Hello guys! Chapter 3 is finally up! Thanks for helping me decide what I should write next and I pray you guys enjoy the read!

Spoiler Alert! If you haven't seen Transformers Prime Beast Wars the Movie... I wouldn't read this just yet!

Disclaimer: I own nothing and no one!

Hopes high... Spirits soaring...Dreams dawning...

The Predaking's hunt for his long lost relatives upon the newly revived Cybertron had lasted for three days before his senses led him to one of the biggest wastelands he'd yet come across. And it was there he had found many a deceased predacon, bones scattered all over the tattered terrain in droves. The sight was spark wrenching, and Predaking had felt his anger rekindle. It was here at the grave yard of his deceased that he decided to stay and attempt to further heal his still leaking wounds. Strangely, he found somewhat of a comfort in making a home in the land that his ancestors had once lived. However, he had hardly begun the final stages to his full recovery before he was tracked down.

The Autobots had found him.

With only four enemies present to deal with, the Predaking knew he could more than handle the approaching fight, but just as he charged up his fire canon, one of the soldiers boldly approached him.
"Hold fire!" the yellow and black bot commanded authoritatively. This caught Predaking's attention. Who dared to challenge him this way? It was in the next moment that the Autobot produced a strange object, which the Predaking could not place until the yellow bot offered its name: The Immobilizer. A low hiss escaped the Predaking's throat, remembering the talk of this revered weapon aboard the Decepticon War ship well... A living death by stasis lock was not a fate the Predaking would have brought upon himself. But then... the Autobot set the weapon down. A curious choice of action.

"But we didn't come here to fight your highness," the Autobot spoke.

At the mention of his proper title and the respect the Autobot gave him, the Predaking became even more intrigued, and thus transformed from his beast mode to stand before them as a bot.
"Then why have you violated my refuge, Autobot?" the Predaking demanded.
"We need answers," the Autobot answered, "Do you know of any other Predacons currently on Cybertron?" he inquired hopefully.
"Indeed... legions of them..." the Predaking hissed. He then turned, motioning with a large hand towards the sight that lay behind himself, "Behold, my subjects! A countless multitude, rendered extinct ages ago by the great cataclysm... unearthed by the shifting of plates during our planet's restoration," he informed with bitter contempt at the view.
"Yeah well me and Ultra Magnus just got scrapped by two living predacons! Know anything about them, your highness?!" piped up one of the other Autobots.

The statement was a shocking revelation.

A new hope lit aflame within the Predaking's spark.
"Two... where?"
"We came to ask your help in finding them..." the first Autobot explained.
"For revenge?" Predaking growled out.
"No!" It was then that the yellow bot explained that it was not their wish to fight with the predacons, but to live in peace with them as they once had ages ago. However... the Predaking was not convinced, nor was he prepared to let free his past grudges in which he held the Autobots accountable.
"You assume that because I turned against Megatron I can forgive the Autobots their roll in the destruction of my brethren on earth?" he roared angrily.
"Leave me and dare not trespass here again!" the Predaking ordered, finishing the discussion with a final warning. To his relief, the Autobots turned and left peacefully.

Regardless of their intentions, they had brought good news.

Predaking resumed his hunt for his living kin and... was not disappointed. After a time of searching, the sight of fresh claw scratches imprinted upon Cybertronian ground and the unmistakably familiar scent in the air was enough evidence to solidify that the Autobots had spoken truth. Other predacons lived and thrived upon the planet! How many, he knew not... only that the tracks here told tail of at least two, and from the looks of things, they'd been in somewhat of a struggle. But how could he trace his brethren further when they had taken to the sky? Speaking, his thoughts out loud, as the Predaking often did in hi solitude, an idea suddenly struck him. He knew what had to be done. Transforming into his beast mode, he lifted up his head andreleased a fiery eruption that burst high into the sky. His flaming beacon would no doubt reach the eyes of those he sought.

However, Predaking was in for a surprise.

It did not take long before his call was answered, yet still, the Predaking could hardly believe it had been that simple. The flying object grew nearer, and finally touched ground and transformed. But the bot who'd come was nothing Predaking could have expected.
"Megatron?" he gawked in shock.
"Warrior..." the battered and hideous shell of the Decepticon War Lord approached, "I call upon you to serve your master!"
Fury blazed within the predacon's spark chamber, outrage flaring into a mighty heat wave of murderous desire.
"In the name of the mighty legions of predacons who proceeded me, I shall never again yield to your charge!" he roared, "But I will heed your previous advice, and face my true enemy as a beast!"

With those words spoken, Predaking charged!

