"So, where would you like to go, Pearl?" The Doctor asks as we walk back to my yard.


"Yeah, like around Thunder Bay." The Doctor says.

"I don't know, it's your decision. You're the tourist." I say.

Just as he is about to reply, my stomach growls.

"Well, I guess we should find somewhere to eat." He states.

I chuckle, and I consult my photographic memory… what's the nearest place?

"The mall has Pizza… and a smoothie place that will sell you a piece or two of their fruit if you don't mind weird looks." I smile slightly, remembering my best friend Wendy [or "Whovian Wendy", as she is sometimes called] and I stopping at the mall on our way to a birthday party for her also-Whovian boyfriend Justin to buy tissue paper that she forgot. She decided that we both needed bananas because we were going to a party, and Justin would just love it if we both showed up with bananas.

He really did love it.

"Even Bananas?" The Doctor asks, eyes wide.

"Yes, but why would we need those? We're not going to a party."

He laughs. "So you watched my ninth incarnation on the telly too?"

"Ah, Christopher Eccleston and his big ears. Yes, I did." Technically, it was on my computer because I don't have cable or satellite or anything.

He's immediately defensive. "My ears weren't that big!"

"Oh yes they were."

"Were not!"

"I could have used them as footholds when trying to reach a high shelf at Wal-Mart."

"You're exaggerating! Do you do that often?"

"No, I never exaggerate ever."

"Sure. And you're never sarcastic."

"Nope. And you still had big ears."

"Should we get food now?" The Doctor suggests, changing the subject.

"Yeah, food. Let's take my mother's car though." She had taken a taxi to the airport.

I tell him to wait outside as I run inside to grab a few things; my purse, including my phone and bank card, and my mom's keys.

I lock the door behind me as I head back towards The Doctor.

I step down my front stairs and something's wrong.

I don't see him. He's not there.

I call his name. No response.

"Doctor!?" I yell again, and this time my eyes catch sight of something.

I see the slightest amount of red Converse sticking out from behind the T.A.R.D.I.S.

I start to speed-walk towards him, because running is too unnecessary and walking is too slow, and I'm five feet away when I see his body fall backwards into my line of sight.

A/N: wow... what a long time it's been. My writing style has changed and so have many, many things. Maybe I'll update this story... and post to AO3 instead? Does anyone still use this site anymore?