The secret

Chapter 1

Prowl was walking down the hall to his room when Bumblebee came running up behind him "Prowl! Ultra Magnus is coming down here tomorrow!" he yelped excitedly "Why are you so excited?" Prowl asked "Because he's bringing and new femme with him and she's going to be joining our team!" Bumblebee started to get even more excited. Prowl just left and went into his room. "A femme?" he asked himself "Why is Ultra Magnus bringing a femme?" He had only really known two femmes in his life. His Carrier and a femme called Karai. He met Karai at the Cyberninga Academy. She was shy at first but when they started to fight each other Karai beat all of them. She was often teased because she was a techno-organic not fully Cybertronian. "I hope she's not like Bumblebee" Prowl didn't want another loudmouth in the plant.

The Next Day

Prowl woke up to the sound of Bumblebee yelling about what he would do with the new femme. When Prowl managed to drag himself out of the berth and into the main room when Ultra Magnus was coming in. "Ultra Magus. Is the new recruit with you?" Optimus asked because no one could see her. "Karai." Ultra Magnus said and a techno-organic not much taller than Bumblebee came out from behind him. She had red eyes with a scar that looked like something scratched her there. She had a dark completion and long black hair. She was wearing a black bodysuit that went all the way up her throat and down her arms, black tights, long black gloves and long black high heeled boots. She was really thin and looked sort of nervous. "Karai has been a target of the Decepticons for a long time now." Ultra Magnus explained "And with the recent death of her bondmate she has been left quite vulnerable. And you can imagine how easy to is to find her when she's always with us." "So you think she'll be better protected here. But why are you showing so much concern for her?" Optimus asked "Because she is my step-daughter and I promised her mother that I would protect her." He said before whispering into her ear but just before he left she pulled him into a hug as if she didn't want him to leave. She gently pulled away and he went to talk to Optimus about who knows what.

Prowl couldn't believe it. The exact same Karai that went to the Cyberninga Academy with him but he noticed a few small differences in her. For starters the scratch over her eye, it looked like it irritated her a lot because she keeps brushing her hand over it. She also looked thinner. As in much thinner than he remembered. And the most notable thing, her fangs were a lot longer than he remembered. "Ok, Karai on behalf of the team I would like to welcome you to earth." Optimus said "Thank you." Karai replied rather quietly "Now since you and Prowl know each other rather well, I think it would be best if you two share a room." Karai gently smiled at Prowl as if to say 'yes I do want to share a room with you' "Ah sure and I'll show you around the base as well." Prowl said and they both walked down the hall. "Why does Prowl get to share a room with Karai and I don't?" complained Bumblebee.