One of the longest chapters yet…Get ready for a big surprise. Kiyomi finally finds out who her mother was and what she is and expected to become.

Vampire Queen

Chapter 8: The revealed truth

After what seemed like True Loves kiss, Zero picked Kiyomi up into his strong muscular arms like picking up a feather. He carried the distressed girl to her dorm. She wrapped her arms around his neck and embraced him like a vulnerable child.

He reached her room and closed the door with his leg. Zero placed her onto her bed and covered her with the blanket. The vampire hunter stroked her face and kissed her forehead.

"Why did you go to the headmaster's office?" He whispered with a hint of concern in his voice.

"Zero, I had a really bad nightmare. It seemed like it was from my past, like it was real. There was my mother and she was…" She looked at her hands and sobbed. Zero stared at her confused, "She was killed by…" Zero stared at her and her eyes widened.

She looked up at her prince and grasped onto his uniform and shouted, "Rido, Rido Kuran!" It was as if her voice echoed into his mind. He clocked on and held her against him.

"Zero, I'm scared." She cried sorrowfully into his chest. His grip tightened protectively as he whispered into his ear,

"Don't worry; I won't let that monster hurt you Kiyomi." He pulled her away and she lay on the bed. Zero gave her a loving peck on the lips and stood up, "Kiyomi, sweet dreams. I love you." Kiyomi's transcendent blue eyes started fluttering like blue butterflies from tiredness.

"Zero…" She said quietly.

"What is it?"

"Don't tell my father what happened…" She trailed off.

"I won't, I promise." He turned around but was stopped by Kiyomisaying one more thing.

"Zero, deliver this message, I want to know who my mother was." Kiyomi's sweet voice got quieter until she fell into deep sleep.

Zero left the room and delivered the message. Kaien Cross pinched the bridge of his nose in worry. "Tomorrow is a Saturday, go and wake her up at 8:00am. Tell her to get ready and come to my office. I am going to show her something about her mother." He announced. Zero nodded and left the room for the thing he needed most; sleep.

Kiyomi's vivid delightful dreams about Zero were interrupted by a beautifully familiar voice.

"Kiyomi, wake up." He whispered softly and she opened her eyes to see Zero. He smiled at her as she got up and stretched.

"Good morning Zero." He leaned in and kissed her cheek. She blushed vibrant shades of red and looked to the other side of the room. The vampire hunter noticed her bashfulness towards him and smirked while cupped her jawline and she turned to look at him. Her heart beat skipped many beats as he leaned in to kiss her. His lips felt like silk against her cotton like lips. She smiled into the kiss and wondered if she was still dreaming or was this for real? He pulled away and averted his gaze to the ground, "Ummm, get ready. Headmaster wants to see you." She nodded, got up and fetched some clothes. Kiyomi headed into the bathroom and got changed. She brushed her teeth and freshened up.

When Kiyomi came out of the bathroom she looked ravishing. She wore a tight blue tank top, blue skinny jeans and a black leather jacket. She also wore indigo high tops. Even though she didn't like dresses or skirts, Kiyomi looked stunning in anything else! The blonde haired beauty walked over to Zero who looked like he was frozen by her beauty.

"Zero?" She asked.

He was snapped out of dazed, "Oh, come on let's go."

He took her hand and they walked to the Headmasters office. She knocked on the door a little bit nervously.

"Come in!" Her father shouted. Zero opened the door and the pair was shocked to see Kaname, Yuki, Takuma and Aido in the office. Kaname looked at her and smiled. Kiyomi didn't want to seem rude and smiled back.

She looked at the ground as she walked to her father's desk, feeling a bit guilty. "Kiyomi…" Her father began as she stared glares at him; glares demanding for answers. Cross just stared into her eyes feeling very guilty. There was a painfully awkward silence.

"Ummm, may I ask why we are awake at this time?" Aido broke the uncomfortable silence growing between the 6 with a hint of annoyance behind his voice. The headmaster got up from his chair and walked to the door. "Follow me." He said seriously.

