan that tore itself from the young singer's throat. It would appear that she had finally found one of Rachel's soft spots… other than her nose. Hands flew into Cassie's hair as she continued her exploration of Schwimmer's stomach.

When she had enough, Cassie pulled back and gave Rachel a simple instruction. "Kneel." She said, handing Schwimmer a pillow from beside her. She had hardwood floors through her apartment and she wasn't a heartless bitch.

A small smile graced Rachel's features as she did as she was told. She reached for the waistband of Cassie's pants and pulled them down with the aid of her teacher lifting her hip slightly.

"Oh, my." Rachel breathed as she looked at the hard cock which slapped back against Cassie's stomach. It was long, probably at least seven inches, and thick. Rachel wondered for a moment if Cassie would finally find her gag reflex.

"Impressive isn't it?" the blonde laughed, enjoying the stunned look on Schwimmer's face far too much.

"How do you hide that in your leotards?" Rachel asked in awe as she reached to grasp the base of it.

"I'm a grower, Schwim. It's really quite modest when it's limp." Cassie gasped as Rachel's hand started to move up and down her shaft. "How about you put that mouth of yours to good use?"

Rachel smirked and took the head of Cassie's cock into her mouth. She sucked on it while her tongue lapped up the tiny trickle of pre-cum that had left it. She looked up at Cassie who couldn't help but moan.

"Fuck, you don't know how long I have wanted to shove my dick in your mouth and shut you up." She threaded her fingers through Rachel's hair and held her head in place as she thrust her hips upwards. When the singer's nose hit Cassie's stomach, she held the girl there for a few seconds. Her mouth hung open slightly in surprise. She never expected Schwimmer to feel so good, nor to be missing her gag reflex. It was better than anything she had ever dreamed. A small hand cupped and then massaged her balls and Cassie could have lost it right there. She took Rachel's head off of her dick and started pounding into her face as fast as she could without giving the poor girl a concussion.

It felt so amazing to be surrounded by such a wet, hot cavern and the knowledge that this was Schwimmer that she was currently face fucking just made it so much better.

"Am I paying you to swallow?" Cassie asked through gritted teeth. Rachel hummed her response and the blonde bucked her hips upwards as the vibrations from the younger girls throat ran through her spine. "Good. I'm gonna cum." She warned, feeling her balls clench seconds before she shot her load down the back of Schwimmer's throat.

Cassie pulled her cock from the girl and watched as she swallowed. She waited for a few minutes, giving Rachel time to catch her breath before speaking again.

"Not bad, Schwim. Not bad at all." Cassie leaned back and spread her arms over the back of her couch. Her cock was still stood to attention as it rested against her stomach. She unceremoniously took off her sports bra and kicked her pants from around her ankles before giving Rachel her next instruction. "Take that shit off and come up here."

Rachel stood, slowly removing her bra and panties and throwing them somewhere vaguely near her coat. She didn't miss the way that Miss July's eyes studied every inch of skin that she was revealing and the intense stare made her feel self conscious but she had a job to do. She was being paid and this was no time to allow her insecurities get to her. Rachel just couldn't shake the feeling however, that she would get no end of sarcastic remarks about this encounter in their classes from now on.

The young girl straddled her teachers lap, taking the initiative to rub her bare pussy along the underside of Cassie's cock before settling on her thighs.

"Holy shit, Schwimmer," Cassie choked, her hands flew to Rachel's ass to manoeuvre the girl over her dick again, "Who knew that you would get so wet from sucking cock." She laughed as Schwimmer's soaked pussy slid against her penis.

"Job satisfaction, I guess." Rachel panted with a smirk. She made sure that Cassie got a good look at her tits with every move of her hips.

"I guess you're in the right line of work then." The blonde quipped, tightening her grip on Rachel's hips. "Fuck, I need to be inside you now."

Rachel reached between them to move Cassie's cock head to her entrance before sinking down slowly onto the thick meat. Without any warning, Cassie picked Rachel up and led her down on the couch so that she could begin thrusting her hips at a violent pace. Rachel could do nothing but cling to the older woman as each stroke of her teachers cock made stars appear behind her eyes.

"You're so tight, Schwim." Cassie groaned, rolling her hips to make sure she hit Rachel's spot over and over.

"Oh my God, Cassie, please." Rachel sighed, digging her fingers into bare skin. She felt dizzy as Cassie's dick threatened to tear her in half and her orgasm coiled within her.

When she felt Schwimmer's pussy fluttering around her, Cassie almost lost it. She tried to keep up her rhythm as much as possible but she couldn't. Her hips started jerky movements as she struggled to hold herself together. She wanted to push Rachel and see her come apart before she shot her cum into the girl's needy pussy.

