Hi everyone!
Due to popular demand in all your awesome reviews on my first story "You're the apple to my pie", I decided to start writing and publish my sequel earlier than planned. So here it is! I'm really excited and hope you enjoy it!
Also: Thank you to my lovely friend sunset's last lullaby for agreeing to beta this story for me!
As always, I don't own Criminal Minds or any of the characters except for my OC's!
Chapter 1
As she stepped outside the doors of the little bakery, Annie Barker tightened her scarf as the cold December air hit her face and quickly pulled out her leather gloves. She blinked up at the bright sun that did nothing to warm up the cold temperature of the past days. Once again she was glad she had decided to wear legwarmers over her wool tights. Strolling down the street she decided to take a detour through the park as she took another sip of her hot coffee, the bag holding half a dozen cupcakes in her other hand. Entering the park she took in the scenery in front of her. It had snowed last night and the trees looked like they had been glazed with sugar.
Her smile widened as she heard the familiar Star Trek ringtone from her bag and she quickly transferred the coffee to her other hand as she roamed it for her phone.
"Hi my love." she answered it, a slight giggle escaping her throat.
"Well, someone's in a good mood." Spencer said on the other end and she could hear the smile in his voice.
"Why shouldn't I be? It's a beautiful day and the city is covered in snow. And most important of all, I'll see you in just a few hours." she replied happily.
"So I guess it's a good thing I packed warm clothes." he laughed back. "New York tends too have icy winds during December and January."
"Exactly. You're in for quite the temperature shock when you get here." she smiled as she passed a group of children in the process of building a snowman.
It was three days after Christmas, and she had spent the past five days at her brother's place. He and his wife Lilly, had welcomed a little baby boy shortly after Thanksgiving and so her parents had agreed it would be much more convenient to spend the holidays at Scott's place in the city while Spencer visited his mother in Las Vegas. Annie and him had spent Thanksgiving with her so she had insisted that they would ring in the New Year with Annie's family.
"So your flight arrives at 5 right?" she asked.
"Yes, I'm already at the airport. I can't wait to see you again, sunshine."
"And I can't wait to see you again." she smiled at his use of the by now familiar nickname. "I know I should probably be used to it by now but I hate being apart from you. Well, at least this time I didn't have to worry about you." she added.
So far Spencer had always been safe when away on a case but she would probably never get used to the potential danger he was putting himself into. But she knew that the happiness she felt when with him would always make up for the worry.
"So, they're just calling for boarding. I'll see you in 5 hours." his voice interrupted her thoughts.
"Alright. Can't wait! Love you!"
"I love you too."
Grinning from ear to ear, Annie fastened her pace as she walked towards the lower exit of Central Park. When she reached 5th Avenue, she quickly hailed a cab to take her back to her brother's apartment where she knew her mother was already busy preparing everything for tonight's family dinner.
As he sat on the plane Spencer Reid kept glancing at his watch. He found it hard to concentrate on his book as his thoughts kept wandering off to his girlfriend. Of course he had enjoyed spending time with his mother over Christmas but he had missed Annie dearly. She had gotten Garcia to install a video calling program on his phone a couple of weeks back and despite his usual indifference to technology, he had to admit he enjoyed seing her smile pop up on his screen. But all the video calls in the world could never compare to the feeling of being with her, breathing in the flowery scent of her hair and feeling her warm body press against him.
Just thinking about holding her in his arms again put a smile on his face. The time since he met her had been the best of his life and he couldn't imagine life without Annie Barker. Whenever he wasn't away on a case, they spent every free minute together. He gave a light chuckle as he thought how she had slowly invaded his apartment over the past months. It had started with her tootbrush and a few items in his bathroom and a few clothes in his closet. Now he sometimes wondered if there was anything left in her own apartment. He would never have thought he would be so comfortable with someone making himself at home in his place but now his apartment actually felt empty on the rare nights she didn't spend with him.
He was also looking forward to seeing Annie's parents again. They had visited them in D.C. again last November and he had thoroughly enjoyed spending time with them. He was a little nervous about meeting Annie's brother for the first time. He had observed how protective Morgan was of his sisters and knew Annie shared a tight bond with Scott. He realized how important he was to her and hoped they would get along.
Feeling the plane slightly shift he looked at his watch again and confirmed that they were alreay starting their descent. He quickly retrieved his messenger bag from under the seat in front of him and stuffed his book into it. Closing his eyes, he leaned back and gave another smile, knowing he would soon be reunited with the woman he loved.