"You haven't answered what I asked for!" His angry daughter spat out venomously.

"Kiyomi I will show you now follow me all of you." He barked. The other four were dumbfounded at the headmaster's tone he used to his daughter, but they all followed him.

The 6 of them walked into a basement. But it wasn't a basement; this led to an underground tunnel. It was cold and damp but thankfully not dark. The group was led by the headmaster behind him was Kaname and Yuki, who were in front of Zero and Kiyomi. The couple were holding hands. She felt so nervous but at the same time determined. The blue eyed girl's breathing quickened as her heartbeat increased every time she took a step. Zero squeezed her hand with reassurance and she sighed sadly. After 15 minutes of unbearable silence they got outside the tunnel.

The group stopped outside a huge palace like mansion. Kiyomi kept walking until she was just inches from the door.

"Do you know where we are Kiyomi?" Kaien's tone of voice softer than before.

"Yes, father I remember." The wind howled as she touched the door, all the memories coming back to her. Somehow she heard her mother's once soothing and melancholic voice in the wind calling her name. Kiyomi turned to her father with a questioning look on her face. He dipped his chin in a simple nod and she lightly pushed the door.

She entered the mansion and when everyone was inside the door slammed shut. The oil lamps lit up immediately as if someone was expecting the visitors.

Cross, Yuki, Zero, Takuma and Aido took in their surroundings; they were completely fascinated by all the old and fancy furniture. The main colours were red, violet and black. Even the moon dorms didn't match up to these standards.

Kiyomi walked to the middle of the humungous door way. She kneeled down and touched the ground, remembering the exact spot where her mother was killed. The group stared at her with curiosity in their eyes.

"This was the exact spot where my mother was murdered." She said in a deep voice with revenge lurking in her voice. She stood up and the wind was blowing again.

"Kiyomi…" The voice cried. Everyone was shocked and bewildered. Yuki held Kaname's hand.

"Go through that door…" They looked down the hallway to see a door open slightly. Kiyomi being curious and brave led the group to the strange door. She pushed it softly and there was another narrow hallway; but this one had paintings and portraits on the walls.

They all stared at the paintings as they all share one thing in common; the aquamarine eyes. Most of them were paintings of vampires; pureblood vampires. They all looked like Kings and Queens as they were dressed in fancy clothing.

They walked down the hallway until one painting caught their attention; especially Kaname. It was a painting of Kaname and Kiyomiwhen they were children. It also included Juri Kuran and Kiyomi's mother. Their mothers stood next to each other and in the middle of them were very cute Kaname and Kiyomi. They were both smiling gracefully. Kiyomi smiled at this but soon dropped it; she missed those peaceful days. Kaname also smiled but it was a lonely painful smile.

"Let's go." Kiyomi said.

They were about to enter another door until one more painting caught everyone's attention; this time it shocked Kiyomi.

It was a portrait of Kiyomi's mother and Rido Kuran. He wrapped an arm around her waist and stood behind her smirking deviously, whilst Kiyomi's mother didn't look so happy. That monster's lips were on the Kiyomi's mother's neck with a lustful and proud look.

"Zero, give me your gun." Revenge, hatred and loathing burning in her voice.

"Kiyomi-" Kiyomi extended her arm to Zero without taking an eye off the painting.

"Give me the damn gun!" She shouted and her voice echoed throughout the hallway. The group were stunned by her anger.

Almost immediately, Zero handed her the gun. She held the Bloody Rose in her right hand while she released the trigger, shooting at Rido's face in the painting, numerous times. After a few seconds Kiyomi lowered the gun and gave it back to Zero.

Kaien Cross tried to open the door but he got an electric shock.

"There must be a spell attached to this door." Takuma suggested.

"Yes, I think so, my mother told me never to go through this door. When I asked why she said she would tell me when I was older." Kiyomi answered as she eyed out the door.

"Maybe it's a family spell. The people of this mansion can open this door." Aido's light bulb lit. They all turned to him a little bit surprise.

