Amongst the Gerudo: Tales of Gerudo Link, Part 1! – By Ocramed

Disclaimer: LoZ belongs to Nintendo, while the idea belongs to "tran4of3".

Note: This is first act of a three act AU series. C&C are welcomed.

Special Note: This story is based upon the gender-bending comic, "Amongst the Gerudo". Check out that comic first, found on the "deviantART" website, before reading this story.

Author's Note: Basically, the Hero of Time known as Link has a misadventure as a disguised Gerudo, thanks to the magic of the Happy Mask Salesman. Link (as "Linika the Gerudo") ends up pregnant, thanks to a Gerudo rite of passage that allows all Gerudo to extend their bloodlines…after inadvertently "hooking up" with a local Hylian male. Nevertheless, Linika's story picks up after spending seven years in the Sacred Realm, thanks to "her" claiming the Master Sword after entering the Temple of Time. Unfortunately, Linika's quest to stop the evil Ganondorf, the king of the Gerudo has just gotten complicated

As the light surrounding Linika dies down, the Hero of Time took stock of her situation.

One, she was still Gerudo, albeit seven years older, making her an adult young woman, and, two, there was a young, Gerudo child standing next to her.

"What a rush!" the girl said happily, as she moves to hug Linika. "Hi, Mommy!"

"…," said Linika, as she stared at the girl with a wide-eyed expression. She had forgotten that she had gotten pregnant, thanks to misusing the magic of the Happy Mask Salesman.

'Wait,' Linika thought, as she felt her daughter's hug. 'I have a kid?'

"Link?" said a familiar voice. "Are you okay…?"

Linika turned to see her trusty fairy companion Navi, as she flutters about in her so-called cocoon of light.

"…," Linika replied, with a hint of embarrassment. Navi was there the night her daughter was conceived…

"Hey, you have a fairy friend, Mommy!" Linika's daughter said. "Can I have one, too?"

Linika tells Navi to disappear for a while, while she sorts things out. Reluctantly, Navi agrees, as she re-enters Linika head, much to the disappointment of Linika's daughter. Linika then took stock of her own situation. She had certainly aged seven or so years, and had the body of a mature woman in her mid-twenties. The Gerudo Mask had already aged her to the ripe age of eighteen years old, the time when all Gerudo had to take the test involving the Gerudo Training Ground, which served as a rite of passage for the Gerudo. Unfortunately, Linika did not know about the other part of the Gerudo's rite of passage, which involved trolling for Hylian men for the sake of extending the bloodline of those Gerudo who went through the Gerudo Training Ground…

Linika sighed, as she looked at her daughter. She was only a few years older than her when she and her father hooked up that one night. However, to be fair, the father did assume that she was a full grown maiden, thanks to the Gerudo Mask, and it did not help that her own cowardice in the matter did not help guide her towards a better course of action. Whatever she was before that entire mess, Linika knew that she could not take back those experiences, and seeing the smiling face of her own daughter told her that, regardless of what happened in the past, she was not inclined to take back.

"So, what now, Mommy?" the girl asked. "Uncle Ruafo said that we have to find and awaken the Sages, in order to stop Uncle Gannondorf."

'Oh, that's right,' Linikia thought, as she sheaths the Master Sword in her scabbard. She then kneels to the floor of the Temple of Time, and took stock of her…daughter…

"…?" said Linika, as she made sure that her daughter was okay.

"Mommy, I'm FINE," the girl said. "Let's just go, okay?"

Linika chuckles a bit. The girl certainly took after him…her.

And that brought up an important point to the Hero of Time.

What was she? Was she Gerudo now? It was funny that for most of her life, she had thought that she was one of the Kokiri, a race of child-like beings who lived in the Sacred Forest. Then, Linika, as "Young Link", learned that she was a Hylian raised to be a Kokiri, and was being groomed for some great destiny that, even now, she couldn't understand. Only after meeting the young Princess Zelda, heir to the throne of Hylia, did the Hero of Time begin to understand her true destiny: stop Gannondorf from claiming the Triforce, which had been broken up to prevent such a thing…

Linika sighs, as she looks upon the back of her hand, while the Triforce of Courage appears, even as it glowed softly before fading again.

