Chapter 36

Karai woke up fairly early because of her sparkling kicking her. She smiled and gently rubbed her stomach, "Okay little one, I'll get you some energon." she said. She tiredly got up up and went to the vault to get some energon n or herself and for Bouncer when he got up. She went back to her room and sat on her berth, dining her energon. Then Bouncer woke up,

"Hiya Mommy." he said happily as he came over to her berth.

"Hey Bouncer." She said.

"Are my big brothers coming today?" Bouncer asked and Karai nodded. Then the little femme inside Karai started kicking again and Bouncer rubbed her stomach.

A little while later, Karai and Bouncer were sitting on the couch together. Karai was was getting to the point where she was having trouble moving around and she was getting more and more tired. Then they all heard two jet engines and Bouncer hid behind one of the cushions, making Karai giggle.

"Bouncer, it's just your two brothers, they can fly."

"Whoa!" he said, then the Jettwins flew into the base and transformed. They saw Karai and they went up and hugged her.

"Hiya carrier." Jetstorm said as he and Jetfire hugged Karai awkwardly. The hug was only awkward because of her large stomach. Then Bouncer poked his helm out from behind the cusion.

"Hello lil' bro'." Jetfire said to Bouncer as he came out.

"Hello." Bouncer said quietly as he looked up at them. Then Jetfire picked up Bouncer who snuggled up to his brother. Karai smiled slightly as she watched them.

Hours passed and it was starting to get late and Karai went to bed a little earlier as her energy levels were very low. Jetfire and Jetstorm stayed up with Bouncer, asking his a few questions to fill them in on what had happened while they were gone.

While that was happening, Jane was monitoring every thing that was happening and then she then said something in an unknown language to someone in the base, "Quanitanya engh murumbia."

Prowl looked confused as he had never heard that language.

Back at the base the younger mechs had been joined by Bumblebee in their conversation. But then an ear splitting scream and everyone covered their audio receptors. They tightened their grip when they heard it again.

"Oh no, Karai!" Optimus gasped as he ran towards Karai's and Prowl's room, but had to spot half way as they scream came back. Finally he and Ratchet made to the room. Karai was curled up on the berth with her hands over her long ears that were now bleeding. Her abdomen was also so much larger then when she left. Then they looked up a little and saw the figure that Catlinet had shown them when you say Karai's full name three time in front of a reflector panel. When the figure looked at them before disappearing. Ratchet quickly went over to Karai, scanning her. After he finished, his optics widened.

"What is it Ratchet?" Optimus asked, although he did notice that Karai was much larger.

"Whatever happened, the little femmeling is now fully developed and can be born any day now."

"What? How is that possible?" Karai asked, her optics wide.

"I have no idea, but I want you to come to the med-bay so that we can make sure." Ratchet said and Karai nodded. Optimus gently helped Karai up, but she could barely stand and he gently picked her up.

Optimus carried Karai into the med-bay, gently laying her down on the berth while Ratchet prepared the ultrasound machine. Once it was finished, Ratchet gently pressed the triangular camera to Karai's stomach to see the sparkling. On the screen the little sparkling was curled up with her servos out a little bit in front of her. Ratchet smiled a little,

"Whatever happened to you, the sparkling is ready to be born any day now." Karai nodded, then Bouncer came in and jumped up onto the 1berth with Karai.

"Mommy, what happened?" He asked, looking at Karai's abdomen.

"Your little sister grew very fast and she will be coming very soon." Karai said with a smile. She managed to stand up and waddle-walk out into the main room and sat on the couch with the others. Then Optimus explained what had happened to the others and said

"Since Prowl isn't here to get Karai to the med-bay when she goes into labour, she will have to recharge out here and we will have to take turns in staying out here to keep and optic on her."

Karai smiled as Bouncer jumped up next to her, "I can look after her." He said happily.

"You are too young to do this, Bouncer." Optimus said calmly.

"Awww." He whined, "I wanna look after Mommy." He pouted, making Karai chuckle.

"You need a lot more recharge than the rest of the base sweetspark because you're much younger than everyone else." Bouncer shook his helm

"No, no. I older than little sissy." he said, but then yawned, his optics drooping slightly.

"You need recharge now little mech." Karai smiled slightly.

"Can I recharge out here?" he asked tiredly. Karai nodded and looked up at Optimus and he nodded as well. Then Bouncer curled up beside Karai. Karai smiled at him, rubbing his side.

"All I want is the very best for the two of them, even if it means giving them up." Karai said softly.

"You will never have to do something like that." Optimus said and Karai nodded a little.

"Hey Karai, can I speak with you for a second?" Ratchet asked and Karai nodded, following him into the med-bay.

"Karai, after what happened with you when you gave birth to Bouncer, I want to give you a C-section to ensure both of your safety." and Karai nodded.

"If it means that she will be safe, I'll do it." Karai said, "I'll tell Bouncer when he wakes up and then I'll get it done." Karai said and Ratchet nodded.

The next day, when Bouncer woke up, Karai explained what Ratchet would be doing to her and the little femmeling.

"Will it hurt?" Bouncer asked.

"No, Uncle Ratchet will give me something to make me fall asleep and I won't feel anything." Karai said gently.

"Will it hurt little sister?" he asked.

"It will be a surprise to her, but it won't hurt." Bouncer nodded, "The sooner I get this done, the less I need to worry about your sire because then I can go look for him." She said, then Ratchet came out of the med-bay. Karai nodded and kissed Bouncer on the forehelm, "You and your brothers will be the first to see her." she said before disappearing into the med-bay with Ratchet.

Bouncer waited patiently outside the med-bay with his two brothers. He swung his pedes back and fourth in his seat and counted how many times he swung his pedes to try and pass the time, but he just ended up counting for hours.

"How much longer do we have to wait to see little sister?" Bouncer asked.

"I don't know, it could be another hour for all we know." Jetstorm said. Then Ratchet called.

"You three can come in now." and the three mechs went in.

"You need to be quiet." Jetstorm whispered to Bouncer and Bouncer nodded.

Karai was propped up against the back of the berth with the little sparkling wrapped up in a blanket. Bouncer did a running jump up onto the berth to see them.

"She's so small." He said looking at his little sister and Karai nodded.

"You were even smaller than her when you were born." she said, kissing him on the forehelm.

"She's here, so that means we have to…" Jetstorm started

"No we don't. I know where Prowl is. I just need to bring some backup with me." Karai said.

"But what about us?" Ratchet asked.

"This goes beyond Autobot-Decepticon battles. The one we will fight has the potential to end a conflict much older, or make it much worse." Karai said, "Catlinet knows what I am talking about."

"What are you gonna name little sister?" Bouncer asked, trying to lighten the mood.

"Sophiechell." Karai said