The last chapter of The Ultimate Goal is now finally here. Please enjoy and make sure to follow me to stay updated for my upcoming sequel to The Ultimate Goal. Enjoy!

Chapter Sixty One

As we left our heroes, Dawn has gone back to Sinnoh to see her mother while Ash and Brock travel to the faraway region known as Kalos. Now let the final chapter begin!

Lumiose City (4:16 p.m. KTS)

Ash: Hey I think I see the Lysandre Café.

Brock: Yeah I see it too.

Pikachu: Pika Pika!

Ash and Brock went inside and Ash recognize his best friend, Serena.

Ash: Hey its Serena.

Serena: Oh hey, it's been a long time hasn't it Ash?

Ash: It sure has, here I would like to introduce you to my buddy, Pikachu.

Pikachu: Pika!

Serena: Nice to meet you Pikachu.

Brock: …and I'm Brock, a Pokémon Doctor.

Serena: Nice to meet you Brock.

Ash: You see Serena, me and Brock go way back in the early days of my first journey through Kanto. He was the Gym Leader of the Pewter Gym and later after I gotten the Boulder badge. Brock decided to travel with me, so that he becomes a Pokémon breeder.

Brock: But that's till I decided to become a Pokémon Doctor during our journey around Sinnoh.

Serena: I see, well I would like to introduce you my starter Pokémon. Come here Fennekin.

Fennekin: Fenne!

Ash: Wow a Fennekin, oh that reminds me Serena. Here; Professor Oak wanted me to give this Pokémon for you to have.

Serena: Wow what could it be?

Ash: Let's go outside.

The three trainers step outside and Serena calls out the Pokémon from its Pokéball.

Bulbasaur: Bulba Sa!

Serena: A Bulbasaur!

Ash: Professor Oak knew how much you love Bulbasaurs. So he decided to give you this one here.

Serena: That's so nice of him.

Brock: Hey how about we go to a park and I'll cook something for us to eat, as well for our Pokémon too.

Ash: Yeah let's go, Brock is an awesome cook. You'll love his cooking.

Serena: Okay, come on you too.

Fennekin: Fenne!

Bulbasaur: Bulba!

The three trainers made their way to a park near the Prism Tower.

Brock is preparing to cook why Ash explains what his goal is to Serena.

Serena: Wow five regions you have travel through?

Ash: Yeah and my goal is to become a Pokémon Master. What's your goal?

Serena: My goal?

Ash: Yeah.

Serena: Well I haven't thought of my goal yet.

Ash: Oh I see, well later on you'll manage to figure out what your goal is going to be.

Serena: Yeah you're right.

Brock: Lunch is served every one, dig in.

Ash: Thanks Brock.

Serena: Thank you very much.

Serena tasted the food and she amazed how well the food is cook.

Serena: It's delicious.

Brock: Why thank you, here you go you three.

Brock placed the food trays for Pikachu, Fennekin and Bulbasaur. Brock calls out his Pokémon too and gives them their own tray of Pokémon food.

Serena: So since you're going to be challenging the gyms around Kalos, how about you challenge the gym here in Lumiose City.

Ash: Yeah I was thinking about that before I got here.

After everyone has finished eating, everyone began to pack their things.

Brock: Well Ash, I guess this is where we go our separate ways.

Ash: Huh, what do you mean?

Brock: I decided to travel around the Kalos region to help out any Pokémon Center that I come across with. But we'll see each other again Ash.

Ash: Alright I understand Brock, best wishes.

Brock: Best wishes to you Ash and Pikachu.

Brock leaves by waving goodbye to the two trainers.

Ash: I say we get going to the Lumiose Gym.

Serena: I'll catch up with you after I go shopping around.

Ash: Okay then, we'll meet up here in one hour.

Serena: Got it, return Fennekin and Bulbasaur.

Ash: Let's go buddy!

Pikachu: Pika!

Ash runs towards the Prism Tower and he is stunned to see what a magnificent tower it is.

Ash: Wow the Lumiose Gym.

Pikachu: Pika Pi!

Ash: Let's go Pikachu!

A young man with glasses with a little girl saw Ash and Pikachu entering the gym.

Ash: Boy o' boy I'm so psych.

Pikachu: Pikachu!

Ash: Anybody here?

A computer monitor suddenly turns on from the top of the gym's entrance.

Monitor: Welcome to the Lumiose Gym.

Ash: My name is Ash and I come all the way from Pallet Town in the Kanto region. I want to have a gym battle please.

Pikachu: Pika!

Monitor: How many badges do you have?

Ash: Badges? This is the very first gym I'm challenging here, so I haven't won any yet.

