Disclaimer: I don't own One Piece, only my characters and plot I thought of. I wish I did, but I'm not Japanese or a dude or old.

I'm fixing my chapters all over again. Editing, misspelling and changing the way I wrote it from how I do now.

Edit Date: 6/18/2016 1:15 AM

Girl Falls into One Piece

New Life

I was walking down the street with my hands in the pockets of my forest green knee length capris, bored out of my mind. It was windy out and my mid-neck length brown hair blew in the breeze and that it made me laugh at how dramatic it must have looked. I was out here bored because I had another fight with my parents again.

I live with my Mom, Dad and little brother, Eric. They like him best for some reason that I don't know why and they don't try to hide it. They don't beat me or anything like that, but it's more like verbal abuse. I don't even know if you could call it that. I wondered if they would miss me if I disappeared.

I shook my head at these depressing thoughts and sighed, this is the kind of stuff I tried to get away from. I have no one to go to about this and it would upset Eric too much if I told him, so that's out of the question. I heard a rumble and looked up to see a dark sky. I scowled and decided to walk home since I had nowhere else to go. My friends are just people I say hello to; I guess I could be called anti-social.

I got home and saw my family eating dinner at the table when I walked through the door. Eric was eating slowly though. He grinned when he saw me and I sat next to him. I ruffled his hair and he went back to eating. Even if my parents like him more, I can't hate him. He's my little brother, for God's sake. It's my job to protect him. I looked up , getting ready to eat and my father gave me a stern glare and I gave him a blank or bored one. He asked me angrily. "Where have you been, dinner started?"

I said, not wanting to get in a fight when I just cooled off. "I needed to cool off from certain people."

I gave him a glare of my own. Okay, maybe I'll start a little. Just looking at each other, you could you tell we hated each other at that moment. It made me angrier that I looked like him. But his brown hair was buzz cut and his blue eyes were sharp and cruel to me at that point. He was Sergeant Major of the U.S Army and very respected.

His voice snapped me out of my hateful thoughts. "You should be more like your brother!"

I scowled and yelled. "It's always about him, why do you hate me?!"

He screamed back, face turning red. "Maybe I would like you if you were more like your brother!"

I swallowed down the hurt like I always do and slammed my hands down on the table, making the plates shake and yelled louder. "He is younger than me, stop comparing me to him!"

Yeah, my temper is bad, I don't even want to know how much this is hurting Eric. My mother had a worried look on her face as she said. "Mason, please listen to your father."

I glared harshly at her and snapped. "Shut up bitch, Defend your daughter for once!" I felt my heart pull at the look on her face.

My father jumped out of his seat and threw his glass at me which I ducked. Wow, he never done that before. My reflexes are the only thing saving me from being cut. He glared hatefully at me and bellowed at the top of his lungs. "Mason Ann Perry! Watch your mouth, I wish we only had Eric!"

I froze in shock, he never said that before. I swallowed a breath in my throat, but found out I could not. I sped up the stairs without a look at my so called family and grabbed a bag and filled it with clothes. I also put all the money I owned ($50). Eric ran into my room and rammed into me, I was still on my feet when he did this, since he was 11 and I was 16. His face was in my stomach and his arms tightly around my waist.

He exclaimed. "Please don't leave Mace! I'm sorry, it's my fault!"

I smiled fondly at him and ruffled his hair. I said with a sigh. "Eric, it's okay. I just need a couple of days and I'll be back."

He nodded in my stomach and let go and sat on my bed, letting me pack the rest of my stuff. I put the pack on my back and walked out the door ignoring my mother's gasping and my Father's screaming.

Walking down the same street as before I ran a hand through my hair frustrated. I groaned when it started pouring. I pulled my hood from my black sleeveless jacket over my head and cured to myself when I remembered I only had a blue T-shirt under it. Growling, I shoved my hands in my pockets deeply and ran, my pace a bit slow. My strength is stronger than my speed.

I spotted an alley across the street with an overhang and I ran to it eagerly. There was a store and I opened the door slowly, breathing heavy with large huffs of air. A small ring came from the door and I came inside. An old book store was here, plus little trinkets along some shelves. I tensed at the quiet when it was still open, but relaxed at seeing a regular old man there.

The old man had thinning grey hair, a beard that was neatly trimmed around his mouth, pale wrinkly skin, green eyes that seemed to be bright and I felt like they could see right through me even though he was older and sight decreases in old age.

He was wearing an old suit. It had a white button down shirt, black bow tie, and grey jacket and pants with a black hat that had a bright red ribbon on the bowl of the hat next to him on a desk. I brought my hands from outside my pockets and brought them to my sides.

I smiled at the old man and said. "Excuse me Sir? The rain is really bad out there, do you mind if I stay in here for a bit until it slows down?"

