Chapter 1

A wish come true

Lily P.O.V

I ran into my house. "Transformers Animated is on!" I yelled. Childish right? But I don't care. Even though I was 20 years old I still liked this show. "Come on Prime you can take him!" I yelled as I watched the season final to the show. I knew they would keep replaying the same episode's after but I hadn't watched this episode yet and thought it would end happily. "Prowl you can do it pull in those fragments!" I cheered the suddenly went quiet. "Prowl! What are you doing?! NOOOOO!" Prowl had give up his spark. Prowl was my favorite autobot. I felt a tear run down my cheek. "Prowl no why?" I started to cry hard. I went to bed upset. I looked at the stars and put my hands together and closed my eyes. "I wish with all of my heart and soul" I said quietly. "I wish I could go to the Transformers Animated world" I wished then went to sleep. The next morning I woke up in a tree. "How did I get here?" The branch snapped and I fell to the ground. "Hey miss are you okay?" I looked up into red eye's. "Yea I'm fine..." I said then gasped. I saw a girl with red hair. She was wearing an orange and white dress. The girl had tanned skin. "I'm Sari what's your name?" "I'm Lily and sadly have no-where to live" "Hey you could live with me and my Dad and be my new nanny!" Sari said smiling and I smiled back. I ghess she hadn't met the bots yet. A few hours later I was with Sari's dad. He was giving some children a tour of the tower. "Spark plug drop my key card you fuzzbot!" Sari yelled chasing her robot dog. I knew what was going to happen next but said nothing. Soon enough we where running for our live's. Thou I started to look for Sari. "SARI GET OUT OF HERE NOW!" Sari ran out of the building with me after her. "Spark plug let go!" I watched Sari have a tug of war with her robot dog. Two cars pulled up in front of us. "What is it" "I don't know" They drove up to us and Spark plug let go of Sari's key card and ran of. "Hey little creatcher did you lose your owner bot?" Sari screamed louder than a fog horn. "Ah this thing must have some sonic death whepon or something!" Sari ran and bashed into one of the monster's tintical's and it gtabbed. I ran over to the monster to try and save Sari and just got lifted up myself. "Lily!" "Don't worry Sari look" I said calmly looking at five giant robots. "We have to help them!" Prime said. "What are they?" Prowl said. When I saw Prowl I and screamed out like a fangirl. I stared at him dreamly with a stupit look on my face. Bulkhead hit the monster with his wreaking ball. The monster dropped us. I was caught only 5 seconds later. "Hey I'm Prowl" "I'm Lily nice to meet you" I smiled softly. I got to see Prowl for real. "Prowl get it into gear!" Prime called to Prowl. "Hey you better get back to Optimus before he get's mad" I said relising my misteck to late. "How do you know him?" "I'll explain later Prowl now hurry before Bulkhead get's sucked into that thing" I said. Prowl set me down gently and ran of but not before flashing me a smile. "LILY THEY ARE SO COOL!" Sari yelled. I know lets go watch the battle. Just as we got to the top of the of parking lot Bumblebee shot right past us. You can ghess what happened after that. Sari ran down to Bumblebee. "OHMYGOSHTHATWASSOAWSOME!" "Sari slow down my friend is hurt real bad I have to go" "But I want to go with you" Sari said climbing in Bumblebee. Bumblebee lifted her out. Sari started to climb through the window. "Come on you can trust this face" Sari said smiling. "Bumblebee roll out!" Prime yelled. "Sari can help Bulkhead if you take us with you" I said and Bumblebee give in. "Okay but keep down till I can explain" Bumblebee said as we got in. Bumblebee went under water. "Are we gonna be able to breath down there?" "Oh sure...what's breath?" We got to the ship. "Hey I want to see!" Sari said as Bumblebee put his seat belt around her making the seats we where on fly back. "Well you keep down!" The bots looked at Bumblebee. "Well keep down..loading information to help fix Bulkhead" Sari started to move around ending up making Bumblebee beep his horn loudly. "Bumblebee you put a plug on it already and transform to robot mode" Prime said covering his audio's. "Right robot mode" Bumblebee through us down the vent that went to the all-spark room. Sari went over to the all-spark and it opened up and scanned her then scanned me for some reason. It then shot out beams toward me and Sari. "Okay did we just have a converstion?" "How did you get aboard this ship?" "They followed me home...can I keep them?" "Hey we're not it's we're she's" Sari said. "I suposs you have some kind of explaination for this?" "I'm karowing it down to my top five" Bumblebee said as Prime's went of. We headed up to the medical bay. "I can't get him stable!" Ratchet said. My body suddenly acted on it's own. I ran forward. Prowl lefted me up to the berth where Bulkhead layed. I blushed then went forward and put my hand on Bulkhead's wounds and they healed. "Wow can all she's do that?" Bumblebee said shocked. "I don't even know how I did that" "At this point nothing suprise's me" Optimus said. "And it's not over yet" Ratchet said pointing to a screen. "I think my dad is looking for me" Sari said. We went up to surfus and the guns got pointed at the bots. "Don't shot their friendly" Sari said. "Exsept the red and white one he's a little grumpy but other that their kind" I said as Issaic came over and hugged Sari. I lowered my head in sadness. "Hey you okay Lily?" Prowl asked from behind me. "Y-yea I'm f-fine" I said my voice cracked. My family died in a house fire 2 years ago and when I saw Sari with her dad it made me remember. Prowl didn't look like he was buying it but it let it slip. "Guys can you come with me I have something to show you" Prowl transformed and drove over to me and offered me a ride. I got on gently. "No need to be so gentle Lily" I blushed. "Prowl would you like me to show you around I know where Sari and the others going and I need to tell you something" "Sure I would like to know more about your planet" I blushed. "Great I have a crush on him" I thought. "Prowl turn left" Prowl did as I said then we found ourselves in the park. "Prowl can I trust you with a secret?" Prowl nodded. "Prowl the reason I was so upset back there..." I stopped feeling tears in my eyes. "Lily why did you stop?" "It's just I get very sad when I think about it" "You can tell me anything I'm here to listen" Prowl said softly. "My parents and my family died in a house fire 2 years ago and when I saw Sari with her dad. It made me remember. I could not help them. I could just stand there watch them burn" I said starting to cry. "I share your pain Lily" Prowl said putting his arms around me. "I know Prowl I know everything about you" I said as the memory of Prowl giving his spark up came to my mind. "How can you know about my life?" I took a deep shaky breath and let it out. "Prowl I'm not from this universe I come from a universe where you, the bots and the con's are part of a TV show. I always watched it then not last night but the night before I made a wish to go to this universe. My wish came true and well here I am" Prowl nodded understanding my story. "Well I hope you will like it here" Prowl said looking around then paused when he saw the nature around him. I giggled. "You are diffently the Prowl from the show I watched" "Huh?" "Nature lover you where always into nature but Bumblebee being the pest he is was always teasing you" Prowl grinned. "Only thing the show you are the one who gets hurt by that giant monster" "Oh is that so?" I nodded then smiled. "But I'm happy you didn't get hurt this time" Prowl looked at me shocked as I relised what I said and blushed. "Prowl I-I-I-I-I time to come clean...Prowl back in my universe I was sort of a fangirl you were my favorite autobot most likely because you are a lot like me" I blushed then randomly hugged him. We headed to the place Sari found for the bots land base.