Disclaimer: I do not own Power Rangers Megaforce. This story is fan-made.

Author's Note: This is not where the Megaforce series starts. If you want to read the series without getting lost, I suggest you read my stories in the order they appear:

No To Date Nights - The Party Night - Project Partners - Megaforce: Lives Behind The Masks - Prom Night - A Trip To Remember - First Meetings - Something She Loves – Protective Morans – Samurai In Harwood County – Rainy Days – Luck Had Nothing To Do With It – Ranger Support – Parents and Children – Hero Without The Spandex – Emma's Night – Emma's Mother – Bait And Switch – After Death

No matter how many nights she spent at the Moran house, Mrs. Goodall could not get used to sleeping in the Moran's bed. Mrs. Goodall insisted she take the master bedroom because there was no way she would be sleeping in her bed anytime soon without her husband. Mrs. Goodall had a full king size bed to herself while Mrs. Moran slept on a mattress in the living room.

Gia and Emma were sharing Emma's bed while Serena, who was also staying a few nights with the Morans, was sleeping in Gia's room. There was enough space for everyone and everyone said they were comfortable, but Mrs. Goodall felt guilty. She tossed and turned all night, every night, wondering what more she could do to help her best friend and the girls.

Emma, especially. Though she was here to comfort Mrs. Moran, her best friend of over two decades, there was nothing more important to her than Emma. Unfortunately, Emma didn't want anything to do with her. A few words were exchanged from time to time, but nothing serious, nothing that would give Mrs. Goodall any type of clue as to how she could repair her relationship with Emma.

When morning came, she was the first one up. She made her way downstairs to get started on breakfast for the house. She was about to make bacon to go with the pancakes and eggs, but remembered her daughter was vegetarian and put the bacon back in the fridge. As she got started with the pancake batter, she heard someone walk into the kitchen. She looked over her shoulder and saw Serena.

"Good morning."

"Morning," Serena answered back. Mrs. Goodall looked over at her again and noticed Serena looked like she was dressed in her pyjamas, but she looked like she was ready to head out for the day.

"Where are you headed dressed like that?" she asked.

"This is my training uniform," Serena said. "It's comfortable."

"Training? For what?"

"Martial arts."

"You're a therapist and a martial artist?"

"I'm not really a therapist," Serena shook her head. "I work at Panorama High as a kind of counsellor. You know, it's amazing what kids have to say when you really listen to them."

"A kind of counsellor?"

"I don't have any degrees or anything," Serena shrugged her shoulders, "But I've got a lot of experience. It's got to mean something when I say I managed to open Gia up. She's one of my most rewarding kids."

"Rewarding?" Mrs. Goodall asked. "Don't get me wrong, I love Gia, I really do, but she's always been…"

"Do you know what's happened?" Serena frowned. Mrs. Goodall nodded her head.

"I've heard bits and pieces. It's terrible."

"Bits and pieces?" Serena asked. "No offense, Mrs. Goodall, but Emma and Gia are inseparable. You should know more about Gia's life than just bits and pieces."


"I mean, the school only paid me to come to talk to Gia," Serena said, "And I still took some time to get to know Emma because of how important she was to Gia."

"I don't need the lecture," Mrs. Goodall muttered. She poured the pancake mix into a pan, "I know I'm a screw up."

"You screwed up," Serena shook her head. "You're not a screw up. No one is a screw up."


"That's what I tell my kids," Serena shrugged her shoulders. "That's what I tell myself. You screwed up, Mrs. Goodall, you screwed up real bad, but you're not a bad person."

"You don't know me."

"I know you flew all the way back home from Oklahoma to help your friend. I know you tried to make amends with your daughter, recently. I know you're trying right now to show her you're a better person, and you're hurting because she won't see it."

"How do you…?"

"Like I said, I've gotten to know Emma. It would be nice if you did too."

"What if she doesn't want me to know her?"

"Can you blame her? You had seventeen years. Good luck, Mrs. Goodall, and when Gia wakes up, tell her to bring her training uniform and find me in the park."

"Aren't you staying for breakfast?"

"Sorry," Serena shook her head and placed her hand on her stomach, "I'm still trying to get rid of the baby weight. I'll pick up something on the way."

"Still trying to get rid of the baby weight?" Mrs. Goodall frowned once Serena was gone, "Show off."


At the Burrows household, the mood was a little more spirited. Ryan had woken her family up in the early hours, but was now rewarding all of them with a big, gummy smile. It was a sight that made her parents, her brother, and Rebecca very excited as they all did what they could to get her smiling. Rebecca, in particular, enjoyed the experience, and made every silly face she could.

"You're really good at this," Troy complimented his oldest sister. Rebecca shrugged her shoulders and leaned back into the couch. She was winded for leaning forward. Her stomach was so big and she was due any day, so reaching the point of exhaustion was not a difficult task.