Walking into JFK airport a couple of hours later, Annie couldn't stop hopping from one foot to the other. Her eyes kept glancing up at the arrivals board as she stood on her tiptoes.
"This guy really must be something." her brother Scott laughed. "The last time i saw you this excited was when mom took you to that stupid boyband concert when you were 14." he teased, winking at her.
Gently punching his arm she looked up at him and grinned back. "Says the guy who had his room plastered with pictures of Baywatch babes..."
"Just your regular 90s teenage boy." Scott laughed, raising his hands in defense. "But seriously An, you seem genuinely happy." he added, using her nickname from when they were children.
Annie squeezed her brothers arm excitedly and smiled. "Oh I am Scott. He's the best thing that ever happened to me."
"I'm glad you found someone sis. You're not getting any younger." he replied, receiving another punch from her.
"You're one to talk grandpa." she teased back. "We didn't go out once since I arrived. Never thought I would say this but you've officially become boring."
"Hey, I'm a father now, I can't be out painting the town red all night anymore." he laughed.
"Yeah, you're right. Just teasing you. And i have to admit, you're a great dad." she nodded. "Little Jacob is the most beautiful baby I've ever seen. Of course he got his looks from Lilly." she added with a wink.
"Believe it or not, I actually agree. So it seems your Spencer has made quite the impression on dad and mom. Can't believe you finally found a boyfriend they approve of." he chuckled. "But don't think that'll get him out of the big brother talk."
"Oh yeah, like anyone would be intimidated by you." she rolled her eyes at him. "Don't forget he's an FBI agent."
Looking at the arrival's gate again she gave an impatient sigh. "Where is he? They landed 15 minutes ago!"
"You were never good at waiting An. I'm sure he'll be out any..." Scott started but was interrupted by a loud screech escaping Annie's mouth.
His eyes followed her as she ran towards the tall man he recognized from the picture, dressed in grey slacks, a striped button-down shirt and a cardigan, a coat slung over his arm. Seeing his sister's open coat flare as she ran, he chuckled and slightly shook his head as he slowly followed her.
Spencer's eyes were searching the crowd when he was startled by a loud squeal. Turning his head, a smile spread across his face when he saw Annie running towards him. She looked absolutely adorable in a short, purple wool dress, her open black coat flying, with a red scarf slung around her neck and a matching knit hat, strands of her light-brown hair framing her face.
Fastening his own pace he reached her and couldn't suppress a chuckle as she almost knocked him over, wrapping her arms around his neck. His hands resting on her back, he held her close for a moment before she pulled away and beamed up at him. Pressing a kiss on her lips he returned her smile.
"You're here." she grinned, immediately leaning in for another kiss. And another, and another.
Cupping her face with his hands, he smiled. He knew he would never grow tired of seing her eyes light up with excitement. Pulling her close one more time he replied. "I guess I am. I've missed you." he whispered in her ear, breathing in her scent.
"And I've missed you." she smiled, pushing a stray strand of hair out of his face.
"This is going to be the best New Year's ever!" she laughed happily.
Annie was still lost in Spencer's eyes when she heard a noise behind her. Turning around she saw her brother clearing his throat.
"Um, sorry to interrupt sis, but..." he grinned.
Annie gave a light chuckle as she grabbed Spencer's hand and squeezed it.
"Oh sorry, for a moment I forgot you were here." she teased. "Spence, I want you to meet my brother Scott."
Spencer gave a smile as he shook the other man's hand. He could definitely see the resemblance, even though Scott was a lot taller than Annie. "Nice to finally meet you."
"Likewise. The little one here hasn't stopped talking about you since she arrived." Scott replied, winking at Annie.
Annie gave her brother another gentle punch. "Not true. Well, yeah, maybe." she laughed, beaming up at Spencer.
"So, we should probably get going before mom starts calling to tell us dinner is getting cold." Scott announced. "I hope you're hungry Spencer, I swear to god, this woman has prepared enough food to feed an entire army..."
Spencer chuckled and felt himself relax. Of course he had expected Annie's brother to be just as nice as the rest of her family but he was still relieved at Scott's welcoming nature.
"In fact I'm starving." he replied with a smile.
With Scott leading the way, they followed him, his hand still firmly grasping Annie's as she pressed herself against the side of his body. Smiling down at her placed a gentle kiss on the top of her head.
"I think you might be right, sunshine. This is going to be the best New Year's ever."
As always, don't forget to review, you know it's the thing that keeps us writers going!