A/N: Heeeeyyy guys! I'd like to thank you all for the reviews, follows and favorites; they really make me happy :)

I want to point out that I'm sooooo grateful to Guest, those words made me so happy and brought tears to my eyes. You're amazing, thank you so much for those kind words :)

For all your support, I'd like to dedicate this chapter for all of you who are following this story and have reviewed and have supported me through these five chapters. To all of you a major THANK YOU, from the bottom of my heart.

Please enjoy,

Katniss' POV

I wake up startled by shouts coming from the entrance of our barrack. I open my eyes and rub them with the heels of my hands, trying to get the sleep away. I bring my feet out of the bunk and I shiver when they touch the cold ground. I look to the entrance and see a bunch of soldiers starting to walk through the cabins and shouting at the women for them to wake up. I turn to my side and see Prim and mama still sleeping. I look again at the soldiers and see they're closer to our bunk now. I start to shake Prim.

"Prim… Prim, wake up! Prim! Prim!" I say as I shake her. She starts mumbling and turns around. I sigh

"Prim, you have to get up!"

"Just five minutes Kat" she mumbles.

"No Prim, you have to get up right now, the soldiers are arriving and they'll make you get up. Please" I whisper to her. She finally sits up and rubs her eyes.

"What time is it?" she asks me right before a loud yawn escapes her mouth.

"I'm not sure, but I think it's pretty early. Now, let me wake up mother" I get up and walk up to her side of the bunk "Mama… mama, are you listening to me? Mama, you have to get up, the soldiers are coming"

Mama opens her eyes and looks up at me. She sits up and stretches her arms, yawning . Right when her arms fall to her sides, the soldiers arrive our bunk.

"Get up and walk outside now!" a soldiers shouts. The three of us get up and do as he told us to. Once we arrive outside, we see every women lining up.

"We have to line up?" Prim whispers to me.

"I think so, let's go" I hold her hand and direct ourselves to the second line. Prim starts asking me lots of questions and doesn't give me even time to answer them. Someone coughs loudly behind me and I turn around to see a girl who looks about my age and with her hair shorn off like mine standing there. She rolls her eyes at me and I gasp at her rude motion.

"What the fuck are you doing?" she asks and my eyes widen at her vocabulary. I note Primrose turning around as shocked as me and I look at her "Prim, turn around"


"No buts, just do what I say!" she looks at me once again and nods quickly, turning around.

"Excuse me miss" I start saying "But I don't know who you think you are to talk to me like that and" I stop abruptly upon watching her face more carefully. I don't know how I hadn't seen that before. Her eye is purple and swollen up and she has a couple of bruises here and there on her face. I gasp "What happened to your face?" I ask, raising my hand to touch softly on her bruised eye. She slaps it away "It's none of your business! Just turn around and keep that mouth shut!"

"Johanna! She was only trying to be nice!" a little girl next to the girl I was talking to speaks. I look at her and see her smiling a little at me "I'm sorry" she apologizes "She's just pissed off right now. I'm Rue by the way" she extends her hand to me and I grab it, shaking it.

"Katniss. And this is my little sister, Primrose, but you can call her Prim" I say, pointing at my sister. Upon hearing her name she turns around and smiles at Rue. Rue smiles wide too and when she's about to talk we hear the soldiers calling us. Me and Prim turn around quickly and look ahead.

"Listen! You're now going to be assigned to work! But before, you're going to have… breakfast" he claps his hands and screams at the top of his lungs "GO! GO!"

Every women starts walking and bumping against Prim and I. I see a hand waving in our direction and spot Rue looking at us. I grab Prim's hand and walk to her.

"Hey girls" she greets us "Let's hurry up" she says, taking me and Prim through the amount of women. There was something bothering me about the soldier's speech. He did hesitate upon saying the word 'breakfast'. I decided to share my doubt with Rue.

"Hum… hey Rue?" I called her. Rue turned around "Yes?" she asked back.

"Do you know why the soldier hesitated so much before saying 'breakfast'?" I ask, curiosity evident in my voice.