I was very polite to strangers, a habit that was beaten in my head since I was a kid. One thing I'm happy about. The elderly man gave me a smile most old people give to younger ones, it looked wise I guess you could say. He said warmly. "Sure, lass and hello Mason A. Perry."

I blinked how he know my name. Okay, now I'm a bit wary. I smiled and asked. "If you don't mind me asking, what is your name?"

He chuckled lightly and said. "John." I frowned, only a first name?Before I could say anything, he held up a hand and said. "That's it and I just know your name, no reason to know why I know it. You're father is famous, isn't he?"

I glared at the ground at the mention of my reason for being out here in the first place. He said. "Ah, I see problems. You look like you've had a hard time."

I looked away from his eyes; do I really look that desperate and distressed? I looked at him with a polite smile and picked a subject away from my 'hard time' and said. "May I look around?"

He shrugged casually and said. "Sure, be my guest lass."

I shook my head, what's up with the see references to being a girl at sea? Maybe he is a fisherman or sailor when he was younger. I'm a girl, but I still don't get the sea naming thing. The whole lass and lad thing. I nodded at him and dipped my head. Doing this, I noticed my hood still on. I pulled it off and shook my head. Water landed on my face and I wiped it off with a hand.

I looked around; he had glass and wooden things on the shelves that didn't have old books. They looked old, but in really good condition. I picked up a wooden piece and looked at the carving closely. It wasn't a person, but an item of some kind. It was a wide hat with a carved strip around the bowl of it and in great detail.

I felt it in my fingers with a small thoughtful smile. This looks like a great hobby, I wonder if I can pick it up and if it could calm my temper? Naw! I still like it, I'll buy it. It was half the size of my palm. I brought it to the counter. The old man smiled down at it and then at me and said. "Ah, good choice."

I looked at his hands and asked. "Do you make these thinks yourself?"

He nodded with a small grin and said. "Yes, I did. It's one of my favorite hobbies in my free time."

I nodded and he took it in the back and when he did come back, he was breathing heavy and they was a chain attached to it. He said. "I'll give you the chain free of charge."

I smiled back. "Thanks."

I paid for it, which was $2.99 and noticed that the rain was down to a drizzle. I waved bye to John and walked out after putting the thing around my neck. I went to the local park and sat at the bench. I sighed, why does my family treat me like this? I decided to sleep out here and lay down on the bench. I closed my eyes and clutched my fist around the hat.

I woke up a cough. I took a deep breath and almost choked on my spit. What I breathed in, what I smelt was the smell of the sea. I kept my eyes shut as I thought this, afraid of what I would see. If I fell asleep on a park bench, why do I smell the ocean? Did someone actually get stupid enough to pull a prank on me?

I opened my eyes slowly and frowned, the sky is still there. I heard a seagull and looked to the side. I screamed loudly in fear. I was stranded in the ocean. I sat up and saw I was on a large piece of wood. Enough for me to lay on. My mouth felt like cotton was in it and I put my head in my hands. I gave a screech like sound after I did this. My hands were chubby and small, like a little kid. What the hell?! My breaths were coming in quick breaths and I tried to calm down.

Eventually I did, but I tried to figure out my situation. I was stranded in the middle of the ocean on a chunk of wood, with no drink or food. I felt my eyes burning and wiped my eyes before tears could come out. I'm in a bad situation, crying like a baby won't help me at all. What I would give to fight with the old man now! I looked all around me, but saw no ship or anything, just open seas.

I laid down on the wood with a sigh, I closed my eyes and then groaned when the heat hit me hard. I opened my eyes and squinted at the sun. I sat up and looked to see what I was wearing. My T-shirt was way too big and my jeans were hanging off my legs. If I get rescued, I can't go around looking like this.

I noticed the weight on my back and pulled the backpack from my shoulders. I set it between my legs and I got an idea and looked in the secret pocket in my backpack. There it is, my knife, it's a pocket one, but strong. There are some upsides at having a marine father. I flipped it open and took my pants off. I cut them till they were cut off to an inch or two above the knees.

I pulled them back on and used strips of the jeans I just cut through the belt loops and tightened it so they didn't slip off me and were only a little loose on the hips. Then I took my shirt off since it was getting really hot. I looked down and saw a child's chest, at least I don't have to worry about being modest right now, no chest no embarrassment, though I still would have did it if I had one, survival is survival.

The jeans were cooler on me and I put the knife and the scraps in my pack and put it behind my head as a pillow. I laid down for the third time and groaned when I felt and heard my stomach rumble. Dammit, I forgot about the food problem, I was so thirsty earlier. But with the sun baking my skin to a crisp, hungry and thirsty, I managed to fall asleep. Though the sleep I had was very unpleasant.