'No, I'm LINK, the Hero of Time!" Linika thought to herself. 'I have to be…'

Linika then stares at the girl, as she looks up at her mother with a wide grin.

Linika sighs again, resigned to the fact that, for now, she had additional responsibilities besides saving the world of Hyrule from the Gerudo king…

"Mommy, where to?" the girl asked with pleading eyes. "I'm hungry!"

"…?" asked Linika.

"Uncle Ruafo said that no one needs to eat and junk in that special place," the girl replied with a shrug, as she let's go of Linika. "I wonder what food tastes like…"

'Right, food,' Linika thought, as she looks around to see the entrance to where the Master Sword was being kept. What she recalled from speaking to Ruafo was that the world outside the Sacred Realm had been corrupted by Gannondorf and his minions, and that it would be up to…her to find and awaken the Sages. Only then can the Gerudo king be stopped…

Linika knells down to her daughter's eye-level, and tells her that the world could be very dangerous, and that she would find a safe place for her, after they both get something to eat.

"But I want to go with you, Mommy!" the girl pleaded.

"…," Linika replied.


"…," Linika said gently, as she gently strokes her daughter's left facial cheek. Linika then tells the girl that if she knew that her daughter was safe, she could stop the bad guys without any problems.

"Really?" the girl said excitedly.

"…," Linika said, as she merely nods her head in reply.

"Okay, Mommy," the girl said. "I believe you. Just…be careful, okay?"


As Linika and her daughter turned towards the exit of the Temple of Time, they are suddenly stopped when three knives, called "kunai" are suddenly thrown at Linika's feet.


Senses honed to deal with a threat, coupled with a developing maternal streak, causes Linika to place her daughter directly behind her. She then pulls out her sword, the Master Sword, from her scabbard.

"Mommy?" Linika's daughter said with fear.

Sternly, Linika tells the girl to stand back, while she deals with the potential threat. Hesitantly, Linika's daughter does as she is told…

"Who are you?" said a voice from above.

Linika looks up to see a person, a young man she assumes, clad in a blue/white assassin's garb. The person, who was preparing to throw more knives at Linkia was masked, and carried the standard of the mysterious Sheikah, a people who swore to defend the royal family of Hyrule, but who all, but died out.

"I said, 'Who are you'?" the mysterious warrior said, as he lands not too far from Linkia. "And how is it possible that a Gerudo has claimed the Master Sword?"

"…," asks Linika, wanted to know the identity of mysterious warrior.

"I am 'Sheik', the last of my kind and protector of the one known as 'Zelda', the heir to the Kingdom of Hylia," the warrior replied.

"Oh, wow!" Linika replied. "That's my name!"

"What?" Sheik said, as both she and Linika both displayed the look of surprise. "Your name is…Zelda?"

"Uh-huh!" the girl said with an enthusiastic nod. "My name is 'Baja Zelda', Uncle Rauru named me after the Princess while Mommy was asleep for all my life."

"This is…strange," Sheik said, as he lowered his throwing arm. "Just who are you, Gerudo? And what is your connection in all this, especially to the one known as the Hero of Time?"

After lowering her sword, Linika sheepishly tells Sheik that she is…was once Link, the child of destiny, the one who is the Hero of Time.

"L-Link?" Sheik said in surprise. "You are a Gerudo, now?"

"…" Linika replied. She then tells Sheik that a misguided attempt to move unmolested amongst the Gerudo, involving the magic of the Happy Mask Salesman, had thrust her into a rather compromising position. Of course, she spared her daughter Zelda of the details of how she came to be, but the end result was that she was stuck as a Gerudo for the time being…

"That is impossible," Sheik said, as he shook his head. "But…I do not detect any falsehood from you."

"…?" asked Linika, who wanted to prove her sincerity.

"Very well," Sheik said. "Prove yourself, then."

Linika thinks for a moment before deciding on the best course of action…

"That…is the royal treasure, the 'Ocarina of Time', in your hand?" Sheik said with astonishment. "How-?"

Ignoring Sheik, Linika plays 'Zelda's Lullaby', a tune that only those connected to the royal family of the Kingdom of Hylia would know.

"You ARE the Hero of Time, then?"

Linika nods enthusiastically.

"And you are…Gerudo, now?"

"…," Linika replied, as she beckons her child Zelda to her side.

