Our Love Deeper And Truer Than Ever

This is the last chapter for this fanfiction, I might just make it a short chapter to fair warn you all. I'm sorry it must end when I could write more for it, but there are a lot of fanfictions I've been planning for quite a while and that I want to start as soon as I can. Plus I've got new things coming up as well. I need to balance my time at every corner. Thank you all for reading and enjoying this, and hopefully I can interest you all with my other and upcoming fanfiction.

-1 month later-

Right now, it is a Saturday night, and I'm freaking out. Why, because tonight is the school's homecoming dance, and I'm going there with Percy. I'm not prepared. I have no idea what to wear. I'm not really one to think or to even get excited about clothes and dresses and everything, but I'm really stuck here. I wanted to look my best for Percy; I wanted to show him something that only he would be allowed to drool over. This was the first dance I've ever been asked to, and I wanted it to be the best I've ever been to. I also wanted this to be Percy's best dance ever. I wanted this to be the best for both of us, because tonight it's all about him and me.

But I'm struggling on that. I have no idea what dress to wear. I don't want to look sloppy, but I don't want to look like I'm showing off my body or something. I need to find out what I'm going to wear and fast. Percy will be here in like half an hour to pick me up.

"Annabeth, are you okay?" My father asked from my now closed bedroom.

"I'm freaking out; I have no idea what I should wear." I said as calmly as I could, which as of right now wasn't too calm.

"Just pick a dress, it's not like Percy's looking for anything in particular." He said.

"I just want this to be his best dance ever." I said, still not able to calm down too much.

"It's Percy Annabeth; he won't care how you look. He'll take you no matter what." My father said.

He's right; I really don't need to worry so much. Percy will just want to be with me and have a good time at the dance. "Thanks dad." I said, finally calming down.

-Line break-

So after 25 minutes of putting the dress I just randomly chose on and working on my hair, I finally came out of my room and went to the kitchen to wait for Percy. I had my hair curled up and let it hand down. My dress was an ocean blue dress that went just above my knees, strap over my left shoulder but not my right, and that hugged my waist with a black leather belt that came with it. (I'm a guy, so I hardly know how to describe a dress.)

When I got to the kitchen, I found an unexpected but great surprise. I saw Percy talking with my father. They noticed me come in and had a lot of smiles on their faces. Percy looked so handsome. He got his hair trimmed; he had black pants on, black shoes, a white button shirt on, and a tie that had waves of aqua blue and teal on it.

"Hey Annabeth." Percy said.

"Hey Percy, when'd you get here?" I asked.

"Just a few minutes." He simply said.

Dad was just sitting in his seat, watching and, probably trying to feel the love between us. "You look incredible Annabeth." Percy said.

I blushed at his compliment. "Thank you, you look great too." I said.

"Thanks." He simply said.

"Well, you kids should get going. You don't want to be late." My father spoke.

"Yeah, ready Annabeth?" Percy asked as he got up from his seat.

"Yep, let's go." I said and walked towards him to hold his hand.

"Make sure she comes home safely." My father said.

"I will, I'll have her back by midnight." He said as we took our leave.

-Line break-

This night truly was the greatest night ever. Percy and I got dance through everything. All of our friends had a great time there too, well, except for Thalia. She didn't have too much fun there. She was only there because her mother forced her to. Thalia started to be in the worst mood she could possibly be in. But Nico eventually came up to her and got to dancing with her. Ironically, when he asked for her to dance with him, she seemed too instantly be less depressed and a little more happy. Weird how Nico has that effect on her from time to time. Call me crazy since their cousins, but I think they might feel some stronger feelings for each other if they seem to have unknown happiness when they're together.

Anyways, it was a great night. Percy is driving me back home, and the ride was one I'd describe perfect. Basically a dream comes true, me sitting on his lap and kissing him. I was kissing like crazy, he on the other hand, not entirely.

"Annabeth, came we slow down a little please?" Percy tried asking me while I was still kissing him.

"What, you don't like kissing me?" I asked, pretending to be hurt.

"No, it's just I don't want to get in another car crash especially since I'm with you now." He explained.

"Can't you just kiss and drive at the same time?" I tried to reason.

"Annabeth, please just waiting until I get you back home or something alright?" He tried to reason back.

"Alright, but you're staying home with me." I stated.

"Since when was that in the agenda of taking you to homecoming?" He asked.

"Since I said so." I simply said.

"Annabeth, you need to calm down a little." He said.

"Please Percy" I begged using my puppy eyes.

"I'm keeping my eyes on the road Annabeth. Using your puppy eyes won't work on me." He said.

I pouted; I didn't want him to leave yet. I wanted him to stay for a while longer. So a new idea came into my mind. I began pecking his ear, his neck, his chin, and his lips.

"Annabeth, what are you doing?" Percy asked.

"Nothing." I responded as I continued to peck him.

"Annabeth, we'll end up dying if you don't stop." He said, trying to keep his cool.

"I doubt it." I simply said, ignoring his request to stop.

-Yet another line break-

After another fifteen minutes of Percy driving and me pecking, we finally made it home. We also had quite a big deal of negotiating on Percy staying home with me. He finally gave and agreed on one condition, if we get in trouble for being together after midnight, I'm taking all the blame. It was a bit of a rough deal, but since it was most likely the only to get him to stay, I agreed.

Percy carried me out in the house bridal style. When we got in, he took me to my room and laid my on my bed. When I was on the bed, with my arms still wrapped around his neck, I brought him down with me to kiss me. He wrapped his hands around my back to bring me closer. We were both out of control. We were kissing and tonguing like crazy. Neither of us tried going any farther than that.

After about fifteen minutes of having a fiery make out session, we both finally separated, panting for air. Then Percy grabbed a hold of the blanket underneath us and covered us with it. I scooted closer and wrapped my arms around him as he placed one of his arms under my head and the other around my waist.

"I love you Annabeth." Percy said.

"I love you Percy." I said as I wrapped myself around him tighter and laid my head on his chest, falling into a peaceful slumber.

So despite the accident and me lying to him, here we are, dating and loving each other. I can see it all happening to us right now, him and me going to college together, getting married, having kids running around the house, growing old and dying happily together. I was looking forward to the future we were going to share together, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Life is good.

And there you have it. This went a little longer than what I thought it would, which of course is good. I hate to end this fanfiction, but I've got other fanfictions to go through.

I would like to say a big thank you to everyone who took the time to read this fanfiction. It was a great experience, and I'm looking forward to see how many results this fanfiction will get as it's finished.

And so, here's your final chapter question, and along with that, a story question.

Chapter question: Was this a fanfiction worth reading?

a). Definitely

b). Yes

c). Sorta

d). Maybe

e). Hardly

f). No

Story question: What was your favorite part about this fanfiction being made? Explain.