I woke up again and clutched my stomach which was the reason why I woke up. My tolerance for pain must be less because I was younger for some reason. I laid back on my back and looked at the clouds and seagulls that were in the sky. I fell asleep, but kept on waking up. I looked to the side and gasped a ship and a big one at that. I grinned to myself, but did not have the strength to get up. I was out here for 5 days. I lifted my arm as in the air as much as I could while lying down, but it dropped when all my strength left me. I passed out from tiring myself.

Red-haired Shanks Ship

Benn Beckerman, Shanks and Yasopp were hanging around the main deck talking about whatever. Benn asked. "So we're going back to Foosha Village?"

He raised an eyebrow and a slight smirk was on his lips. Yasopp gave a cough that sounded suspiciously like a laugh. Shanks glared at the two and said. "Yeah, we need more supplies."

Yasopp said. "It's more like we need to see a little kid by the name of Luffy."

Shanks shook his head and was about to say something to retort, but someone ran up to him and said. "Captain Shanks! There is a child in the middle of sea!"

The three looked up and Shanks went up to see what it was. They followed the guy to where he saw this kid stranded in the water and Shanks took the scope he used to see this child. He looked closer and saw a little child on a piece of driftwood. Shanks decided to go save the kid, they could drop whom ever off at Foosha village, they were close and it was better than dying out at sea.

The child was not that far from the ship either. He took a small boat to where the kid was, but made sure to keep on his guard. He got over to the kid and noticed they were shirtless. He picked the backpack up and slipped it on his shoulder and picked up the child in his arms.

They had a grimace on their face and he noticed the sunburned skin. It was deep red. He rowed back and looked down at the kid and noticed they had short brown hair. He got back to the ship and climbed up. The crew crowded around and he gave the kid to the Doctor and told him to tell him when they wakes up. The ship doctor carried to his office and got working to help the child.

I woke up and noticed wood boards in front of me. Did that ship pick me up? I tried to swallow, but could not and I started hacking roughly. My hands went to my throat and I heard. "Oh, you're up! Please drink this."

He handed me water and I greedily drank it down. My throat felt relief even though it was sore. I smiled and nodded politely to the man. He looked to be in late 40's. He had black hair that was turning grey, brown eyes and a strong body for his age.

My stomach rumbled and I looked to the other side awkwardly. I looked down and noticed I was in a shirt that was loose and the shorts I had on. He sat some food in front of me and I dug in when I got a nod from him. When I finished, I said. "Thank you, sir."

My voice was hoarse. I think I'm on a ship. I decided I had to thank whoever saved me. It's a thing of mine, if someone helps me; I have to thanks them and maybe even owe them something. It's like my word of honor. He smiled at what I said and he said back. "No problem, no need for the Sir, call me Jack."

I nodded and said. "Could I talk to the person that saved me?"

He nodded and said. "Yeah, he wanted to talk to you when you woke up anyway, might have a few question for you."

He was smiling at you gently and I then remembered my age. I looked to see a mirror and my eyes almost popped out of my head, I looked like I did when I was 6 or 7. I sat up and my bare feet touched the wooden floor boards and I almost jumped to feel them hot.

I then tripped on my feet and landed on my back on the floor. I groaned, dammit it! He helped me up and helped me in his arms. I crossed my arms over my chest and frowned, but in the mirror it looked like a pout. I felt him chuckle and he brought me out of the ship and past some people working on the ship or people drinking and hanging around. One guy waved at me, he had curly blond hair and big lips. I waved back slightly. We got to the door and he knocked. I was shocked to hear a happy voice say. "Come in!"

I blinked and the guy sighed, but opened the door. There was a guy with black long hair tied into a ponytail and a cigarette on his lips and a guy behind a desk with his feet resting on top. He had shoulder length bright red hair, three long scars over his eye and a straw hat on his head. It was yellow with a red band. He grinned down at me and said. "Hi there Mister, how are you?"

My face fell, really? I said bluntly. "I'm a girl."

His eyes widened and his fell out his chair on the floor, his feet on top of the chair. I couldn't control myself, I burst out laughing, holding my side because I laughed so hard it hurt. He jumped back up and got in the same position as before and quirked an eyebrow at me. "You think that was funny?"

I coughed and shook my head no. He laughed and said. "Then you have no sense of humor, because I thought it was."

I twitched, is he teasing me? Jack and the guy with black hair stared at him with a deadpanned expressions and I laughed again. The red haired guy asked. "Well are you doin' okay?"

I nodded and said. "Yeah, thank you for saving me."

He said. "Aw. No problem. How did that happen?"

I frowned in thought and said with a blank look. "I don't know."

He looked shocked and I decided that I liked this guy. I've been in fights with my father, got soaked by the rain, stranded in the ocean with nothing and this guy was amusing me. He said. "Well, you can't stay here on a pirate ship, we know a village and we'll take you there."

