Girl Falls Into One Piece
I'm in the middle of editing the other chapters, but decided to write this special because today it's been 3 years since I started this story. I couldn't believe it when I saw it. But here it is 3 years and almost done with the Alabasta Arc. It's amazing. Well, hope you enjoy!
Mace and Luffy: 15 Years old
I sighed, laying down on the grass with my arms spread wide on either side of me, my sword next to me. Luffy was doing something, either training or getting dinner. Me and him went our seperate ways today. I forgot how bored I was being by myself.
Me, Ace and Luffy did everything together in our childhood (my second one) and now that he was out at sea for a year, it was just me and Luffy. Times like these, I wished we could go out to see early, but we mad a promise as brothers, so we can't. We still have two more years left. We decided to leave on May 5 instead of April 21st. Since Luffy was the Captain, we would leave on his brithday. Plus it was only a two week difference.
I closed my eyes with a sigh, I already did my training for the day. "Hey, Mace!"
I lifted my head up at Luffy's voice and saw him behind me, coming out of the forest. I was on a cliff, looking out over the ocean. I loved coming here. The reason I want to be a pirate. Looking out at the vast sea, I could almost taste the freedom. I smiled at him. "Yeah?"
He bounded forward, about 120 pounds of unlimited energy. "I was looking all over for you, but could't find you."
I raised an eyebrow. "Well, I'm here."
He rolled his eyes, sitting next to me. "Duh."
I smirked, pushing him in his side. He laughed, giving me his signiture grin. "You finished training?"
I nodded, putting my head back down. He pulled on my arm, yanking me to my knees and kept pulling. I yelped in shock and shoved him away. "What the hell is wrong with you, idiot?"
He crinkled his nose and made a face at me. "Come on, I caught a tiger."
I stood up, grabbing his red vest and pulling him up. "Don't mean you have to grab me like that, jeez."
I rolled my shoulder a couple of times. His stuck his tongue out at me and I did the mature thing, doing it back to him. "C'mon, if you got a tiger, then the other animals will try to eat it."
His expression froze and he looked at me with wide horrified eyes. He then ran off, stretching his arms to trees, speeding into the forest and swinging on them like his namesake or Tarzan. Seriously, that's bad luck, having your last name Monkey. Though I'm not that lucky either. When I was a kid, people would tease me by calling my Perry the Platypus from that show, Phineas and Ferb.
I walked forward at a normal pace. I could hear the destruction of tree branches, I didn't need to chance after him. The crashing sound stopped about 10 minutes later and I found Luffy hovering over the meat. I laughed and Luffy looked up and grinned when he saw me. He went to stretch his arm to me, but I went behind a tree. "Don't even think about it."
He pouted, but brought his arms back to his side. I helped him skin and cook it. A little bit after that, we were happily munching on tiger meat. I saw something slither by my feet and I drew my sword in a quick moment, stabbing it. I saw it was a slightly oversized snake. I smiled in memory, I remembered when I first caught one of these.
I was 8 and Luffy was still 7 while Ace was 11. It was the beginning of May. Ace and Luffy were together and I was on my own. I argued with Ace this morning, it was pretty bad. I yelled at Ace, he yelled back. We yelled some more and Luffy stayed quiet. Ace hit me and I hit him back, turning an simple argument into an all out brawl. Ace dragged Luffy away from me and that's where I was now. I sighed to myself, running a hand down my face. Sometimes I really hated him. Being around Luffy sometimes calmed me down, but since Ace took him, I was on my own.
All it did was make me stew in my anger. I marched forward in the forest, not really paying attention. I knew I should've acted like the older one, the bigger person, I was about 5 or 6 years older than him mentally, but even then I still saw him as my older brother. And all I knew was that my older brother was being an asshole.
So, I walked in the forest, stomping around. I felt something move against my leg and yelped, thrusting my pole forward, the sharp tip impailing something. I looked and saw it was a decent sized snake, with a thick body. I scrambled back in fear, stabbing a couple more times, I got rid of some of my anger as I did it.
I sighed and sat near the dead reptile. I remembered that people had snake skin things, so I picked the thing up and shoved in my bag. I walked back to the hut, grabbed a black cloak and was walking back out.
I heard Dogra. "Mace, you're back?"
I looked back. "Yeah, why?"
He shrugged. "Ace and Luffy came by earlier."
I scowled, looking away. "I don't care."
