At Sheldon turned there stood Biffy. He growl.

Pendent Seeburt said "I see you already met." Biffy shock his head "he lives down stairs from me, and he made my daughter cry."

"Well" Pendent Seeburt said "I'll leave you to get to know each other," he said as he left in quite a hurry.

Kripke rolled his eyes and held out his hand. "It's nice to meet you! I'm Berry Kripke, and if you plan to kill Sheldon I would like you to call my first so I can sell tic its. I know at least a few people that would pay to see that.

Biffy took Kripke hand, and shock it "I'm Biffy Goldstein." But before he could say more he felt a tug on his paint leg. He looked down at Lin.

She had on a black DOD T-shirt, short and sandals and a headband holding back her red and black hair. She smiled up at him, blinking her big blue eyes and raised her arms to be picked up.

Biffy complied and sat her on his shoulder. When Sheldon demanded, "what is that doing here?"

"Have death wish, much Cooper?" Kripke asked

She here Biffy said "because I was spouse to start tomorrow but someone messed up the super computer and Pendent Seeburt called me in to fix it, and she doesn't start daycare until tomorrow."

"Hay Sheldon weren't you work on that" Raj asked.

Sheldon just glared at Raj.

Lin poked Biffy head and said "Daddy is Appa and Tazz come today and can I get some pudding?"

"Yes" Biffy said "they are coming to day, and get yogurt not pudding!" he put her down and then took her hand and then went to get some.

Raj point to were Biffy went, "that's the guy you were afraid of, he seems like a teddy bear"

Lenard shook his head "that teddy bear, looked like he would maul Sheldon because he upset his baby!"

They all looked over to the little girl running around Biffy and him smiling down at her. Howard looked back at the other and said "I wonder about the one who saw at all of that and said I'd like to get me soom of that."

Latter the day:

Lenard was taking everyone home, because Bernadette had Howard's car and Raj had come in with him that morning, but Lenard's car wouldn't start. He tried a few times to get it to go with Sheldon complaining the whole time.

There was a tapping on the window and their Biffy was. "Are you guys having car trouble?" "Yes" Lenard said. Well pop the hood and I'll have a look.

Lenard did as told. Biffy took a look then slammed the hood down and told Lenard that his time belt broke.

Sheldon told Biffy "that, that don't help fix it." Biffy glared at Sheldon "do I look like a car part store? You need parts to fix it but I guess I can give you a lift to the apartment but if you're come we have to go. I left Lin in the car." Biffy then walked away, toward were he parked.

So after some complaining from Sheldon they fallowed Biffy to a military style Humvee. Biffy was driving Lenard was in the passenger sit beside Biffy and in the back from right to left was Howard, Raj, Lin then Sheldon by the other door.

There was an awkward silent as they pulled into traffic, with a cute kid song on the radio. Sheldon complain about the distraction the radio was. Lin point out that talk to her father the driver was worse.

Howard and Raj laughed and Sheldon pouted.

Lin looked at Raj and asked "where is your family from?" Biffy looked back at Lin "you should ask if it's alright before ask question like that before you start."

"No it's alright, I don't mind. My family come from India. Why do you want to know?"

"Well I was wondering you talk differenced like my daddies friend Holger he's from Norway, but you skin is dark like their friend Cam but his family from México.

Then their Appa he and his mommy and daddy are from Korea. So I was just wondering. What it like in India if you have ever been there?"

Raj smiled at the little girl and said "very crowed" when his eye went wide, he was talk to a girl! He leaned over and whispered in Howard's ear.

Howard waved Raj away "how should I know, if you can talk to her or not!

Biffy looked into the reave mirror and asked "he afraid of kids?"

"No" Howard said "he's afraid of women!"

Biffy said "she not a woman!"

Raj leaned over and whisper in Howard's ear.

Howard told Biffy that they had to stop Raj need the bathroom!

Biffy shook his head and pulled over to the comic shop. Raj got out and ran to use the bathroom. Sheldon took notes of where they were and said "oh good new comic day and got out."

Follow by Lin when she saw stuffed toys, of the band members of DOD. Off she went into the store with Biffy close behind. So Howard and Leonard went just because everyone else did.

Once in the store Biffy was try to catch his daughter how was going with the hole band in her arms, and Sheldon was complaining at Steward about have band stuff in the store.

Steward told Sheldon "that as soon as he could get more DOD stuff he was going too. I was selling like hot cakes and the only stuff he had left was the stuffed dolls the little girl had."

They both looked over at her. Biffy had caught her and holding on to her in his arms. She looked up at him with sad eye and said "I want them all or they get lonely if I only have one!" :( Biffy founded and said "you do know theirs most likely a box at home with their guys in it.

"Then lets going home" she said as she happily clapped her hands. As she gave up the dolls.

Steward asked "ordered them off line?"

"No" Biffy her godfather Cyrus sends her all the DoD stuff.

"What a quaint dents he has the same name as the Lead singer of DoD." Steward said laughing.

Biffy laughed too and said "he is the lead singer of the DoD."

"It's a fascinating story how we met, but right now who ever go with me better be in the truck in five minutes or I'm leaving you here!"

Soon they were all in the truck agene and off.

Else were:

Pennywas coming home from work. Where at the enters doors to her apartment, she meets up with Amy and Bernadette and together headed up the stairs to her floor. but when they got there. There was a guy looking at the numbers on the doors.

As they peered around the corner at him they all agreed with that red and black hair he was hot.