I blinked, village could be normal, but pirate? Did I go in the past or something? I'll stick with that for a while, the whole age changing thing could come with the whole time travel to the Pirate Age thing. I nodded and decided not to say I'm from the future. That could cause problems. I said. "Okay, thank you. Who are you?"

He laughed and slapped his forehead. "I'm Shanks, what your name miss?"

I said. "Mason, but people call me Mace."

He said with a grin. "Ya know, your name does not help with your boy look."

I glared and said with a huff. "Yeah, yeah, yeah."

He laughed and we ended up at my room again and I fell asleep, tired after moving so much when for 5 days I haven't moved at all.

In the book shop with John

John, a man that had special magic in him for generations, was happy for the past 5 days. He sent a girl that did not belong in this world to one that could help her gain a better life starting at childhood. He knew how she grew up and decided to send her, she was the best choice and it made his day when she showed up in his store. There were signs asking to find the girl and the little brother was frantic, but he could tell the father didn't care that much and the Mother was passive.

He didn't know what was going on where she was, but he knew it was just the beginning of her new life. He also knew she was going to hate acting like a child, even if she did not want to. The old man chuckled at these thought and lit a cigarette (he knew he should not be smoking at his age) and strolled down the street in a happy mood.

Mason Perry

I woke up with a small headache and sat up to see food next to me at a small table with a glass of water. Hungry and now I will always appreciate food, I dug in and ate quickly and drank my water, happy to be drinking something. Jack came in, who I found out was the doctor and smiled at me, he said. "I see your up, you can come out now, we're here."

I jumped up and felt a childlike excitement at seeing what this village was like. I saw Shanks and walked over to him, since he was the captain, he would know what was going on. I stood next to him and he looked down at me and said. "Hello, mace! How was ya sleep?"

I grinned up at him and said. "Good." I yawned, still a little tired from just waking up, which he chuckled at and this made my cheeks warm. It sucks being a little kid, adults always making fun of you. We stopped and I got off with Shanks. I followed him to the a little building that said on top 'Party's Bar' and the crew, Shanks and me walked in. A boy was sitting on a stool and there were one or two people at tables. The boy turned around and grinned widely. He said. "Hey Shanks, you're back!"

Shanks laughed at him and it made me wonder, did he make fun of all the kids he came in contact with? Shanks said. "Hey Luffy, we're back."

These people have weird names, but I guess I'm one to talk. Shanks sat next to Luffy and I stood where I was awkwardly. The one with the curly blond hair pushed me forward with a grin. He said. "Go on, I'm Yasopp by the way."

I grinned back; these people could sure amuse me and said. "Hi, I'm Mace, nice to meet ya."

He laughed and I slowly walked over to Shanks and 'Luffy'. Shanks looked back and waved me over. I walked a little faster, nervousness a tight ball in my stomach. I finally reached him and Shanks picked me up and put me on a stool next to him, which made me huff. Another thing I hate about being small, people can pick you up without any trouble. Luffy was staring at me, so I stared back. Shanks said. "Luffy, this is someone I picked up and she is gonna stay here."

Luffy face lit up as he said. "Really?! That's cool!"

I smiled at him he pointed a thumb at himself and said. "Hi, I'm Monkey D. Luffy!"

What? Do they put there last name first, well I better introduce myself that way. I said. "...Perry A. mason, but you can call me Mace."

Shanks said. "You didn't tell me your whole name."

I shrugged with a childish grin and said. "You didn't ask for it." He glared at me, but there seemed to be no harm in it. Luffy laughed at us and I noticed a lady at the back of the bar . She had bright onyx eyes and green hair. Okay, that's a little strange. It looks too nice to be dyed. Whatever, don't question it, it will sound really rude. I grinned at her, she seemed nice, so I said to her. "Hi, Miss."

She smiled warmly at me and said. "Hello, dear, I'm Makino."

I blinked. "You know I'm a girl?"

She giggled and said. "Yes, who wouldn't notice?"

Luffy said proudly. "I did."

I pointed a finger at Shanks and Luffy burst out laughing and Makino went into a fit of giggles, which she tried to quiet with her hands, but Luffy was laughing loudly. The crew was looking at us and I answered. "The Girl incident." The crew was in up roar and I learned they somehow found out overnight. I heard Shanks cough and I grinned at him. This is the most fun I had in a long time. But when I felt a hit to my head, my grin was replaced by a yelp and I held my head and glared at Shanks.

He simply laughed and the night was spent with him drinking and talking to Luffy. He was a good friend to have and I soon forgot all about getting home, but I knew it come back and I would be doomed.

I had to write this because I always wrote it down for Naruto, but never liked it and didn't publish it. I hope you like it and nobody seemed Occ or you didn't find my Oc's Mary/Gary-sue. Please tell me what you think!