I rushed off before he could say anything. I walked through the forest, though this time I had a destination in mind. I stiffened as I reached the Grey Terminal, seeing people walking around like what happened months ago never did. I remember seeing it when it first happened, but I still couldn't believe it.
I winced, shaking my head harshly. "Don't think about it."
I walked around and passed garbage heaps, shoving the hood over my head. Others gave me space, they knew who I was. Whenever they saw us, they gave me and my brothers space, they knew what we were capable of. I walked to the doors that led to Edge Town and stopped. I was not only going because of the little bit of money I would get, but to fight the instinct to stay away from Goa Kingdom. I still felt the rage at Sabo's father and how it's his and Bluejam's fault we are a brother less.
I took a deep breath and walked in, passing people and entering an area they called the black market. Some place I never entered in my old life. In the end, I got a thousand berries for it which was 100 dollars in my time. I happily left, only to be attacked by 2 thugs. I smirked. "You guys never listen."
I kicked on in the knee, smacking him hard in the head when he bent down. He dropped with a thud. I rolled to the right, letting out a yelp when I stabbed myself in the left bicep.I shook my arm at the sharp pain before stabbing the last thug in the leg, kicking him in the face with both feet. I grinned. "Like I said, you never learn."
They couldn't hear me, they were knocked out. I grinned wider, I shouldn't enjoy this as much as I did. I looked up and realized why I was attacked, it was dark outside, the sky was pitch dark.
"Hey, there she is!"
I swore as I saw a couple of police men coming after me. I ran off and ran into the Grey Terminal, where they wouldn't dare follow me. I walked home, even in the dark, the people here wouldn't bother me. I walked back toward the hut. I really didn't want to apologize to Ace. Sometimes when we fought, we would just let it go and neither of us would say sorry.
It wasn't even that bad. Ace woke up to early and I didn't get enough to eat a breakfast. After that, it just got worse until we were throwing blows at each other. I knew Luffy was upset with us too, he didn't like it when we fought like that, with real anger.
I could almost hear Luffy now, him calling for me. Wait a minute...He was!
I saw his strawhat ahead. I waved a hand. "Luffy!"
His head snapped toward me, I could even see his grin from here. He stretched his arms toward me and I yelped as he collided with me. We flew a couple of feet and I groaned as I landed on my back. As I laid there, Luffy sat on me. "Mace! You're here! We looked all over for you, but couldn't find you."
I smiled slightly at him. "Well, here I am. Can you get off?"
He hugged me around the shoulders before hopping off. "We thought something happened, like with..."
He had an upset look on his face and I knew if he thought about it more, he might start to tear up. I felt my insides twist with guilt. My brother should always be smiling. I stood up, giving his shoulder a squeeze, quirking an eyebrow at the how strange it felt.
I saw Ace storming up to us. I stiffened my back and squared my shoulders. I deal with whatever he would give me. Luffy whined. "Ace..."
I felt another twinge of guilt, but forced myself to look at Ace. His face was twisted with anger and another emotion. His fists were balled and he had a scowl along with a deep furrow of his brow.
Yeah, he was pissed.
He was barely a foot away from me. Before I could react, he smacked me in the head. I winced, rubbing it. Before I could snap, he fisted my shirt by the shoulders, pulling me into a shocking hug. My head was under his chin and his arms were tight around me and my arms were trapped. "Stupid. I don't care how mad you are at me, don't run off like that. I thought...I thought something happened to you. Dammit, don't do that!"
I moved closer to him. Truthfully, I hated fighting with him. In a way, since he was my older brother, I looked up to him a bit. "Sorry, Ace."
"Yeah, me too."
Luffy gave a cheer, hugging us both. "Yay! Mace and Ace aren't fighting anymore."
I smiled at him. "Yeah, sorry Luf."
Ace knocked Luffy hat off, ruffling both of our hair. I grimaced, moving away and Luffy whined a bit, tackling Ace and wrestled with him for messing with his hat. I laughed at them, moving Luffy's hat so they didn't roll on it. Ace shoved Luffy him on his stomach, sitting on his back. To annoy him more to show Luffy he was beat, he roughly ruffled his hair again, giving him a half noogie.
Luffy went from being annoyed to laughing. I grinned at the sound.
I smiled wider at the memory, decided to just leave the snake where it was. I went to go eat my lunch, but was empty handed. I glared over at Luffy, he swallowed the rest. While I went down memory lane, he ate my food.
I tackled him in annoyance, making him yelp. We rolled around, trying to get the upper hand. I grunted when he shoved a hand over my face and saw I had no other voice. I jabbed my fingers under his open arm, making him try to move away, but I had the upper hand. I tickled him a little and then we continued to wrestle around.