"Are you gonna cum for me, Schwimmer?" Rachel nodded as she writhed under the other woman. She couldn't control her body anymore. All it took was a few more thrusts at exactly the right angle so send Rachel over the edge. She came hard and arched off of the couch into Cassie. The blonde wrapped an arm around the smaller girl, holding her up as she thrust twice more before her cum shot deep inside of Rachel.

With a groan, both women collapsed onto the couch with no intentions of moving any time soon.

"I will deny ever saying this, but how much will it cost me for you to stay tonight?" Cassie mumbled into Rachel's collarbone. She felt her dick starting to soften inside of Rachel but she couldn't bring herself to move. Being this close to the tiny singer just made her feel so right and Cassie was allowing herself one moment of weakness that she knew she would regret.

She just couldn't bring herself to care.

Rachel checked the time on the wall. "You stopped paying me twenty minutes ago." She sighed, well and truly spent.

Without saying another word, Cassie got up and held out her hand for Schwimmer to take. She led the young girl out of the living room and into her bedroom, where she pulled on a pair of black booty shorts and got into bed.

"There are shirts in the drawer below if you want something else to put on." Cassie offered and pulled the blankets on the other side of the bed down, silently inviting the girl to get in.


The next day, Rachel was scared to walk through the doors of her dance class. She was worried that Cassie would pick on her and then the whole class would learn of her job. She didn't sleep with every client she had, and she got to pick whether or not she did sleep with them; it was one of the rules of The Agency. Just because they assign her a client, doesn't mean that it's a done deal, and every client knows this rule before they agree to the terms and conditions.

Most of the time, Rachel is someone's date, or she will spend evenings with rich people who are in the city for business and just want some company. However, there is an extra price to pay to sleep with one of The Agency's girls and not many people will pay it, considering they can get hookers for half the price. What The Agency does guarantee though, is that the client will not get a nasty surprise next time they visit the doctor with a rash, and enough people would rather pay for that piece of mind.

So Rachel held her head high and walked into the studio. She was one of the last people to get there, thankfully, so that she wouldn't have to look Miss July in the eye. She avoided contact at all costs during the lesson, even though the older woman was her usual bitchy self. Rachel could have almost forgotten that anything had happened between them the night before, except for the fact that she was still sore.

Sure, she had had sex before, even had a client or two through The Agency, but she had never been so thoroughly fucked in her life and it definitely took its toll.

But Rachel refused to give Cassie the satisfaction.

"A word, Schwimmer." Cassie called when she dismissed the class.

Rachel turned on her heel, bags still on her shoulder, and stood before the blonde. She let her eyes briefly run over the woman's body for any sign of the giant cock that near enough ripped her in half the night before but found nothing. She must have been staring because when her eyes finally reached where they were supposed to be, Cassie was smirking knowingly at her.

"You won't find what you're looking for." She crossed her legs and leaned back against her desk before folding her arms across her chest. "I don't want you working like that anymore." Cassie told Rachel, refusing to meet the girl's eyes.

"I don't see how that's any concern of yours, Miss July." Rachel's voice was small as she fidgeted with the straps of her bag.

"Seriously, Schwimmer, how bad can your situation be for you to be working like that?" Cassie's heart sank, knowing that the girl in front of her, the one who she held all night, was stooping so low just to make her dreams come true.

Tears leapt to the edges of Rachel's eyes as she tried to find some sort of justification that didn't make her sound like a moron. She bit her lip to keep any tears from falling. There was no way that she would let Miss July see her cry.

"Why do you even care? You got what you wanted last night so just forget about it." Rachel spat and tried to make her way towards the door.

"You are so much better than that, Rachel." The use of her real name, made Rachel stop in her tracks. She stood with her back to her teacher as the first tear fell over her cheeks. "I can't bare the thought of you working like that." Cassie's voice was closer to Rachel, and she could feel the older woman's body warmth against her mostly bare back.

"I don't really have a choice." Rachel breathed.

"Let me pay whatever amount you need so that you don't have to work for them." Cassie offered and the brunette finally turned around.

"Why would you do something like that?" She breathed; shocked that Cassie was stood so close to her.

"Because the thought of someone else touching you makes me sick." The blonde's breathing picked up. She couldn't believe that she had given all her cards to Rachel. She never intended to. "Look, I'll pay the difference, just don't lower yourself like that anymore." She said softly.

"Cassie, I,"

"You don't have to feel obligated to be with me or sleep with me or any of that stuff, just let me help you out. I don't often do good things." Cassie looked at the girl for a second before fiddling with her fingers. She felt like she was back in high school.

"Okay." Rachel smiled but Cassie didn't see it. She was too busy staring at her nails.

"So how do you want to do this, I'll like give you an envelope once a month?" The older woman flicked her hair back over her shoulder and looked at the younger girl, retraining her steely façade.

"Well if you're not busy later on, we could hang out or something?" Rachel suggested.

"Sure. You have my address right?" Cassie quipped, winking at Rachel before walking away from the stunned girl.


So what did you think?
