Title: Stranger in the Night - The Epilogues
Author: Iantojjackh
Spoilers: Everything up to Exit Wounds. Set several years post s2 where CoE and MD don't exist.
Pairing/Characters: Jack/Ianto, Past Ianto/Lisa, Gwen
Warnings: Some darkish themes
Beta: czarina-kitty
Rating: PG
Summary: Someone shows up suddenly and unexpectedly in Cardiff one rainy night. Why has she shown up now, after all this time? Most importantly what does Ianto know about the reappearance?
Notes: It's been almost a year since I last posted to this story, but I've reworked what I had posted and now the story is complete and I will be posting a chapter a day. Please leave feedback so I know what you think. I decided post the epilogues together because the news about GDL coming to NY ComicCon put me is such a great mood that its distracting me. Now onto the epilogues.

Lisa's Epilogue

Lisa walked numbly toward the lift, a broken woman after leaving the staff medical clinic. The trip to Cardiff had been an absolute nightmare, stretching her troubled relationship with Ianto to its limit and to make things worse, she had lost the baby she had been carrying. The doctor had tried to assure her that she was still young and there was no reason she could not have children in the future. The hollow words were well intentioned to help make her feel better, but they fell flat and made the young woman feel worse. There was nothing to help save the doomed relationship all because Ianto refused to grow up.

It did not take long for the tears to fall and Lisa could hardly see through them when she got onto the lift and she did not see the other person tucked away in the corner until she walked right into them.

Normally Jack would have welcomed an attractive crying female walking into him, but the epic fight he had with the arrogant Yvonne Hartman had killed the mood. "Hey watch it!" he snapped, his anger being transferred to the wrong person.

"Sorry," Lisa said with no emotion as she tried to wipe the steady stream of tears. She finally got a good look at the man she had run into. At first she jumped, knowing the trouble Jack Harkness was, but there was another immediate gut reaction that said he was not as bad as the stories made him out to be. It was as if in the back of her mind, someone else had painted a favorable picture of Captain Jack.

"Just be careful next time. You could ruin my coat." Jack knew it was a shallow remark, but he was too angry with everything Torchwood One represented to give a damn.

"Where's your wedding band?" Lisa asked, not knowing why she asked the question or why she would assume he was married.

"I don't have one. Haven't been married in a long time." Jack raised an eyebrow. "Who told you that?"

Lisa shook her head, trying to regain control and composure of herself. "I mistook you for someone else. My apologies." The vibe coming off Jack made Lisa's head spin as odd memories flashed before her. A gaped tooth woman holding a gun on her. Jack leaning over a railing in an underground room as he twisted a wedding band around his finger and Ianto in tight leather trousers.

Jack knew what the type of vacant looking on Lisa's face meant; it was the look someone got with memory flashes, when breaking Retcon. "Were you in Cardiff recently and were you drugged?" Jack thought if she was, that it was either Owen or Suzie.

"Yes," Lisa stuttered some as she recalled witnessing Ianto dropping something into a bottle of water. That bastard. "Your husb...my boyfriend."

Fucking Owen. Jack cursed under his breath. "Listen, lady I already told you I'm not married." When he got back to Cardiff, Jack planned on revoking Owen's Retcon privileges.

Lisa was relieved when the lift stopped on her floor. Her mouth was working faster than her mind and she just wanted to stop talking. "Just take care of him. He loves you very much and you love him just as much."

Before Jack could respond the mysterious, weird woman was gone. What she said about a husband made no sense and he chalked it up to the oddness that was One, never thinking or believing any of it could come true.

Ianto's Epilogue

Ianto was too comfortable to move when he felt a jarring movement next to him in bed.



Each jostle of the mattress made Ianto feel as if he was on a small boat in rough waters. A glance at the bedside table said it was way too early to deal with this. Not even four in the morning. An annoyed sigh escaped from the young man. "Lisa, stop jumping on the bed. Go back to sleep."

"No," she shook her head defiantly.

"Yes, it's too early. Sleep now."

"But it's present time. I don't want to sleep. I want presents." She gave Ianto the cutest pout possible. One he was always known to relent to.

Ianto muttered under his breath and poked the handsome sleeping lump next to him. "Jack wake up."

"No. I'm sleeping," Jack mumbled and swatted the hand away that was disturbing his sleep. Some mornings not even a sexy Welshmen promising very naughty things could get him to move.

"Your daughter wants you." Ianto poked his husband some more.

Jack groaned as the mattress was jumped on again, finally fully waking him up. "Why is it when she's a perfect angel, she's your daughter and when she's causing trouble she's mine?"

"Because that's the way it works. I'm the good one and you are the trouble maker." Ianto sat up and was met with a thirty pound present in his lap. "Ow." The air was forced from his lungs by a knee to his stomach.

"I love you, Daddy. Now we do presents?" The four year old was as excited as a child on Christmas Day, well... because it was Christmas Day.

"Not yet. It's too early. Let me and Papa sleep a little more. Besides I don't think Santa has been here yet," Ianto tried convince he daughter to let them get more sleep as he and Jack had only retired two hours ago after wrapping all the presents and each other.

Lisa shook her head, knowing better. "He was here. I saw all the presents. Open now. Pretty please."

Ianto had to laugh, realizing their daughter did Jack's pout better than he did. "You know what Santa told me?"

"You saw him?" Lisa's eyes grew wide with amazement. "What did he say?"

"He said that you can't open presents until six or else the rift will eat them. So that means you've got two more hours. How about you lay between me and Papa until then. Is that a deal?" Ianto kissed the tip of her nose, the only feature she inherited from him, everything else was all Jack.

"Fine." She rolled her eyes and sighed dramatically. Lisa did not want her presents to disappear, so she had no choice but to obey.

"Papa?" Lisa looked over at the snoring man and then back to her Daddy. The two shared a knowing smirk.

"Go for it," Ianto was not shocked that his husband had already fallen back asleep. "Get him, pumpkin."

Lisa jumped off Ianto's lap and onto Jack's chest and began to tickle him mercilessly.

Jack suddenly opened his eyes and lifted a giggling Lisa in the air. "Looks like I caught a tickle monster. What shall I do with her and her co-conspirator?" He said in a fake scary voice. "I think I shall tickle her back unless she switches sides and helps me tickle the grumpy Daddy monster."

"Hey! I'm not grumpy." Ianto stuck his tongue out at the two.

"Let's get him," Lisa laughed, her sweet laughter filling the room.

There was much tickling and laughter to be had and in the end Jack came out the victor. His heart swelled and tears pricked the corner of his eyes as he watched Ianto sleeping while sitting with Lisa curled up with her head against his chest, her small hand snugly encased in Ianto's much larger one.

For a brief moment Jack remembered an odd encounter in a lift twelve years ago in Torchwood Tower and Jack smiled. He did love Ianto so much and that love was returned. And there was not a more perfect example of that love than the life they had created together and whom shared the name of the woman on the lift.

He hoped Lisa would be proud of everything Ianto had done and become and the way they memorialized her. Because Jack couldn't be prouder of nor happier with him.

The True End