A blast of torturously hot fire sprang from his beastly jaws and scorched upon his enemy's metal. With a loud battle screech to the sky, the Predaking loped forward and snagged hold of Megatron's body, crushing him within his powerful mouth and tossing his victim like a rag doll through the air. The Predaking's next attack did not prove as easy however, as Megatron's upgraded form stood with newly acquired weapons that blasted him back with immense force. The battle waged on and the Predaking was shocked to find himself being beaten back. Despite his rage, it was not enough to conquer the amount of strength and speed which Megatron now exhibited. With one final crash of Megatron's glowing violet fists to his forehead, a cold darkness over took the predacon. But within that darkness, understanding breeched his mind. It had not been Megatron he'd been battling, but someone much... much darker.

Finally, he awoke.

When the depths of unconsciousness had finally relinquished its hold upon him, the Preadking woke with a sense of loss and wounded pride. The day was nearing it's end and the sky had begun to darken. With still no sign of the living predacons anywhere about, the Predaking decided to return back to the burial grounds, where he knew he could stay and rest before continuing on his mission. Little did he know he would not be returning to the same home he had left... From his position in the sky, Predaking instantly noted the resounding lack of bones scattered over the land. The same area it was indeed, but with no sign of his deceased ancestors to be found. The sight was so incredulous to him that the Predaking hardly even felt excited upon laying eyes on the two living predacons who stood below waiting for him. The Predaking landed heavily and transformed.

"The burial ground... desecrated!"

He could barely withstand the sensation of horror and cruel violation that weighed down upon his shoulders.
"...Strip mined of all that remained of our ancestors!" his gravely voice croaked in despair.
"You should have been here to see them rise and shine!" one of the predacons cackled. Predaking turned, sending a doubtful glance towards his smaller kin.
"They live?" he inquired.
"If you call being undead.. living," stated the other.
"Dark magic, perpetrated by the demon who lives in Megatron's skin!" Predaking exclaimed, clenching a sharp fist.
"Just be glad you're alive, so the demon can't pull your strings," the predacon hissed back in amusement. Clearly, these two did not understand the abomination that was taking place.

"Do you not comprehend the scope of this tragedy?" Predaking glowered.

"We three are proof that a mighty race might once again have flourished! Their remains must be reclaimed, if for no other reason than to be properly layed back to rest," he declared, striding between the two with fresh determination and vigor.
"And who made you boss?" sneered the smaller of the two predacons.
"I am not your boss... " Predaking answered..."I am your king!" he proclaimed, spinning about and adjusting his body in a display of power and might. The two predacons both jumped into fighting positions, clearly unready to give the roll of authority to a stranger so quickly. The Predaking understood their nature, and respected it, for it was his as well. But the fact remained that they must be put into their proper places. Brandishing his claws, the Predaking stood ready for yet another fight...

It was brief.

His brethren fought valiantly, proving their skill and experience as warriors, but in the end, it was the Predaking who reigned supreme. His dominance was earned and revered by his new loyal subjects, Darksteel and Skylynx, who rendered themselves to his service with the statement, "All hail Predaking". Now that a structure had been established in which they could operate smoothly as a team, the Predaking released his hold upon them, and took to the sky.
"We must locate our ancestors' corrupted corpses and defeat the demon who manipulates them to his bidding!" he ordered as Darksteel and Skylynx took to the sky behind him. They each squawked their agreement. The Predaking could feel a new sense of purpose and honor stirring within him. He was doing what he felt in his spark was truly right, and he would continue to do so with every ounce of his being as long as he ruled as king.

At last, his rule had begun...

His first act as king? Why... the Predaking fought valiantly along side his subjects to destroy the demon hoard and bring peace back to the surface of Cybertron... And a hard earned peace it was...


Well... was that satisfactory for all my readers? Yes, I know I did not finish at the exact same point in which the Transformers Prime Beast Wars movie ended, but I wanted to be a bit more original in my ending. PLEASE review and tell me if you liked it!

Upcoming Transformers Prime works from StokinDembers:

Sweet Stasis: When Elita One awakens from stasis, she finds that once again happiness is just beyond her reach! Optimus Prime is gone, having become one with the Alspark in his selfless sacrifice to spark the new lives upon on a revived and thriving Cybertron. Elita's only comfort: she can hear her lover's voice inside her spark, speaking and guiding her into a future she could have never imagined!

Long Live the Predaking: A vicious and powerful race has been reborn upon the face of Cybertron. The predacons have returned, and who better to lead them into the dawn of a new age better than a king? Unfortunately, as with all societies, there are those who wish to undermine authority, but is the Predaking up to the challenge?

Thanks for reading and hope to hear from you all again! :D