"The first time the idiot said something smart for once!" Zero joked.

"Hey, I'm not an idiot!" Aido grumbled. "Stop arguing the both of you!" Yuki interrupted and Kiyomi stared at her and turned to the door. She let out a sigh; behind this door was the truth about her mother's family and her mother.

"Kiyomi…Open the door." Her mother's voice echoed and Kiyomi shut her eyes and gripped onto the two golden door handles.

"Open!" She yelled and there were other voices behind the door replying,

"Who dares to visit this mansion?" They cried and the others shuffled uncomfortably.

"It's me Kiyomi." The said girl replied.

"The chosen one has returned! She has returned after 11 years. Long live Kiyomi!" They yelled and Kiyomi was completely clueless. "Chosen one?" Takuma thought aloud.

The confused girl pushed the door with great force and they entered a pitch black room. But the only source of light was the brightest and it was at the end of the room. A red and gold velvet throne, a golden crown decorated with colourful jewels glimmered brightly on the throne, and a massive portrait.

It was of a woman, her mother, she looked so beautiful; the most beautiful. Her curly blue hair reached her knees and her aqua marine eyes glowed. She wore a sky blue dress decorated with lace, ribbons and glitter. The dress was fitted to her waist and fell open like a princess dress. The princess like woman held a silver sword encrusted with gems in her right hand. She wore the captivating crown on top of her head. The group stopped with their mouths open in astonishment.

"Hikari, the most beautiful vampire who lived in the vampire race." Kaname announced. They all gasped, except for Kiyomi and Kaien.

Kiyomi walked up to the throne and looked up at the portrait. Kaname gasped in realization and shock. She looked back at the group and the vampires (except for Yuki and Zero) gasped too. She looked just like her mother in that portrait, only the hair was different.

She looked back but turned her attention to the crown.

"Who were you mother?" She asked. Slowly and carefully she picked up the crown as if it was a new born child.

"Your mother was…" Cross trailed off and Kiyomi gradually lifted the crown to her head. "Hikari Hiroshi!" He yelled and this echoed throughout the mansion.

"I thought the Hiroshi family were extinct!" Takuma shouted.

"I thought they were only a myth!" Aido cried with fear in his voice.

When Kiyomi place the crown onto of her head, there was an immense light coming from her that blinded the group. She glowed even brighter than the moon in the midnight sky. Her blonde hair illuminated and extended to her knees. Her eyes were shut and she floated in the air.

The group were all shocked. She glowed and glistened brighter. The powers of the Hiroshi's were returning to their rightful heir. Her clothes transformed into the same dress in the portrait and the woman in the painting's hair turned blonde.

"Kiyomi Cross the last one left." Kaname whispered. Kiyomi opened her eyes and they were crimson red.

"The most powerful purebloods and vampires, the Hiroshi's final heir to the throne; Kiyomi Cross." The headmaster declared.

"All bow done to the queen. Long live Queen Kiyomi!" Those mysterious voices yelled with joy and Aido along with, Kaname, Takuma and Yuki bowed down before her.

The young queen reached the floor softly and raised her hand. Her crimson eyes returned to its natural state. She walked gracefully to her father and he fell to her feet.

"Kiyomi please forgive me for not telling yo-" He was cut off when his daughter placed her gentle hand on top of his head.

"Father, you are forgiven. Please stand up; it is inappropriate for a father to beg for forgiveness from his daughter." Her voice still the same; still angelic and innocent but slightly mature.

"Queen Kiyomi, you do understand that your life will never be the same again. There will be drastic changes involving the Senate and the Vampire council." Kaname informed and she turned to look at him.

"I understand the consequences Lord Kaname; just do not pressurize yourself with my problems." She replied softly. She turned to look at Zero who was the quiet and confused spectator.

"I hope this revealed truth has not influenced anything between us." He looked into her eyes and took her gentle hands and hugged her. "No matter how much you change, you will always be the same Kiyomi I know and love." He declared.