"Probably those maternal instincts," Rebecca muttered. "Someone's got to tell the mother inside of me it's too early to come out."

"Or, she can stay," Mrs. Burrows suggested with a smirk, "Just for the day. Chris and I were thinking of getting away together for a little bit, seeing as he's got the day off."

"So you want us to babysit?" Rebecca asked with a look of hesitation all over her face, "Mrs. Burrows, you know I'd love to help out. After everything you've done for me, it's the least I can do, but…"

"I'll be here," Troy suggested. "I can do the heavy lifting, and Ryan's a good baby. She won't be to demanding."

"It would mean a lot," Mr. Burrows said and he looked right at Rebecca. Even with Troy's help, he knew it was asking a lot of the teen. Rebecca was miserable in her condition, and only moved around when she needed to. However, he and Mrs. Burrows hadn't gotten a lot of time together since Ryan's birth, and they were very much looking forward to a date without the baby.

"Alright," Rebecca gave in and looked over to Ryan. She rolled her eyes, "You better be good."

Ryan stuck her fist in her mouth.

"Thank you," Mrs. Burrows smiled. She hugged her son and then Rebecca, "I've already got lunch and dinner made, you'll just need to reheat them. Rebecca, all your vitamins are laid out on the counter by the fridge. Do not forget to take them."

"With any luck, I won't have to because this baby will come out."

"It could be a while still, sweetheart," Mrs. Burrows chuckled. "If it does happen today, though, my cell phone is on. I can be at the hospital in ten minutes. Troy…"

"I'll drive her and drop Ryan off with the neighbours," Troy promised. "Go, have fun. We've got everything under control here."

"We're trusting you kids," Mr. Burrows said as he picked up his car keys. "No wild parties."

"Chris," Mrs. Burrows slapped her husband gently on the chest and laughed. She knew Troy – he was not one to throw big parties that would tear up the house. In fact, she would encourage him to invite some of his friends over if he would be alone for the day. And Rebecca wouldn't want a party in her state. She and her husband had nothing to worry about. "C'mon, or we'll be late for the movie. I have my phone!"

"Goodbye, sweet pea," Mr. Burrows walked over to his daughter and took her in his arms. He gave her one last cuddle and a kiss goodbye before leaving the house with his wife.

Rebecca fell on her side on the couch, "When is nap time?"

"She needs breakfast," Troy chuckled. He held Ryan and then passed her over to Rebecca, "Can you hold her while I warm up the milk?"

Rebecca nodded and reached her arms out. Just as she was about to take the baby she felt a pain in her stomach. She winced for a moment and stopped breathing until the pain passed. Troy looked to her worriedly.


"It's fine," she shook her head. "That's been going on all night and nothing's happened."

"Are they contractions?"

"I…" Rebecca groaned painfully and it looked like another one had hit. It was a moment before it passed. "I'm okay, Troy."

"No you're not," Troy shook his head and he put Ryan in her carrier.

"Yeah, I…"

"My socks are wet," Troy told her. Rebecca looked down at her feet and saw a puddle of water had come down her legs and to the floor. She stood up and felt her pants. They were wet. Her eyes widened in terror as she looked to her brother. He nodded his head, "Yeah, it's happening. Go get cleaned up, I'll call mom…"

"But… but…"

"You're going to be fine, Rebecca, I'll be here with you the entire time," Troy reassured her. "Go upstairs, you have time for a quick shower, right?"

"Y-yeah… no? Troy, I don't… I don't know what to do!"

"At least get changed," Troy said. He grabbed Ryan's bag and put it over his shoulder while also getting the phone so he could call his mother. They had just left, so it likely wouldn't take them long to come back and help.

Rebecca nodded her head and slowly tried to make her way upstairs. Troy grabbed as much as he could, and everything he thought he would need for both his sisters.

"I'm going to drop Ryan off," he called upstairs to his sister. "I won't be long!"

He took the baby and hurried to the door. Just as he started to put on his shoes he heard a familiar beeping. He groaned as he turned to his bag.

"You have got to be kidding me," he said. He set Ryan down and pulled out his morpher, "Gosei, bad time…"

"There's an alien in the plaza. The other Rangers are on their way."

"I… I…" Troy looked up the stairs, then down at his sister, and then back at his morpher. He took his cell phone from his pocket and quickly tried to call his mother.

There was no answer.

He tried his father.

There was no ring.

He looked outside and saw a large, dark cloud rolling over the city. It didn't look like a normal storm cloud. In fact, the weatherman had been calling for clear skies all week. He spoke into his morpher, "Gosei…"

"The alien seems to be able to generate heavy rainfall, strong winds, and lightning," Tensou answered. "His storm is already covering half the city, and if you don't stop him soon, it's only going to spread. The team needs you, Troy."

He heard a piercing cry from his sister upstairs and looked up at her. He couldn't reach his parents, his friends and the city were in need, and Rebecca was about to have a baby.