"Well… I'm not sure, but maybe they agree too that what they give us doesn't even deserve to be called food, much less breakfast" she says, shrugging her shoulder a little. I nod and keep walking, while looking at the ground. Rue stops abruptly and I bump against her.

"Rue? Is everything alright?" Prim asks her. Rue looks at both of us with frantic eyes.

"Oh no! I totally forgot! You need to have a container, like a bowl or a mug, it doesn't matter! If you don't have one, they won't let you eat!" she says, looking everywhere.

"Do you know where we can get one?" I ask, starting to feel nervous. Prim and I haven't eat since yesterday and I'm worried for her. I am quite hungry too, but it's not me who matters, it's Prim. She needs to eat.

"Hum…" she looks around "You can go to the barracks look under the bunks, maybe there are some of other women that are not there anymore" she says. I nod and start running in the direction of the barracks, trying to avoid the soldiers. I don't know what they'd do if they saw me.

I look behind to see if anyone's following me and suddenly I bump hard into someone and fall to the ground. I put my hand over my head with my eyes closed "Ow" I whisper.

"Are you okay?" a male voice asks me. I open my eyes and am greeted by blue eyes… familiar blue eyes…

I look better at the man standing in front of me. It's obvious he is a Nazi soldier, you can tell that by his uniform. He has blond hair, which falls in waves in his forehead under his peaked cap. His eyes are wide as he analyses me. I start to get up and trip a little, but his firm hand steadies me. I slap it away "I'm fine" I hiss through clenched teeth. I think I see hurt in his eyes for a moment, but it's too quick, it instantly goes away.

"What are you doing out here? I thought it was supposed for every women to be having breakfast?" he asks, crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow at me. I huff.

"I forgot something in the barrack… but honestly that's none of your business" I say coldly at him. If there is one thing I've learned since all of this started was to not be afraid of these sick soldiers.

"Oh?" he says "And what might that be Katniss?" he asks and I'm about to answer him that as I said, it was none of his business when it hits me that he used my name… he used my name. My hands fly to my mouth and my eyes widen in surprise. He looks at me confused until it hits him too and I see regret in his eyes "I-I mean… I… I was-" he starts stammering and I start to back away.

"How do you know my name?" I ask.

"Katniss… I swear I won't hurt you… I just… I" he says, walking towards me with his arms extended to calm me down. But it was too late "Get away from me you sick bastard!" I scream at him and start running towards the barracks, never looking back. I hear him call my name a few times but I just ignore it. How could he possibly know my name? I've never seen him in my life! I arrive the barrack and lean against one of the bunks, trying to catch my breath. What just happened? I- I'm so confused. I shake my head to clear it from these thoughts. I need to start looking for what I've come here for. I start to walk to the end of the barrack when I hear footsteps outside of it. I quickly hide myself under a bunk and listen. The footsteps stop abruptly when I hear a familiar voice say almost franticly "Hey! Cato! Wait up" I gasp. It's that blue-eyed soldier!

"What Mellark?" the other guy says, his voice sounding irritated.

"Hum… you don't need to check that barrack, I've already did it myself" he says. The other guy stays quiet for a moment before saying "And why would you do that?"

"I was passing by and I thought 'Why not check it already? Might as well save work for others'" the blue-eyed says.

"Hum… are you sure you didn't see anyone? Let me just check it out" the other guy says, seeming that he was not convinced. I start hearing footsteps and I hold my breath.

"Wait!" I hear that frantic voice again "I'm 100% sure that there's no one there. Besides, we should join the others, they must be asking where we are"

"Aaahh…. Okay, I think" the other soldier finally says, and I hear footsteps once again, but this time they're withdrawing. I release the breath I've been holding and wait a little still under the bunk. When I'm sure no one's outside, I make my way out of it and dust my clothes off.

That… that soldier just helped me… he fooled the other one so that he wouldn't come in and see me. And there I was, just moments ago being so rude to him…

"UGH!" I scream out, frustrated. I hate so much owing to people. Especially if it's someone who can kill me so easily.

"Katniss, focus! You're here for the bowl or the mug, you don't have time to be thinking these foulnesses'" I say to myself, calming down a little.

