"Atop this great old cliff

The four founders stood.

They agreed to build a school to teach,

Young wizards to use their talents for good.

Stone by stone the castle rose,

Until it touched the skies,

And was safe from everything,

The four founders stood back and surveyed their prize.

Then Gryfindor announced, 'I will teach the bravest,

Those whose courage knows no bounds!'

Slytherin spoke then, 'I will speak to those with ambition,

And cunning to astound.'

Ravenclaw added, 'Those with great with and learn will come to me,

And will fulfill their great potential.'

'Why would it make a difference?' wondered Hufflepuff,

'I'll teach them even if they aren't of great reverential.'

Satisfied with their differences,

They called young men and woman forth,

To learn at this place they called Hogwarts,

This castle in the north.

Slytherin wished to teach those only with pure ancestry,

The others began to worry,

A place of exclusion this would be.

After quarreling and dueling,

Slytherin finally left.

The three other founders taught until they were dead and gone,

And left me here to sort you,

And sing this song.

So put me on, I'll see into your mind,

And tell you where you belong."

Everyone burst into cheers as the hat finished its song.

When things quieted down, Professor McGonagall stood up and ruffled a long scroll of parchment, "Angel, Castiel." She read.

Cas detached himself from the knot of students and made his way up to the hat as Sam and Dean shared a snicker at Cas's last name.

The hat went right down over Cas's eyes and rested on his shoulders. That bothered him a bit, even though this wasn't his body.

"That's quite a secret there, Mr. Castiel." A tinny voice sounded in his ear, "You are a very loyal individual, to more than your Father, I see. But you do have a pesky disobedient streak, so maybe not a Hufflepuff. You'd better be...GRYFINDOR!"

The table on the right cheered as Castiel took off the hat and made his way over.

"Beverly, Mary." McGonagall said. A little girl came over and after a pause, "RAVENCLAW!"

This continued for a while until 'Holmes, Sherlock' was called. Sherlock made his way up to the hat, stumbled, and slipped it over his head cheeks flaming.

"Oh, that's a brilliant mind you have!" The hat's voice sounded in his head, "Not a lot of potential for spellwork there, though, so maybe not Ravenclaw."

"Just as long as you don't put me in Slytherin." Sherlock thought, while internally panicking at the 'little potential for spellwork'.

"Don't much like your brother? Don't worry, you aren't a Slytherin at heart."

Sherlock relaxed slightly as the hat continued.

"You're a very brave person deep down. You may not see it yet, but it's there. You belong in...GRYFINDOR!"

Sherlock took off the hat and set it on the stool. He made a childish face at Mycroft as he went to the cheering table.

Several more students, then, "Smith, John!" There were a few chuckles from the muggle borns as John made his way up to the hat.

"We don't get a Timelord around here often." The hat began conversationally, "Don't worry, your secrets are safe with me, Doctor."

The Doctor grinned, "Thanks, I appreciate it." He whispered for the hat.

"You're a very loyal individual, Doctor. You'll make great friends over in Hufflepuff. Of course, your mind seems second to no-one. You do seem to be quite brave, ready for anything. You'd go comfortably in any house except Slytherin, but I think you truly belong in...GRYFINDOR!"

John, that's who he was here, not the Doctor, took off the hat and made his way over to the cheering table on the right.

Several more students were sorted until, "Weasley, Ginerva!" The hat was on for barely five seconds before, "GRYFINDOR!"

She made her way to the Gryfindor table and sat between two redheads who were obviously her brothers.

"Winchester, Dean!"

Only the brothers were left now, and Dean made his way to the stool. The hat was barely on his head before it shouted, "GRYFINDOR!"

Now there was only Sam left. At the sound of his name, he went up to the hat and put it on.

"You aren't as young as you look." The hat mused, "But you most certainly belong in...GRYFINDOR!" The Gryfindor table cheered again, though they fell silent when an old wizard with a long silver beard stood up.

"Dig in!" Was all he said as food appeared before them as if by magic.

Dean's eyes bugged at the meats, fruits, breads, and most importantly, pies, stacked around him. He grabbed two slices of pie, one a simple cherry one, and the other more along the lines of a pot pie, and started shoving them down his gullet as fast as he could without choking.

Sam paused for a while to watch his brother in mild amusement before taking his own food.

Castiel and Sherlock were sitting next to each other watching others serve themselves in such a way alike it was almost creepy.

John wasn't eating either, but he was sitting opposite Cas and Sherlock, trying to talk with them. He mostly got one-or-two-word answers. Finally, John gave up and turned to Hermione, "What sort of classes will we be taking in first year?"

"Oh, just the essentials. There's Defense Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration, Potions, Charms..."

"Defense sounds good."

"Oh yes, it's one of my favorites, this year we're getting Gilderoy Lockheart as our teacher."


"Gilderoy Lockheart. He's done so many things, he's battled werewolves, vampires, trolls, you wouldn't believe what he's done!"

"Try me."

Hermione began a long-winded explanation of all of Lockheart's adventures, which she had very obviously memorized.

All too soon it was time to go to the dorm. The food faded from the plates leaving them sparkling clean as people massed around prefects who led them to their houses.

They climbed up many stairways. A few of them they had to wait so they could move and others they had to jump a trick step. They stopped at an enormous picture of a fat lady, "Password?" She asked the prefect.

"Wattlebird." The prefect replied and the portrait swung open like a door and they all filed in.

"Boys to the left and girls to the right." The prefect said, "Knock yourselves out." He went up the left staircase, leaving them to find their own ways to the bedrooms.

In the boy's first year dorm, Sherlock, Sam, Dean, Cas, and John all found their trunks and pets and started to get settled.

"Why don't we all get to know each other?" John asked, "I'm John Smith." His attempts of friendly conversation were ignored, so he sat on his bed and moped. School was supposed to be fun, but how was it going to be with this gloomy lot as dorm mates?

A/N: Off to a great start! This has gotta be a new record for me, updating two days after posting.