Thank You
part 2

The meeting ended after a few hours of well spent waiting, arguing, and then finally mutual agreement. All previous occurrences before the beginning of the meeting had all but been outwardly forgotten. Each person getting up and leaving at their own leisure. Some tackling at twos, either willingly or less willingly, and others quickly leaving to walk on their own without the need for senseless babbles from others.

By the time most had exited the room, it only left two people. One sitting in the chair in a sense of daze, and the other fussing over their own broken hand. Both of them eyeing the other one in an unsure manner, and inwardly questioning why the other was still seating in the room. After a few moments of silence between the two a small chuckle escaped from Yuan's mouth. Recalling earlier that he had just punched one of the Grand Cardinals flat onto their back and gave them a bloody nose.

With all the commotion from the others and pressing need to remain calm during and after the ordeal. Yuan hadn't much time to really dwell on his own actions, and found it to be humorous. Glancing to Kratos, the man began to just sit there giggling at what he had done, and Kratos in return looked back. No chuckle came from the auburn man, but a small wistfully amused expression came to his face as he watched his old companion giggle in his chair.

As Yuan snorted in laughter and brought his hands down into the table, his laughter soon was interrupted as the pain shot from his hand up his arm. Quickly grabbing his own hand with his own and cradled the injured limb as he lightly began to sob and laugh at himself. This caused Kratos to only sigh out at Yuan's action.

That is when the most unexpected happened. Without a word between the two, Kratos reached over and tentatively grabbed Yuan's hand. This caused the half-elf to stop in his mid-laughter-sobbing to stare at the man with eyes wide. Unsure of what he wanted, Yuan decided to allow Kratos to have his bad hand rather than try to jerk it back and only hurt himself back in return. Once he allowed for Kratos to have his hand, Kratos hovered his own hand over Yuan's and a soft green glow began to slowly mend his poor hand. Granted both knew that what little healing Kratos could provide wouldn't be enough to fully heal it, but it was enough to at least not cause as much problem for the half-elf.

Sitting there in silence once again, both focused on Yuan's hand as it began to eventually mend. The pain slowly subsiding to a more tolerable level for the blunette.

"Thank you."

Yuan's eyes lifted up to look at Kratos, who's own eyes were set on Yuan's hands as he concentrated on his arte. Yuan's mouth opened up slightly, but quickly closed again. Clearly thinking on the matter. Eventually Kratos' own eyes raised to look at Yuan and began to conclude on Yuan's unsure expression.

"For what you did earlier. It wasn't necessary." Kratos finally explained, returning his eyes back to Yuan's hand. The blunette's mouth began to twitch as he watched Kratos, somewhat annoyed by what he had just said.

"Well, I did mean what I said earlier. His mouth has a knack for pissing anyone off." He replied a bit of annoyance apparent in his voice before softening it. "And it was. He didn't have any right to say what he did."

Yuan's eye brows crinkled slightly along with the edge of his mouth. Concern apparent on his face and when Kratos heard those words and saw that expression he couldn't help but stare at Yuan's face for a few moments before averting his eyes elsewhere. Letting go of Yuan's hand and concluding what he was able to do for it.

"If you talk like that, people will start to think we actually like each other." Kratos commented with slight humor, barely catching the sneer that came from the half-elf. That joke bristling bluenette.

Yuan rose to his feet, the chair that he once occupied sliding back from the action. The other man knowing better than to make eye contact with the furious green eyes that stared down at him. Yuan finally spoke up in a hushed sneer. "What scandal that certainly would be."

Seconds ticked by as neither of them spoke up once more. The words spoken before hanging in the air as a reminder of their relationship at this point. The strain both experienced in interacting with the other. Then the half-elf leaned towards his old friend. A hand resting beneath the human's chin and slowly he placed a tender kiss on the auburn man's forehead. Leaving the remnants of a warm kiss before straightening to leave behind only the vision of a cape swishing. Those soft steps receding to the closing door and the emptiness left to the man. A man broken and only memories of tender kindness to keep him company. Perhaps he wasn't truly lonely in this world. After all, he had his constant. The aggravating, attention needed constant.