My mother is trying to muffle her sobs. I want her to stop, because her tears always make me want to cry, but I won't say anything. It would be too selfish. And who am I to ask her not to cry? She will be the one left behind, after all.

I knew it was coming. We all knew it was coming. I've known my whole life. When I was a small child, my doctor said I might live to my sixteenth birthday. Over time, with expensive treatment, I've managed to get all the way to my eighteenth year.

I know that sounds like nothing to you. It sounds like I should've had more time, a girl shouldn't have to bare the burden of other people's happiness resting heavily on her shoulders. And I know. Believe me, I know. It wasn't enough time. I shouldn't feel the weight of other people's happiness. Because it's heavy. Very heavy. And now I know I won't be able to keep it aloft much longer.

I'm sorry. Not for myself though. I'm not that kind of person. I'm sorry that I have to leave everyone behind. I'm sorry my departure from this world will cause them to shed tears. I wish they knew they don't have to cry for me.

They can cry for themselves, I suppose. I myself don't think my death is that big of a deal, but apparently I've affected many people with my simple existence. They will go to my funeral, cry for themselves, and then move on. And that's what should happen. They all deserve to be happy.

I'm happy to say I lived a very happy life. Short, but happy. And I don't regret a moment of it. In such a short amount of time I experienced so much. It was wonderful. I made amazing friends, realized the purpose behind my life, fell in love...

And now I'm ready to see what's next. I don't really believe in Heaven. But if I were to go there, I think it would be way, way up there. That void among the stars in which I truly accepted Destiny, and the small miracles it gave everyone. So I guess what I'm trying to say is... Thank you. For everything.

But wait. I'm getting ahead of myself. So let's go back a bit...