Monitor: You have none? Not a single gym badge? In order to challenge the Lumiose Gym, you must have accumulated at least four gym badges.

Two electric rods pop out from the ceiling with electricity surging through the rods.

Ash: Hey wait a minute.

Monitor: Please leave immediately!

Ash: Wait!

Both Ash and Pikachu get shock and the floor below them open up into a hole, being thrown out of the gym.

Both Ash and Pikachu scream their way down and they are now falling from the upper area of the gym towards the ground.

A young man and his sister both hear the screaming and they suddenly rush towards them to save them from falling.

Young Man: I'll try to catch that boy!

Little Girl: I'll get Pikachu!

The young man threw his backpack which became an airbag for Ash and Pikachu to land on.

Little Girl: I got you Pikachuuuu!

Ash landed onto the airbag safety and the girl caught Pikachu and they both fall into the airbag.

Young Man: Are you alright?

Ash: Yeah I'm okay, thanks to you.

Little Girl: Take a look at this Clemont, a Pikachu and what a cutie!

She hugs Pikachu to tightly and he is about to use Thunderbolt.

Pikachu: Pika Pika pi!

Everyone got shock by Pikachu's Thunderbolt and the poor little girl drops to the ground. A random blue Pokémon is secretly watching them.

Clemont: Bonnie no!

Ash: You okay?

Bonnie got back up and starts laughing.

Bonnie: Of course.

Pikachu: Pika Pika!

Pikachu feels bad to what he did to Bonnie.

Clemont: I'm very really sorry about my sister.

Ash: Hey don't worry about it.

Clemont: Bonnie you apologize too!

Bonnie: I just wanted to give Pikachu a hug because it's SOOO cute.

Clemont: Hmmm but did Pikachu like it?

Bonnie: Oh alright I'm really sorry Pikachu.

Ash: Everything is okay now; Pikachu was just a little surprised.

Pikachu: Pika Pika!

Ash: But I still haven't thanked you yet; I really appreciate it that you save Pikachu.

Pikachu: PIKA PIKA!

Bonnie: Huh, haha you're very welcome.

Ash: What a weird gym; what's up with that?

Clemont: You got kick out, right?

Ash: Right and after coming all this way, some gym leader.

Clemont: Yeah he's something alright.

Bonnie: The gym leader of the Lumiose Gym is this really super-duper strong person, so they ask you how many gym badges you have right.

Ash: That's right but when I told them I didn't have any. I got zap, bad.

Bonnie: Huh? You don't have any badges?

Ash: You see I just arrived to the Kalos region and this is the first gym I been to.

Clemont: Pardon me, but where are you from?

Ash: I'm from Pallet Town of Kanto and my name is Ash and this is Pikachu and my buddy and I are in a journey together so that I can become a Pokémon Master.

Pikachu: Pika Pikachu!

Clemont: Well I think we should introduce ourselves. My name is Clemont and this is my sister Bonnie.

Bonnie: Nice to meet you.

Ash: Nice to meet you Clemont, Bonnie.

Pikachu: Pika Pika!

Bonnie: You and your Pikachu seem like good friends. If not; Pikachu wouldn't been sitting on your shoulder like that.

Ash: Well me and Pikachu go way back when I first started my journey, in fact Pikachu is my first Pokémon that I have ever gotten. So are you and Bonnie are in a journey too?

Clemont: Journey?

Bonnie: That's something we'll be doing sometime in the future.

Ash: I see, I always wanted to have a family journey but I don't have any siblings at all.

Bonnie: But you got your best friend Pikachu.

Clemont: You see, Bonnie is a bit too young to have any Pokémon but she's is really impressed to meet someone who does.

Ash: I know how you fell, I remember wanting to grow up to become a Pokémon Trainer. In matter fact, I actually broke my alarm clock the night before I met Pikachu.

Bonnie: You really understand how I feel.

Ash: So what kind of Pokémon do you have on you Clemont?

Clemont: Huh? Hmmm okay here's a Pokémon I recently caught.

Ash: Please let me see and then let's have a Pokémon battle.

Pikachu: PIKAAAA!

Pikachu jumps off of Ash's shoulder and runs towards the battlefield near them.

Clemont: Battle for real?

Ash: Yeah, since I can't have a gym battle. I might as well have my first battle in the Kalos region to be with you. What do you say Clemont?

Bonnie: Let's do it, it will be a great test of strength.

Clemont: Okay, you're on!

Both trainers stand at the opposite end of the battlefield.

Clemont: Alright come on out and let's have a battle!

Bunnelby: Bunnelby!

Ash: Awesome, let's see anything about this Pokémon.

Ash takes out his Pokédex and scans Bunnelby.

