A/N: I know I said I wasn't going to start another story anytime soon but this one would not leave my head. I put fingers to keyboard and decided to put it out there and see what you guys think. I know Olivia is out of character but bare with me and give me time to get her back in character. I hope everyone enjoys and let me know what you think.

Alex sat in the car and stared in disbelief at the sight before her. Olivia had just knocked on the door of a cheap, seedy, by- the- hour motel room and entered when a woman opened the door. Normally, she wouldn't even think twice about seeing her wife at what was commonly called a hooker motel or any of her odd behavior she's witnessed for over the past month. But considering she had just caught her in lie, it was becoming increasingly hard to ignore.

Alex had stopped by the precinct hoping that she would be able to steal about ten minutes of Olivia's time and convince her that they needed a weekend get a way. When she didn't see her when she walked in, she asked Nick Amaro, her partner, where she was. He had told her that the captain had given her the rest of the day off with a confused look on his face. She had laughed it off and told him she had probably just ruined a surprise she had planned and to never let her know she had stopped by. He seemed relieved with that response and agreed to keep this visit to themselves.

As she walked out of the bull pen, she had hit speed dial two and called her. When she asked if she wanted to meet for lunch, Olivia had told her that her and Amaro had just gotten a lead on an old case and was following it up. Alex, who had to fight hard to keep her emotions under control, glanced at Amaro through the door and with what she hoped was a steady voice told her to be careful and she would see her that evening instead. Olivia had promised her an evening without interruptions and hung the phone up.

Alex was on her way back to her office across town when, as luck would have it, she saw Olivia's car and, on a whim, decided to follow it. After driving for about twenty minutes, Olivia had turned into the parking lot of the motel and Alex parked across the street to watch her. She was just starting to think that she had jumped to conclusions and Olivia was following a lead until the door opened and a young woman, about half their age, opened the door and pulled Olivia inside.

Alex put the car in drive as the tears began to fall, and allowed her mind to wander back to the case that had changed Olivia. It was a case that involved a young man that was twenty-two years old and accused of raping several students at the local community college. The evidence was rock solid against him and Alex had a slam dunk case to put him away for at the very least fifteen having to serve ten before he could be released. To say that Alex was shocked would be an understatement, when the woman who often felt like rape should carry the death penalty came in and begged Alex for her to plead the man out. She remembered the conversation like it was yesterday.

"Alex, I need you to plead him out," Olivia said as she went storming into Alex's office.

"Who?" Alex asked, glancing up at Olivia before going back to reading the file she had in her hand.

"Wesley Smith."

"Why?" Alex asked as she looked up, shocked at what she was hearing.

"He's a young man who has a chance to change his ways and make something of himself," Olivia explained.

"And so is every other rapist we put on trial. What makes him so special?"

"He's not special," Olivia sighed as she ran her hands through her hair, "He's just a young man who has made a mistake."

"A young man who made a mistake, a mistake," Alex repeated, the shock more than evident in the tone of her voice, "He raped four women, Olivia, four women. I wouldn't say the young man made a mistake. What he made was a pattern, a very distinct pattern, not a mistake. Come on, Olivia, the man didn't even have the sense god gave him to wear a condom. I have gotten longer sentences with less evidence, you know that."

"At least, get him into a rehab. Let's give this young man a chance."

"A rehab? You and I both know that a rehab does nothing for sex offenders. Hell, if anything, it teaches them new ways to terrorize women and hide evidence."

"And prison is better?" Olivia said, almost shouting.

"No, my opinion is that all rapists should have their penis cut off and then fed to them, but that is declared cruel and unusual punishment, so I have to settle for prison," Alex stated, put off by what Olivia was asking of her.

"Not all rapists are alike though."

"You're right, they're not," Alex answered as she took a step back and stared at the woman before her. One that she didn't recognize at the moment, "Some are worse than others, but, either which way, they have forced themselves upon a woman and deserves to be punished."

"They do, but sometimes we have a chance to make a difference and that chance is now."

"We do make a difference, Olivia. We make one everyday that we get a conviction. We make one everyday that we take a sex offender off the street. We bring what little peace there is to the victims and give them a chance to start healing, something that they wouldn't have a chance to do if it wasn't for us."

"Don't you ever feel like you are making a mistake?" Olivia asked, taking a step toward Alex.

"When the evidence is circumstantial at best, yes, I do, at times, but, when it is as stacked and concrete as it is with him, no, I don't."

"I think you are," Olivia said as she turned and headed for the door, "For once, have a little compassion and get the man the help he need, the help he deserves. Do you think you could do that or is that going to damage your climb up the ladder?"

"I am not letting a rapist walk with minimum amount of time when we have the evidence that we have. I'm sorry, Olivia, but I refuse."

"I should have known," Olivia sneered out as she walked out and slammed the door behind her.

Alex had jumped at the sound of her door being slammed and shook her head. Once she had recovered from the shock of everything, she had placed a call to Cragen and asked him to get her everything he had on Wesley Smith and not just what they had given her. She wanted to know what was hidden, what it was about this young man that made her wife, the biggest crusader for rape victims, change her tune and, for the first time ever, had her siding with the rapist and not the victim.