Upon discovering the change in hair colour the following morning, Soul was very, very angry, to say the least.
He'd woken up and immediately check his Twitter (as is ritual to do so every morning), only to have his eyes almost pop out of his skull; someone had uploaded a picture of him asleep, with a little pool of drool underneath his head, hugging his favourite pony. It didn't exactly take many brain cells to figure out who'd done it.
But that wasn't what had scared the absolute shit out of him that morning.
As he rushed towards the bathroom, skidding around corners and almost smacking his head into a door, he'd prayed to every deity he'd ever heard of that what he'd seen wasn't real, and that Maka had just gained amazing Photoshop skills somewhere during the course of her life.
Lady Luck must've been on a smoke break.
He was grabbing his neon pink hair and clawing at the mirror when Maka stormed into the bathroom, red faced, incredibly pissed off, and with her phone in her hand. She was about to Maka-chop him to an inch of his life for uploading a video of her rapping onto Facebook, when her eyes landed on his crazed expression and colourful hair.
She'd promptly fallen to the floor, clutching her stomach as peals of laughter racked through her body, and had barely managed to splutter out the compliment, "L-Looks…good on you!"
Monday morning finds Soul walking towards the freezer, clad in pink clothing and holding a small, red bottle in his hand. About a year ago, after a very, very hot day, it became customary for the pair to make something sweet and cold each summer morning, be it a smoothie or an ice-cream or a milkshake.
It's Soul's turn today.
He decides to keep it simple and classic: a nice, small ice-cream sundae in a cup. He squirts a large quantity of chocolate sauce on top of his and then squeezes Maka's strawberry sauce into a separate bowl. Taking a cautious look left and right, he quickly opens the lid to the chilli powder he's been holding in his left hand and pours a quarter of its contents into the sauce.
Taking a teaspoon with a long handle, he artistically pours the sauce over the sundae and leaves it on the table.
a/n; Just a gap filler while I work on the next chapter; I feel as if after having his hair dyed pink, Soul would pull a cruel prank on Maka, rather than a funny one.
Also, just thought I'd let you know that I had to add the word 'smoothie' to Word's dictionary. Lastly, I'm open for any and all prompts, suggestions and prank ideas, but I'm not going to lie and say that I guarantee that they'll definitely be included into the drabbles.