I don't own ether show don't sue me! In this story Lee and Biffy are in an establish relationship also mention of pass and present m-preg.

Sheldon and Lenard came out of their apartment. That morning only to fine Penny trying to talking too a little girl of three. That was hopping up and down the steps that lead to the floor above.

"Who is she" Sheldon ask "and what is she doing here!"

The little girl smiled at Sheldon and said "I'm Lin Ping Goldstein and me and my daddy's are moving in up stares.

Sheldon founded looking at the little girl. Then start in on his questions.

"Do you have any pet?"

Lin "yes we do we have a cat and a big lizard."

Sheldon "how light are your parents on their feet?"

Lin "my Daddy that had me is light on his feet but the other walks like he trying to stomp bugs." :)

Oh Sheldon said this cannot be aloud. I'm sorry Bazzinga, no I'm not. He looked down at Lin She had big tears forming in her eyes, and before Lenard or Penny could do anything Lin cried "Daddy".

They all look up, as a mountain of a man came stomping down the stairs. "Lin what wrong? The huge man asked" Lin pointed at Sheldon" he said we couldn't live here." She cried.

Biffy looked at Sheldon with angry eyes and Sheldon had flash backs to the playground when he was little and the big kids would make him eat dirt.

Biffy glared" and what give you the right to tell people were they can live?" he empathized by grinding his fist into the palm of his other hand.

Leonard grabbed Sheldon by the arm and told Biffy that he doesn't, he just nuts and start dragging Sheldon towards the stairs.

He better not make my baby cry a gene. Oh didn't worry he won't Mr. Aaa. The big man rolled his eyes and said "my name is Biffy.

Leonard continued on until they were down the stairs out the door and in the car and on the road, only then did he look over at Sheldon and founded that didn't leave his face until they reached the university.

Later that day:

Howard, Raj, Sheldon and Leonard were sitting around their table. Leonard was starting to tell the story of how Sheldon almost got ground to dust by their new neighbour When Kripke came up the them (don't know how to write his lisp so you going to have to use your imagination) But you hear were getting a computer expert. He has a Doctorate in, advance computer sciences. Oh and master's degree in engineering.

Howard groaned, why does everyone turns their noses up at a master degree it's a lot of work to get!

"Enough of Howard's belly aching, back to me Sheldon said. That behemoth came down the stairs."

Leonard interrupted" I thought he was going to pummel Sheldon."

Kripke focus came back to what the group, was talk about. "Now I'm interested what did he do?"

Leonard shook his head and said "he did what he does to everyone, only this time to a small child! Then, he brought her anger father down on his head."

"I don't think we'll have to worries about him, Sheldon said he probably not smart enough to find his way down the step without help!

Just then Leonard looked up to see Pendent Seeburt heading their way with a familiar large form fallowing him.

"If it was a battle of wit that other guy wouldn't have had a leg to stand on!" Sheldon said

"Oh Sheldon, Leonard said trying to get his attention

Well it would have a battle of musicel and he was have ground you to dust Howard said

Yea Raj said "and if this guy is half as big, as you say. He would have made curry past out of you dude!

"You know" Kripke said "I would pay to see that!"

Leonard try one last time to get Sheldon attention, But it was it was too late.

There stood Pendent Seeburt and Biffy. Who looked at Sheldon with an angry, YOU!

Tell me what you think :)