Pokédex: Bunnelby, the Digging Pokémon. They use their large ears to dig burrows. They will dig the whole night through.

Ash: Okay then, Pikachu I choose you!

Pikachu: Pika Pika!

Bonnie: Luck to luck to both teams! Yay hay!

Ash vs Clemont (1 on 1)

Clemont: Now Bunnelby, this will be our first battle. Just relax and we'll come out top for sure.

Bunnelby: Bunnel!

Ash: Okay Pikachu, use Thunderbolt!


Pikachu is charging up electricity and sends a Thunderbolt attack towards Bunnelby.

Clemont: Now Bunnelby use your ears to stir up the sand.

Bunnelby use its ears and used the sand to counter Pikachu's Thunderbolt attack.

Ash: Awwh!

Clemont: Yes Bunnelby is a Normal type Pokémon but we have our own countermeasures to Electric attacks. So it's now our turn, Bunnelby use Dig!

Bunnelby dug underground.

Ash: Pikachu use Quick Attack to avoid Bunnelby's Dig!

Pikachu: Pika!

Pikachu is running around to avoid Bunnelby's surprise attack.

Clemont: Now go!

Bunnelby attack from below and send Pikachu flying into the air and it use its ears to smack Pikachu towards the ground.

Ash: You okay Pikachu?

Pikachu: Pika! (Nodded in agreement)

Ash: Great now use Quick Attack!

Pikachu: Pika!

Pikachu used its Quick Attack to send Bunnelby flying across the battlefield but it use its ears to land safely.

Clemont: Double Slap, go!

Bunnelby used multiple Double Slap attacks on Pikachu.

Ash: Look at those ears, Bunnelby use them like hands.

Clemont: Pretty neat huh? Bunnelby ears can do lot of great things.

Ash: You're still fine right buddy?

Pikachu: Pika Pika!

Ash: Awesome now use Iron Tail!

Clemont: Use your ears to catch it!

Pikachu's Iron Tail is caught by Bunnelby's ears.

Ash: Awwh!

Clemont: It works like a charm.

Ash: Yeah it's good that you caught it but it's too bad you can use your ears. Pikachu let's use your new move, Electro Ball!

Pikachu: Pika Pika Pika Chipika!

Bunnelby is hit hard by Pikachu's Electro Ball.

Bonnie: Oh wow, Ash and Pikachu are pretty amazing!

Ash: Now use Quick Attack!

Pikachu is running towards Bunnelby with Quick Attack but an electronic net suddenly tries to catch Pikachu but he avoids it.

Everyone gasp.

Ash: Alright why would you do such a thing?

Clemont: That was dangerous.

Bonnie: Who are you?

Jessie: Prepare for trouble, our middle name!

James: …and make it double and it's a high stakes game!

Jessie: To protect the world from devastation!

James: …and to unite all people within our nation!

Jessie: To denounce the evils of truth and love!

James: To extend our reaches to the stars above!

Jessie: Jessie!

James: …and James!

Jessie: Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light!

James: Surrender now or prepare to fight, fight and fight!

Meowth: Meowth, that's right!


Ash: Team Rocket! You would follow us here.

James: Actually we plan to come here before we saw you arriving here from Kanto.

Clemont: Wow a talking Meowth, I never have seen a talki…

Ash: Wait, those guys are always up to no good and they always try to steal my Pikachu.

James: Excuse us twerp, but Pikachu is only to one of the many strong and rare Pokémon to catch within the Kalos region. Starting with that one over there.

Bunnerby: Bunnel?

Clemont: I won't let you take my Bunnelby or anyone's Pokémon.

Ash: Pikachu use Electro Ball!

Pikachu launches a Electro Ball at Team Rocket.

Jessie: Wobbufett use Mirror Coat!

Wobbufett jumps into the air and deflect the Electro Ball back to Pikachu.

Ash: I'll catching you buddy!

Ash saves Pikachu from falling.

Bonnie: Poor Pikachu.

Ash: Are you alright buddy?

Pikachu: Pika Pika!

Ash: Great use Thunderbolt!

Jessie: Mirror Coat!

Wobbufett again uses Mirror Coat and send the Thunderbolt back to Pikachu; but a blue frog Pokémon saves Pikachu by taking the hit.

Ash: Hey is that a…

Clemont: A Froakie!

Bonnie: It saved Pikachu.

Clemont: Bunnelby use Dig!

Bunnelby: Bunnel!

Bunnelby used Dig on Team Rocket and sends them flying into the air.

Ash: Now let's wrap this up Pikachu, use Thunderbolt!

Pikachu used its Thunderbolt attack and Froakie help out with Water Pulse!

Team Rocket are now blasting through the sky.

Team Rocket: Team Rocket is blasting off again!

