A/N: I've got a couple of holes in my other stories so I tried to write something about my favorite OTP.

Warnings: Smut

Disclaimer: I don't own Transformers.

I'm cold." Ratchet stated, sitting on their berth, knees to his chestplates, arms wrapped around his legs for warmth.

"Well then why don't I take the opportunity to heat up those circuits a bit?" Wheeljack practically attacked the medic, jumping on the berth before him and ravishing the gray chevron with his glossa. His hands were busy too, getting deep within the red and white's shoulders, spreading warmth from his digits. Ratchet gasped a moment then sighed, leaning into the touch. Wheeljack pulled his face away from Ratchet's, not removing his digits from the medic's internals. "How does that feel, Dearspark?"

"Like I ha-ven't taught you a thing." Ratchet's intakes hitched when his lover touched a particularly sensitive wire. Wheeljack stopped groping the wires, surprised.

"How so?" He pouted, sounding much more hurt than he was, and Ratchet knew it.

"Two ways. First, where did you get the idea to stick your glossa on cold metal?"


"And second..." Ratchet said in a more playful tone, "You aught to know there are much more sensitive wires here." He twisted his digits beneath one of Wheeljack's hip plates, causing him to shudder.

"I-I see." Wheeljack could hardly get the words out. His cooling fans kicked on hard. Ratchet smiled at the noise. He then tugged at mirrored wires on either hip, getting Wheeljack to raise his aft so he could stretch his legs out.

"There, that's better." He smiled as he allowed Wheeljack to sit down, straddling him. "Don't you think so, 'Jack?"

"Mm. M-Much better..." Both of their internal temperatures was elevated, nearly enough to chase the cold from the room. Not that either mech noticed it anymore. Ratchet removed one hand from Jackie's hip, using it to press his lover's face to his own. He kissed him once gently, "You know, there is a better place to put your glossa..." He brought their faces together again before Wheeljack could decipher his words, this time probing the surprised mech's mouth with his glossa. Ratchet delved into the tight wires in his Jackie's neck, caressed them lovingly, and sent bursts of tingly heat throughout Wheeljack's body. Wheeljack moaned against his medic. Ratchet's own fans kicked on hard. Wheeljack's digits fell from his medic's shoulder, completely oblivious to Ratchet's other hand. Ratchet's other hand however, was quite busy. He carefully dislodged it from his Jackie's waist, not moving it far, merely up a few feet to another delicate panel. He removed the panel, and was stroking the cord coiled within before Wheeljack broke the kiss, their glossa recoiling from the disconnect.


"Yes, Jackie?" Ratchet purred. He hadn't stopped caressing the cord, eliciting shivers from his partner. He circled the center port with one finger.

"Wait for me..." Wheeljack whispered, unlatching his partner's cover. He drew out Ratchet's silvery cord as Ratchet withdrew his own red and green cord. They let them unravel, tumbling to the berth. Ratchet, forever more experienced than his partner, took the lead, curling his digits at the base of Wheeljack's cord, drawing them down its length, slowly allowing it to rub the powerful sensors against his digits. Wheeljack copied his partner's motions. When he reached the tip, he flipped the jack and playfully waved it in the scientist's face, then flipped it back and sucked on it. Wheeljack copied his partner again, but when he went to suck on it Ratchet pulled it from his soft digits and waved it in the slightly younger mech's face. He softly tugged on the cord he was sucking, releasing it with a slight pop.

"I know you know how bad it feels gone wrong. I want you to try yourself before you mess with me." He looked slightly hurt, but understood. Ratchet traded cords with the more colorful mech, carefully intertwining them as he did. Ratchet placed the end of his cord in his mouth and planted his hands on the berth, bracing himself. He sucked on the tip once, shuddering. Wheeljack copied again, though only licking his. Ratchet grinned and leaned forward, his cord still protruding from his mouth. Wheeljack tried to jerk away, but his cord brought him up short. A warm tingly feeling spread from the point the two cords still touched. Ratchet leaned back slowly, rubbing the entwined cords against each other. Wheeljack's smile grew as he realized the ruse. He leaned forward until their chestplates connected. Wheeljack now initiated the tug, gently, teasingly, pulling away from his partner. Ratchet followed him, amused, setting a slightly slower pace than the eager engineer. When both mechs were heated to the point neither of them could vent properly, Wheeljack flicked out his glossa to take the medic's chord into his mouth. His medic replied with a gasp, enough for Ratchet to loosen his grip on his cord, and enough for Wheeljack to snatch it. Ratchet panted, trying to cool his internals. His Jackie leaned back, both twisted cords in his mouth. "No fair. You can't have both." Ratchet protested weakly.

"Your right. That's completely unfair..." Wheeljack sucked both cords in contemplation.

"Jackie!" Ratchet gasped, near overload. Wheeljack smiled, waving his cord in his partner's faceplates.

"You want this?" Ratchet nodded desperately, still trying to get proper amounts of air and coolant to his internals. "Then come and get it." Wheeljack leaned back smoothly always keeping that one infuriating micrometer out of his partner's reach. Once he got to the point he could lean back no further, he got up on his knees, towering over his partner. Ratchet looked up, a silent plea in his optics. Wheeljack softly caressed his partner's jack with his glossa and gave his Ratchet that sickeningly sweet patronizing look. "Am I doing something wrong, Dearspark?"

"Never." Ratchet moaned.

"Then why would you say something like that?"

"How else was I supposed to get them tangled?" Ratchet looked as innocent as he could be, and as desperate as he was. Wheeljack untangled their cords, dangling his above Ratchet's faceplates. He sucked Ratchet's cord, not too hard this time, didn't want him to overload too soon. Ratchet arched his back, moaning, his denta clenched tightly.

"Open up for me, Love." Ratchet obliged, calling out the second half of his partner's designation. He felt it the moment his lover placed the cord on his glossa. He wrapped his lip plates around the soft metal, moaning into it. Wheeljack responded instantly, arching his windshield into Ratchet's face. Ratchet took the opportunity to stretch his digits under his Jackie's chestplates. He found very sensitive wires under there, causing Wheeljack to moan into his cord. Ratchet overloaded instantly, arching his chestplates, grabbing fistfuls of Wheeljack's wiring, calling out half his designation.

"Jack!" That was too much for Wheeljack's overheated circuits. He overloaded as well, static charges-none too 'static' anymore-jumped between their chestplates. He collapsed onto his lover, his partner, his friend...


A/N: Hope you enjoyed. Please review. Thanks you! Good day/night!