I go to the end of the barrack and start searching through things that are there gathered. I don't find any bowl or mug till I arrive the middle of the barrack. I'm crouched down looking under a bunk when I finally find not one nor two but three mugs there stacked. I just can't believe my luck, just the exact number I needed! I pick them up and try to clean them a little with my sleeve when I spot something on the bottom of one of the mugs. There written was the name 'Madge Undersee'. Hum… I wonder who that girl is… or worse, was.

I ignore the name and pick up another mug, starting to clean it but I spot a name once again at the bottom of it. This time the name is 'Clove'. I pick up the other mug and clean the bottom, just to be encountered by other name: 'Delly Cartwright'. I close my eyes and shake my head. Do this for Prim, Katniss! I say to myself. I get up and pick up the three mugs, but one of them slips from my hand and rolls under the bunk next to the one where I found the mugs. I growl and crouch down, looking under the bunk for the mug when I spot another thing… something that looks a lot like a book. I try to reach it and mumble a victorious 'Aha!" when the tips of my fingers feel it. I start dragging the book and I finally manage to finally see it perfectly. I blow the dust off the cover and sneeze a little. The cover was a dark brown and you could see by the book's state that it was under that bunk for a long time. I open it carefully and there, on the first page, written very carefully with beautiful handwriting was 'Delly Cartwright's Diary'.

This is the same girl from one of the mugs! I gasp lightly and hold the book tightly against my chest. Should I read it? I would be invading her personal life… I mean, not that we had much of a life here, but it's the same! I better stay with this and give it to that girl later… maybe I could ask Rue who she was, that would be easier. I get up and walk to my bunk. I try hard to hide the book in there. When I'm finally satisfied with it, I run back and crouch down again, picking up the mug that rolled down that bunk. I pick up the other two and get out of the barrack, running to my supposed 'breakfast'.


The day goes by painfully slow but I'm glad once it finishes. Every women starts going away to their barracks and I start walking with Prim too, but then I spot him. The blue-eyed soldier.

"Hum… Prim, please, keep walking with Rue okay? I… uh… I forgot something. I'll be right back, okay?" she nods slowly and I start running after him. I spot him leaning against a wall and I look around to see if there was no one around. I walk u to him "Hum… hey" I whisper a little.

His head shots up and his eyes widen upon seeing me "Hey" he answers back.

"I… I just wanted to thank you for helping me… in the morning with that other soldier" I blurt out. I watch his face redden a bit and he rubs his neck a little "Oh… you heard that…" he says and I nod.

"It wasn't nothing, seriously" he says.

"It might as well have saved my life" I answer him and he nods "Okay" he whispers.

"I… I have to go" I say and he nods again "See you around?" he asks me.

"Yeah… see you around" I say back, turning around and walking away.


I meet up with Rue, Prim and Mama for the 'Evening Meal' as Rue called it. We sit down for a little and I finally manage to ask her about that girl.

"Rue? Do you know someone by the name of Delly Cartwright?" I ask her. She chokes on the little piece of bread she was eating and Prim pats her back strongly. When she finally goes back to normal, she looks me with curious eyes "How do you know about Delly?" she asks.

"I just… one of the mugs I found had her name written on it" I say. Rue looks down and nods.

"Delly was a prisoner here but she died two months ago" Rue says, still not meeting my eyes.

"I'm sorry to hear that… and I apologize for even asking"

"Oh, no. Don't be sorry Katniss, I understand" she says, waving her hand dismissively.

"If you say so"

We finish the rest of the food silently and go back to the barrack. When we arrive our bunk, mama and Prim lay down and fall asleep almost immediately. I sit down next to them and pick up Delly's diary from its hiding spot. I wonder what was her story… I think I could read just a bit? I open it on my lap and use the little dim of light coming from the small window to start reading.

A/N: I hope you liked this chapter, please tell me what you've thought of it :)

I do not wish to offend anyone with this story so please let me apologize if that happened on this chapter.

Disclaimer: I do not own the Hunger Games, Suzanne Collins is the one who does.

I love you all! 3

Have a good weekend :D