By the time we stopped, the sun was going down. I smiled as Luffy decided to take a nap.
Even though I missed Ace, being here with Luffy wasn't too bad. I was just happy I wasn't alone. I just hoped wherever Ace was, I wished he was happy.
That was the end of my One Shot, but I decided to show you a preview of the AU I'm planning on writing for this story. It is what it would be like if Luffy and Mace went out to sea differently. I'm thinking about posting the first actual chapter sometime after the Alabasta Arc.
I was 17 years old and Luffy was 16. When I was 15, I told Luffy I would make my own pirate crew when I turned 17. He was upset a first and tried to badger me about it, but left it alone. Knowing if it was the other way around, he'd always want to be a Pirate Captain. Also, I didn't want to be Pirate King like he did, I justed wanted the freedom and adventure a pirate has.
He still wanted me to join his pirate crew and I knew as my birthday drew closer, he was getting more antsy. I just hoped Grandpa didn't come in the two weeks Luffy was here because it would be brutal having to deal with Grandpa by himself. Dadan was also going to be put throught the ringer when we all leave. I almost feel bad for her.
I walked out of my room, shoving some clothes and others things I would need out a sea. I packed some ink, fountain pens and a log book that Luffy got me for my birthday. I didn't have a map, but that was okay since I couldn't read one. I probably should've learned. I'll need to get an navigator for sure. Sabo told me when we were kids that a navigator, cook and doctor were important members of the crew.
I waved out, facing the bandits. I grinned at them fondly. "Thank you for taking care of me and my brothers."
As expected, Dadan went red and threw a frying pan at me while wailing. I laughed it off, dodging and ran out, running through the forest. A little while later, I arrived at the village, seeing a couple of people by the docks. Makino, Luffy and the Mayor, Wood Slap was there. I jogged over. "Hey, guys!"
Luffy and Makino smiled brightly when they saw me. I grinned back. The Mayor had a scowl on his face. I walked over till I was next to them and said. "Well, I'm off."
Makino hugged me tightly, arms around my shoulders. "Please, try to be safe."
I hugged her back. "I'll do my best. You'll be hearing about me soon, I swear it."
She let out a laugh, letting me go. "I know I will, we already heard about Ace."
Wood Slap scoffed. "You turning into a pirate, you're making this village a disgrace."
I chuckled. "I like you too, Mayor."
Luffy threw himself in my arms, I had to brace a foot back, the kid was getting heavier."I'll miss you."
I grinned at him. "Me too, you're going out to sea in 2 weeks. You can wait until then, little brother."
He nodded his head. "Yeah, I know." He let go of me.
I unclipped the pocket watch chain from my belt loop and put the watch in front of me. "Monkey D. Luffy, we may be pirates, but we'll always be brothers. You got that?"
He clasped my hand, touching the watch. "Yeah, same goes to you."
I smiled. "Good." I put the watch in it's proper place.
I heard a sound and saw Makino looking on with tears in her eyes. I felt my eyes soften. "Don't worry, Makino."
Makino nodded. "Very well, we have you're boat. Packed in it are two barrels, one full of food and one full of fresh water. Please conserve."
"I will, thanks."
Makino said. "Take care of yourself."
I smiled. "I know."
"Make sure you have enough clothes-"
"Okay, I get it!"
I felt my face burn red in embarrassment and Luffy laugh. I glared at him. Makino said. "Oh, here." She handed me a compass and I couldn't help but stare at her blankly. "Makino, I can't navigate."
"I thought it would help."
"Like not at all. Sometimes I don't even know east from west. I can't even read a map."
She blanched before a worried look came over her face. I laughed, hopping on my boat. Don't worry, see you Luffy! Makino! Wood Slap!"
They waved at me. I called. "I want to see you with a bounty in a couple of months."
He nodded, calling back. "Yeah, you too. If you see Ace, tell him I said hi!"
"Alright, see ya!"
I was sailing away and I leaned back in my boat, looking at the endless blue sky. It was cloudless today. My plans were simple. Sail in East Blue for a while unless I end up in the West, North and South Blues. Get a decently sized crew and better boat, then go to the Grand Line. I didn't want a huge crew either. I wanted my crew to be hand picked.
I couldn't wait to see what was ahead of me and who my new Nakama would be.
Well, there is the preview. Tell me if you like it. It was longer than I thought it would be.