"I would hardly call the collected band of Shinobi we had gathered to be a village," Kusari explained simply, "but yes… I hired the Kinzoku clan to dispose of the gathered mercenaries and destroy my clan that had sworn allegiance to my younger brother." Kumo looked away from the man. He felt disgusted, though from Kusari's tone he didn't expect him to feel in such a way.

After all his childhood mentor Zabuza had worked to forge him into weapon so he could become Mizukage in a violent coup d'état, he had gained a reputation as terrorist who wished to return the Hidden Mist Village to its former glory returning to its reputation that earned the name Blood Mist Village. However despite the violent nature of the coup and the ruthless lifestyle he'd reimpose on the village Zabuza acted believing in in his mission and that ultimately the Hidden Mist needed him as the Mizukage.

Kumo had believed that was true when he apprenticed to Zabuza. Even now he still somewhat supported this viewpoint. It was something few people understood. Even Ino couldn't see eye to eye with him on this particular subject. To her and many others the Demon of the Hidden Mist was just that, a Demon who wished to reinstate harsh and cruel conditions. But those harsh and cruel conditions made him, they made Nenshō, they'd helped them survive years living in the Mist's prison and ultimately made him into a successful had once told him the ninja villages had turned soft over the years and for that they produced soft weak shinobi.

Kumo in many ways agreed now that he lived in Konoha, often on missions he had leaned many of his comrades hadn't killed before or found him cruel for being harsh while questioning prisoners. As much as he had become fond of Konoha Kumo always felt like somewhat of a stranger in the Leaf Village. Ibiki understood him, to a degree. The scars that marked Ibiki disgusted villagers and Shinobi alike. The burns and cuts and holes that disturbed many were signs of loyalty, they were proof he'd given more than simple blood sweat and tears for the village, they were proof he was willing to sacrifice much for the safety of Konoha. Instead of thanking him for his service they turned their faces away.

It seemed a village of shinobi would be sympathetic to the sacrifices of others, would understand the risks and ultimately the necessary and effective measures for safety and security. Notorious as the Mist village was with its harsh methods weed out weak shinobi it was in Kumo's opinion ultimately effective."I find it hard to believe you would disapprove," Kusari said."What I feel is irrelevant," Kumo said, "I have brought you Nenshō, now bring me my mother so I can leave this place." "That's not entirely true," Kusari said simply, "you opinion dose serve a purpose if you are to have a future here in our village.""I'm not interested," Kumo said turning away, "I am only interested in seeing my mother at the moment. I see no point in remaining within this village of glass any longer.""Village of Glass?" Kusari hissed, "We are forming a new chapter in the history of the Land of Iron, a new chapter in the history of Shinobi, don't you want to be a part of it?"

"No," Kumo said, "I don't care about making history, and I don't wish to die. Even if this village of yours dose last long enough to see future generations you have long years of war ahead. The other five great nations won't tolerate the balance of power shifting with the formation to a new village. And as you helped manipulate before the Samurai who control this county won't accept sharing power and military control with Shinobi. Enjoy your city of ice Tetsukage for these glaciers will house you through years of invasion and civil war. I'm leaving before the fires of war melt it to the ground."

One of the things Kumo had learned was that when you're trying to trick the enemy to believing your something you're not, like a traitor. It was genuinely best to tell the truth, or to be more accurate tell part of the truth. In reality Kumo needed to stay in this village, he needed to stay close to Nenshō and protect him as well as defeat the enemy lurking in this ice. But to do that he needed to stay close. But getting close too soon and too easily could rouse suspicion so he wouldn't make it easy. It was clear Kusari wanted him to be a part of this grand vison of his so he was trying to deliver a good sales pitch. Kumo made it clear that if he wanted him to play ball then Kusari would have to work for it. People rarely question things they work for. When things looked too good to be true people instinctively that they were. What made it believable was the again if he was too tough a customer Kusari might stop trying to recruit him.

"I'll tell you what," Kusari said, "go and see your mother Kumo and then tell me if you wish to survive with her in the outside world. I would like to remind you that you mother has aged considerably since you last saw her. I'll admit that between the two of you surviving the outside world is possible… for a while at least. How long do you thing you can protect her as a rouge ninja? Do you really think you can make it? Live out to an old age fighting off trackers and bounty hunters? Of course not. You want to live a life Kumo the fact that you formed a life in Konoha proves that. Stay here, and you'll have a home, for you and your mother. You're right, you will have to fight, a large battle is ahead of us and that will mean protecting your home. But you will have a home, you will be able to form a life. I heard you were getting married before you left your girl back in Konoha. You could find a new wife here Kumo, perhaps with some luck it'll be possible to bring your fiancée here, and with some work you could form a life with her in this new village and raise your children as a part of the next generation. Who knows in a young village such as this your child could grow up to be the next Tetsukage."Kumo turned to Kusari, "Show me my mother," he ordered, "then we'll talk."