Hellooo! x

So this chapter turned out to be really long, so I decided to split it into two parts. The next part is still in progress. I'll try to get it out quick, but I really don't know how long it'll take because I have finals coming up and I'm not even close to ready :( I know you guys want me to update fast and I promise I'm trying! :) Enjoy!

It should come as no surprise that I have been checking my phone religiously since yesterday. Prim noticed when she got back from Rue's house and this morning when we were walking to the car. Prim makes sure to make me promise that I won't look at it while I'm driving. But that doesn't really help since I'm so distracted by the possibility that he might have responded that I don't even pay much attention to the road. By the time I get to the school, I am tempted to sprint inside just to see if he is there. Unfortunately, he is not. I go to my locker, trying to convince myself that he is just running late. I try to believe that he will walk in soon and smile at me and tell me that everything is okay. I decide to just stand there and wait for him to get here. Even when Madge comes to find me, I tell her that I will meet her in class. She agrees reluctantly and leaves me there to wait for Peeta.

And then, the bell rings.

I look around the hallway as the rest of the students start to disperse into their classes. My first reaction is to keep myself from panicking. After all anything could have happened. His witch of a mother could have held him up this morning and caused him to be late. I try to keep that in mind as I close my locker and start walking toward my first class.


I stop dead in my tracks and spin around as my heart races. But it's not Peeta. Instead, I see his best friend walking toward me. Finnick, as if this day couldn't get any worse. Now Finnick is probably going to try to mess with me just because Peeta isn't here to stop him.

"What do you want, Finnick?"

The look on his face throws me off. Instead of his usually cocky smile, he now has a stressed expression on his face. I try to keep my resolve even though it is obvious that he is worried about something.

"Katniss, listen to me. This is important."

"Well then what is it?"

My tone is not nearly as intimidating as it was supposed to be since he's starting to worry me too.

"It's about Peeta-"

"Where is he?" I ask without thinking.

"That's what I'm trying to tell you. He's... he's at the hospital." He holds up his hands as he can see that I'm about to panic. "He's okay! It's just a concussion."

"Just a concussion?" I yell, no longer caring that people are looking. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

"Goddammit, Katniss! It's not like I'm the one that gave him the concussion!"

We both stare at each other. I'm not sure what his reason is, but I know that I am all too shocked to say anything. And that's when I run. Or at least I try to. I've barely made two feet when Finnick throws his arms around me to stop me. He simply holds onto me when I try to pull away from him as if he was expecting this reaction.

"Katniss, come on!" He speaks over me until I finally stop. "Do you really think that his mother... the woman who is completely willing to give him a concussion for spending time with you... will just let you into his room to see him?"

"I don't care!" I hiss so nobody else hears me. "I'll kill that woman!"

"Goddamn you really are something else." For a second I see his regular flirty persona before he realizes the seriousness of the situation again. "You know that you can't kill her. And you know that you can't see him right now. Not alone at least. There's nothing you can do right now, so there's no point in freaking out."

I stare at him only because I know that he's right. I wish that he wasn't. But how am I supposed to just sit through all of my classes and pretend nothing is wrong when I know that Peeta is lying in a hospital bed in pain. Most likely wondering where I am, and if I even know where he is. The thought brings tears to my eyes, but I blink them back. I refuse to cry in front of Finnick.

"Listen, I know you don't want to just stay here in school while he's in the hospital," he says as if he was reading my mind. "But I promise as soon as school ends, you can go. I'll even go with you."

"Now why in the hell would I want that?" I snap.

"Just wait for me, alright?" One of the teachers yells that we are going to be late. "After school."

He leaves without another word and I watch him for a second before I force myself to walk in the direction of my own class. The bell rings as I walk through the door. Madge gives me a look as I sit down.

"I'll explain later," I mutter.

For the rest of the class I actually try to pay attention. Anything to stop thinking about Peeta lying in the hospital by himself, but it doesn't work. I can't get the image out of my mind, and all of my attention goes to holding back the tears. This class has seen me with red eyes once before, and once is more than enough. But of all of my classes, I must say that English is the most unbearable. The pain and stress gets worse every time I look at the empty desk where Peeta should be sitting. By the end of class, Madge is anxious to know why I've been so upset.

