Seriously, I was not meant to be here! Was there anything wrong with a girl visiting her boyfriend? Well, I wasn't visiting. He was my ex-boyfriend. And I was there to burn his house down. I grumbled to myself. Maybe that wasn't a good idea. But I was still glad I did it. I was glad that I could see all the memories of torture burn. But the one thing I couldn't stand was to see him burn. I didn't want to kill him. I had cried as everything turned to dust. All my fault. My tears and the fire didn't go together well. That night I was caught and put in for court.

"I don't really see you as a crazy person. So, I'm giving you another choice, kid. There is a camp that I know that's perfect for people like you. Camp Green Lake, or Jail?" I raised my hand to the microphone. "Um, The camp, I guess." He slammed his gavel. "18 months, Camp Green Lake."

Now I was here. But I wasn't completely alone. Fortunately, My best friend, Sabrina, had committed a crime. She had been framed though. Sabrina honestly didn't look like someone who would commit something bad. Her perky eyes and pink cheeks hid her personality pretty well. Sabrina was framed of robbery of a small child. People believed the man's story and sent her exactly where I was going. At least I'd have someone to talk to in this place. Only, I had no idea where I was headed. The direction that would change my life, West.

Dust clouded my view of the road, If there was one. I wouldn't be able to tell. I was handcuffed tightly. So was Sabrina. It was offensive that the grumpy guard in the right hand corner would not trust us. Explainable though. He stood up as the rickety old bus came to a halt. "You getting up, Or what?" He grumbled. I stood up. "You sound like you hate your job." I said. "I do."

He took off our cuffs and pushed us out. I landed on my knees, coughing at the intense heat overload. "I'll miss you too." I sarcastically commented. I pulled myself up and helped Sabrina. She defiantly did not fit any detention sentences at all. She looked like she should be on the cover of Princess weekly. "Thanks." I pulled her along and we all went inside a wooden cabin. A tiny fan was lamely blowing on a large desk.

At that desk sat an old smelly Texas Ranger. "Sheriff, I would like to report a mutiny." I joked and laughed. He glared. "Shut up, you." I threw my hands up in innocence. "You, probably shouldn't do that." Sabrina squeaked. Sabrina was always the responsible kind one. "Whatever." We slumped in chairs.

"So, Deans and Ross, eh? Well, I'm Mr. Sir, Welcome to Camp Green Lake." I held back a laugh as best I could. If I held out longer, I was scared I would choke. He made a mean face and pulled out a clipboard. "So Ms. Deans, you stole a child...Hm?" "Well, I didn't. Really, I was just babysitting and my friends and I went out for a few drinks and-" "So did you steal it or not?!" Demanded .

Sabrina shut up and looked down. "Yes, ." "And you, Ross. By what it tells me here, you're pretty aggressive when angered. Your file tells me that you're crazy." I clenched my fists and jaw. "Doesn't every one burn down a house once in a while?" I sarcastically asked. "No. Follow me." He dragged us out of the cabin and into an even smaller one.

"Every day you will go out and dig one hole. 5 foot in every dimension. Your shovel is your measuring stick. You get two sets of clothes, one for work, one for relaxation. Alright?" He threw us our clothes and some boots. "Undress." "Ok, turn around, deal?" He rolled his eyes and turned. Sabrina and I quickly changed. When we were done he turned back. "Now the warden has told me to check yawl's bag

cus of feminine reasons. So ya better not have any weapons or anything in there." I rolled my eyes. "Ross, Deans?" I turned around to a scrawny pale man. His face was sunburnt and he had khakis. "I'm your counselor, . Follow me, girls." He waved us along outside. "You'll be in D tent. D stands for Diligence. I think you'll like the boys." "Wait," I paused him "Boys? I thought we would be with girls." He crooked into a smile.

"Uh, girls. Camp Green Lake is a boys detention center." I glared out into space. A boys detention center? That screamed 'Rape me'. "I can't stay with boys!" Sabrina exclaimed. "Sorry, Girlie, ya shouldn't have done the crime." Her face grew extremely but Sabrina rarely actually burst out. I looked over to where we were headed. A large green tent with laughter coming from the inside. I sighed nervously. Why was I nervous? Pendanski opened the flap and stepped in, us outside.