A/N: Back to writing fan fiction for the first time in forever so I am veryexcited. I think Maya and Miles should date and be perfect and I ship them so hard. When you read this id love reviews and comments and any other fan fiction ideas cause im itching to write so here is chapter one of I'm In Trouble. I also switch between Winston and Chewy a lot so you guys aren't confused

Chapter 1

"She's beautiful Chewy." Miles said. "Aww is some girl going to make Miles Hollingsworth III soft?" Winston asked laughing. Miles thought about it. Maya was beautiful and she was so sweet. Sweet as candy. Miles changed his thinking real quick. He liked her but didn't want Chewy to see that a girl was changing him.

"Maya Matlin is not going to make me soft. No way." Miles stated.

Miles flashed a smile as he walked into The Dot.

Then Maya walked in with Tristan. Maya smiled at Miles as she walked by. Tristan rolled his eyes. He picked a table far away so he and Maya could talk. "So what was that smile to ?" Tristan asked as he slid his sunglasses down to look at Maya. "He's different." Maya Stated. "You met him backstage at a concert. Hes enrolled at Degrassi and oh yeah he was smoking!' Tristan almost screamed. Maya rolled her eyes as she sipped her eyes. She honestly didn't know what to think of the new boy Miles. He was cute and mysterious and she liked that.

"Miles, she smiled at you."Winston said. Miles couldn't stop grinning after that comment. "Hm I don't know if I like this new Miles." Winston said giving Miles a look. "I'm not changing. She's just Maya." Miles said.

Later that day, Miles was walking around the park near The Dot just thinking. "I'm not going to let some girl change me. I am Miles Hollingsworth." Miles thought to himself. Miles got angry with himself. He hated change. Miles kicked a rock and it almost hit a girl. The girl turned around. "Hey…Miles?" Maya asked. Miles was shocked. He almost hit Maya. It could've hurt her or worse. "Maya I'm so sorry. I was just upset and needed to cool off." Miles said. He bit his lip. A weird thing he did while he was nervous. For some reason no matter how hard he tried Miles acted like this whole new guy. Especially around Maya. He didn't know how to feel about it.

"It's fine it didn't hit me You are one lucky man." Maya smiled. "Now what's wrong?"

Miles sat on a bench nearby. He put his head in his hands and just sat there. Maya put her hand on his shoulder trying to comfort hi. Miles felt her touch and loved it. It was so raw and different to him. Yeah he had "other girlfriends" but Maya wasn't like any of them. Miles sat up. "Chewy thinks just because I like a girl my whole personality changes." He told her. Maya looked at him. "Well maybe that's a good thing. Not saying you're bad in all but change isn't always bad." Maya said. Apparently Maya didn't get it. Miles felt his anger building.

"You don't know me." Miles stated. Maya was taken aback by that comment. By then Maya took her hand off of his shoulder. In all reality Miles seemed so fragile and whatever girl he likes is actually getting to him. "Miles, its okay. You can talking to me. Maya tried reassuring him. Miles looked into Maya's eyes. They were so blue and so beautiful. "I have to go. I'm sorry." Miles said all of a sudden. Miles got up and walked away with his head down and his hands in his pockets.

"Miles!" Maya yelled after him. She didn't want to go after him and make it worse. She was now worried about a guy that she known for a month and doesn't have a great reputation. Maya sat there awhile and just wondered what she was going to do next.