"And…she is your daughter, thanks to the magic of the Happy Mask Salesman."


"Interesting," Sheik said, as he broke into a sweat. "Perhaps, there is way to undo the magic that keeps you as you are now, Link."

"…," said Linika, not wanting anyone else to know that she was really Link.

"Okay, then, I shall refer you as 'Linika' for now," Sheik said. "And, perhaps, your present appearance will help you avoid the scrutiny of Gannondorf and his minions…"


"And since the Master Sword has accepted you as its master, then there is nothing we can do but proceed with the mission," Sheik said. "Yes, we can do that."

"…?" asked Linika, referring to Zelda.

"Although the world around has…fallen, there are pockets of places that you can take your…daughter to," Sheik said. "Nearest here is 'Kakariko Village', where most of the Kingdom of Hylia's citizens went to as refugees. Once you have taken your...daughter there, you must find and awaken the 'Forest Sage', who is trapped in the Forest Temple. If successful in freeing this sage, you should be able to find the other sages with no difficulty, although, I fear, the challenge of your quest will become increasingly more difficult..."


"But, I believe in you, so, I will do my best to help you in your quest whenever possible," Sheik replied.

"…," Linika replied with a motherly smile.

"You are welcome," Sheik said. "Hopefully, we can defeat Gannondorf and undo his mad scheme…"

Sheik then takes out a gumball from his pouch.

"I wish you good luck…Hero of Time," Sheik said, before tossing the gumball onto the floor of the temple, creating a flash-bang effect that causes the mysterious warrior to disappear. "Just be careful out there."


And Sheik was gone.

After taking stock of her situation, Linika turns towards her daughter, and tells her that they will be going to the Kakariko Village.

"Really?" Zelda said, as she clapped her hands excitedly. "Cool!"

Inwardly, Linika smiled. Though she was beginning to embrace her role as an responsible adult, the Hero of Time could feel her daughter's infectious youthfulness.

'Huh,' Linika thought to herself, as she grabbed Zelda's hand. 'I'll miss being young…'

After exciting the Temple of Light, Linika spied upon what was left of the Market, located in the center of the Kingdom of Hylia. She could hear the rushing sounds of the ill-wind that seemed to permeate the darkened world around her and Zelda…

Linika turned towards her daughter, and picks her up.

"Mommy?" Zelda asked.

"…," said Linika, as she tells Zelda to close her eyes, and not open them no matter what. She was not sure what was laid before her and her daughter, but she was not about to start subjecting her child to the horrors that they could run up against...

In hindsight, Linika kicked herself for being more correct than not, as she walked past near-motionless zombies (called "Re-Dead"), which whom she had come across earlier in her adventure. What was worse was the moaning, that is, unless you get grabbed by one.

"Mommy?" Zelda asked.

"…!" Linika said sternly, as she slowly made her away through the Market…

"AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!" screamed a Re-dead that Linika had missed, as it and its buddies slowly made for a now frozen Linika.

"Mommy!" Zelda said, as she clutched her mother even more tightly

"…!" yelled Linika, as she summoned her will to move. She was not about to let anyone or anything harm her child-!

At the last minute, Linika forced herself to move forward, leaping out of the clutches of the Re-dead at the last minute.

"Oof!" Linika replied, as she took off running, with her daughter in her arm. In spite of the state of the Market, she knew where the exit was, and proceeded to head towards the entrance to the kingdom…

"…," said Linika, as she set her daughter down.

"I'm okay, Mommy," Zelda said enthusiastically.

Linika sighed. Only a child would think avoiding scary monsters was 'fun'…

"Hey, Listen!" Navi yelled, as she told Linika that it wasn't safe to remain in the open field.

Linika nods her head, and picks up her child.

"Mommy?" Zelda asked.

"…," Linika replied, as she placed her child unto her shoulder. She said that they'll get something to eat once they have made it to their destination.

"Okay," Zelda said with a nod.

As the morning sun begins to rise in the East, Linika couldn't help but wonder what the future would be like after she has completed her quest…

"Mommy, I can fly!" Zelda said, as she flapped her arms.

One thing was for sure: if nothing else, Linika, the Hero of Time, was determine to make Hyrule safe for the next generation. Count on it!
