Soundwave uttered a moan. Blaster bared his teeth like one of their turbocats, promptly asserting his dominance and halting his motions. The purple player cowed, bowing his head, stroking the other's deck in an effort to appease him. Red hands stroked a grey mask in apology.

::Total silence.::



Even leaking through multiple orifices, Blaster would not give up control. Even being impaled by the purple mech, he would not surrender. Even with sharp, careful, digits in his throat, he would not relinquish the power he only had over Soundwave. Blaster stroked the digits. What some mechs would never guess, would never care to, is that a player's hands are as sensitive as a medic's, if not more so. The sensors in medics' hands were also necessary for players', as they did not trust anyone else to care for their cassettes. What those same mechs would never realize, is that Soundwave is defective in that respect. The purple player was not sparked with the ability to upgrade to the medics arsenal. He had all the sensors, but none of the tools. He could tell what was wrong, but could not fix it. Before the war, this was no problem. Blaster was his mate, they shared everything... Both sets of twins were both of theirs. He shared his problem, Blaster shared his. Both covered for the other's weak spots. When the war started they were both vulnerable, each with their own set of problems. Blaster's solution was more readily found. Soundwave's required trust, something he reserved for the red player.

Soundwave arched in silent keening, the sensations on his hands overwhelming his processor to the point he could no longer function cognitively. All he could do was feel...

Blaster had been coming to the Nemesis since the war had begun. He'd had another cassette, one none but Ratchet knew still lived. Nightfire lives on the Decepticon warship, his entire function not to monitor plots and planning from the leader and SIC, but to watch over Soundwave and his cassettes for injury and disrepair.

Last night, Frenzy had been injured in battle.

Blaster waited at the normal rendezvous point. Sounds of transformation could be heard. Soundwave walked up, an unconscious Frenzy in his arms. Both were in so much pain. Soundwave knew exactly what was wrong, and exactly how to fix it, but lacked the tools to do so. He felt helpless, and Blaster knew it. It was a relief when Blaster folded his hands back together, Frenzy wholly undamaged, yet still unconscious. Soundwave cocked his head, silently asking. Blaster nodded his reassurance and crooked a finger, wetting his lipplates with his glossa. Both of them knew this was wrong. Just as they knew trusting each other was wrong. But at the same time, it felt so right. The presence of the only other living player either of them knew, it felt so perfect. Later, their chestplates would close, they would pull apart, and both would realize they had to go back.

Back to the dank underwater warship, back to the lonely room in the volcano.

Tonight they wouldn't. Never again. With two digits lying limply on his glossa, Blaster open a comm. ::Call your cassettes.:: before doing the same for his.

{Come.} Wordless assent flowed from all sides of his bond.

Soundwave's bright visor was the only indication he did not understand. He also sent out the call, along with 'be wary'. He trusted Blaster, but who knew...

::We will not be returning to base.::

::Why not?::

::There is nothing there for us or our cassettes, aside from death and destruction. We will forge our own path.:: Soundwave jumped in surprise, his claws easily slicing through Blaster's mouth. Blaster released his digits, carefully cleaning them of energon. Soundwave bit his lip. Black hands caressed his face. ::And I'll not leave you behind. Not now, not ever.:: Blaster's twins ran up to Soundwave, hugging the legs of their creator. Not too far behind them, Rumble peered out from the trees. He saw his twin on the ground, could feel he was repaired due to Blaster's ministrations, yet Rumble was still wary of his creator. He didn't have much a chance to get to know Blaster, as he and Frenzy were created only a decaorn before the war tore them apart. Blaster gestured to the pair's youngest cassette. Come to me. Let me comfort you... Blaster thought fervently, not allowing the internal pain to show. Their youngest was neither's youngest anymore.

Rumble crept to Frenzy, giving Blaster a wide berth. His gaze flickered between the two, giving the occasional glance to Soundwave.

Soundwave held Rewind and Eject gratefully, reassuring them, confirming they would never be separate again.

Blaster allowed Rumble to embrace his twin before going to them, approaching them as one would a wild animal. Rumble ignored him for the most part. Once Blaster got within a few yards, Rumble looked up at him, like a deer sensing the hunter. They both froze.

Blaster stared at Rumble.

Rumble stared at Blaster.

After a few moments, Rumble broke the spell. Setting Frenzy's helm in his lap, he raised his arms to Blaster. Blaster gently held him close.

"Miss you." he whispered.

Rumble leaned into Blaster's warmth. "I don't know what I'm missing… What we're missing…"

Blaster leaned in close to his audial. "You won't be missing it anymore."

Ravage stood on the crest of a hill. He watched as his carrier was pounced upon by Blaster's felines.

He watched.

He wondered.

Can we be one family again?