"Could you tell me now?" she asks as we walk into the hallway. "Please?"

"Peeta's in the hospital."

The words are so awful that I don't even want to believe them.

"What? Oh my god! What happened? Is he okay?"

"I don't know." I hope that she'll take the hint and realize that I don't want to say much more about it. "Finnick and I are going to see him."

"Oh... Well I'm sure it'll be okay."

"Yeah. I'm sure it will."

She wishes me luck and says goodbye to me before leaving to find Gale. I wish I could go with Gale instead to see Peeta, but I know that would never work. It's going to be hard enough to get me into his room, but two Seam people. Mrs. Mellark would probably lose her mind just from seeing us. When I see Finnick waiting near my car, I remind myself that this is for Peeta. I'm willing to deal with Finnick for a little while if it means that I'll be able to see Peeta.

"Are you sure this thing won't break down on the way there?" he yells to me as he looks over my car.

I roll my eyes as I notice some students, who were walking to their own cars, look from me to my car.

"You better hope not." I pull out my key and unlock the doors. "If it does, we're getting out and walking the rest of the way."

"Now that's dedication."

He sighs and relaxes into the passenger seat as I start the car. As we pull out of the parking lot, Finnick plays with the radio for a few minutes before he finally gives up and turns it off again. After a few more minutes of uncomfortable silence, I finally manage to come up with words to ask him what I've been wondering all day.

"How did you know?"

"Come again?"

"How did you know that Peeta was in the hospital? I mean, how did you even know what happened to him?"

"His brother told me." He pulls something out of his book bag. I assume that it's food since he pops something into his mouth seconds later. "He saw the whole thing. Parking spot over there."

I look where he is pointing as I pull into the hospital parking lot. I park the car and take off my seat belt, but Finnick doesn't even move.

"What are you doing?" I ask as he stares at me. "Let's go."

"Actually I got another text from Peeta's brother." He leans back in his chair again. "You might as well sit back, Katniss. His mother is still there, and she's not letting anyone in. Never fear, he says she'll probably be gone by four. She probably wants to open up the bakery again- just in time for the dinner rush."

"Four? That's almost another hour, are you fucking kidding me?"

"Wow, I didn't know you cursed."

"Finnick, this isn't funny."

"Would you relax? It's only an hour. Maybe it'll give you some time to calm down. In the mean time..." He pushes the seat back and puts his forearm behind his head before dipping his free hand back into the bag. "Sugar cube?"

"No... Why do you have-"

"It's not conventional." He pops one in his mouth and shrugs. "But the way I see it, if we see something sweet we better grab it quick."

"Finnick, can we focus-"

"We're gonna be here for an hour whether you like that or not." He looks at me and holds up another sugar cube. "You could sit here all tensed up for an hour, or you could sit back and let the time pass."

I roll my eyes and grab the sugar cube out of his hand before forcing myself to sit back in my seat. He smiles triumphantly and closes his eyes.

"So how was your day, Sunshine?" I glare at him even though I know he can't see me. But he smiles as if he can sense my stare. "You know Peeta was talking to me the other day about you. Actually babbling was more like it."

"What did he say?" My curiosity gets the better of me.

"He was telling me how your mom decided to let him come over. I swear I've never seen a guy get so excited about working on an English project with his girlfriend."

"What about you?" I'm incredibly thankful that his eyes are closed so that he can't see me blushing just at the thought of Peeta talking about me. "Don't tell me you don't get excited about spending time with your girlfriend."

"I don't have a girlfriend," he mutters.

"You?" My scowl turns into a smirk before I can stop it. "You don't have girlfriend?"

"Don't act so surprised."

"So are you a player or something? You can't be tied down by one girl, you have to-"

"Actually you don't know anything about it," he says harshly. He opens his eyes to look at me and sighs when I don't say anything. "I'm sorry. It's just complicated."

"Well do you want to talk about it? I mean we have almost an hour."

He looks at me and chuckles before shaking his head.

"Maybe another time." He closes his eyes again. "I'd rather just relax right now."

I nod and try to do the same. My eyes close and I try to push out all of my unpleasant thoughts about Peeta and his mother out of my head. In fact, I try to push out everything. But it's so difficult when I know that Peeta is waiting for me.

Please review to tell me what you think - I love hearing your opinion!