Wobbufett: WOOBAAA!


Froakie suddenly collapse on the ground.

Ash: Awwh Froakie! What's wrong with him?

Clemont: Hmm I think we should go to Professor Sycamore's lab. It's a four minute walk if we run.

Serena found Ash and Pikachu.

Serena: Hey what's going on?

Ash: There's no time, let's get this Froakie to Sycamore's lab and I'll tell you everything.

Serena: Right.

The group has finally made it to Sycamore's lab and his assistant Sophie is giving Froakie medical treatment.

Professor Sycamore: It's nice to see you again Ash. It's been a while since we first met at Unova.

Ash: Yeah it sure has Professor.

Professor Sycamore: Professor Oak has told me you have mega evolve you Charizard and Heracross. Is that right?

Ash: Yeah and I still need to evolve my Gabite into a Garchomp for it to mega evolve.

Professor Sycamore: I see and it's great to see you two doing fine.

Clemont: Thank you Professor.

Serena: Umm I know we haven't met yet, but I'm Serena from Vaniville Town.

Clemont: My name is Clemont and this is my little sister Bonnie.

Bonnie: Nice to meet you Serena.

Serena: It's a nice meeting you too.

Ash: You see, Serena and I are both from Pallet Town but sometime before I started my journey. She move here to Kalos and we just met up. I still have another friend from Pallet Town traveling around here.

Professor Sycamore: Ahh Gary was here yesterday and I believe he's heading to Santalune City for a gym match there.

Ash: He's already traveling?

Professor Sycamore: That's right.

Serena: Looks like things never change between you two.

Ash: Where is Santalune City by the way?

Serena: It's passed Route Four, south of Lumiose City.

Ash: Great let's go Pikachu! Huh?

A Garchomp is watching over Froakie.

Ash: A Garchomp!

Professor Sycamore: This Garchomp us very kind hearted and very nice to others.

Bonnie: May I pet it?

Professor Sycamore: Why sure you may.

Bonnie petted Garchomp.

Bonnie: Awwwh you're so cute and you really like me.

Garchomp: Gaaarh!

Sophie: This Garchomp is great friend with this Froakie.

Ash: Wait you know this Froakie?

Professor Sycamore: Why yes, this Froakie is one of the starter Pokémon that I gave to a new trainer. But this Froakie is a bit different from the other Froakies that I give out.

Ash: How so?

Professor Sycamore: This Froakie sometimes doesn't listen to its trainer and sometimes it runaways from its numerous trainers just because it never like them. There are were many trainers that came back with this Froakie just to return it.

Ash: That's sad.

Clemont: I heard of that but I never believe it till I heard it now.

Ash: It must of have a rough life.

Professor Sycamore: Indeed, hmmm tell me how did Froakie got hurt by the way.

Ash: Well a group of bad people attack us and Froakie saved Pikachu from a Thunderbolt that was reflected by Mirror Coat.

Professor Sycamore: Hmm well since Froakie kindly saved your Pikachu from an attack; how about you take Froakie with you?

Ash: Really, even though after how much it went through?

Professor Sycamore: Yes and let's have Froakie to decide whether if he wants to come with you.

Ash: Okay.

Professor Sycamore: Froakie, would you like to go with Ash and Pikachu on their journey through the Kalos region if it's okay with you?

Froakie: Froakie Fro!

Professor Sycamore: Froakie said yes, he would like to come with you Ash.

Ash: That's great.

Professor Sycamore: Here's Froakie's Pokéball and good luck in your journey.

Ash: Thanks Professor Sycamore, so Froakie ready to start our journey.

Froakie: Froakie Fro!

Froakie tap the Pokéball and it return itself back into the ball.

Clemont: Hey Ash, do you mind if me and Bonnie come with you to Santalune City so we can watch you battle the gym leader there?

Ash: The more the merrier.

Bonnie: HOORAY!

The four left Professor Sycamore's lab and they are now about to begin their journey through the Kalos region.

What more exciting adventures our heroes await them?

To be Continue!

Well everyone that was the last chapter of The Ultimate Goal. It took me five months to complete this story and now it is completed. I would like to thanked Dan Cool's story which inspired me to write this fanfic. His Ash & Dawn's Adventures story is amazing and I would recommend everyone to read it. Also I'll be writing the first five chapters of the sequel to this story called "The Ultimate Quest to Victory" Stay tuned for it and till next time everyone. One more thing to say is that on December 6th, Eevee and Friends will debut on Pokémon TV in English. To watch it just to the official Pokémon website or download the official Pokémon app onto your mobile devices. I also don't own Pokémon by the way. All rights belong to Nintendo, Shopro, Toyko TV, Gamefreak, etc.