This will be my first Pearlshipping story; I'm planning to have over 40+ chapters for this story. Rated-T with mild language (Maybe).

The Story will take place in Sinnoh, Kanto, and Unova. I will right sequel to this story once X and Y is debut in the U.S.

Characters: Ash(16), Dawn(16), Brock(18), and Bianca(17)


Chapter One

It's the Sinnoh League taking place right now as Ash is in the semi-finals against Tobias. The battle is tense where Ash is down to his last Pokémon(Pikachu), while Tobias is on his second Pokémon (Latios). Ash order Pikachu to Volt Tackle Latios while in mid-air. After the huge explosion between the two Pokémon, both Pokémon are unable to battle and Tobias was claim the winner the semi-round of the tournament. Ash picks up his Pikachu to comfort him. Ash meets Dawn and Brock outside the stadium and head towards the next stadium to see Tobias win the Sinnoh League with only his Darkrai. After the ceremony, Ash and his friends decided to head back to Twinleaf Town. They soon left to the ferry to catch the next one to Twinleaf Town. As soon they made it to the docks, someone yelled.


The blonde girl ran into Ash and knocking him to the water and she notice what she has done and replies.

Blonde Girl: I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry mister.

Dawn grabs Ash's hand to get him out of the water and as soon he made eye contact with Dawn, he felt something warm in his chest, and Dawn felt the same way. Ash was out of the water and says to Blonde Girl.

Ash: It's okay, I'm Ash from Pallet Town and this is my best friend Pikachu.

Pikachu: PIKA!

Dawn: Hi I'm Dawn and this is my partner Piplup.

Piplup: LUUUP!

Brock: And Hi I'm Brock and I'm a Pokémon Breeder.

Bianca: Hey my name is Bianca and I'm from Nuvema Town and this is Tepig.

Tepig: Te Tepig!

Ash pulls out his Pokédex and scans Tepig.

Pokédex: Pokémon data unknown

Dawn: That's strange your Pokédex doesn't register the Pokémon.

Ash: I know.

Ash then puts away his Pokédex into his pocket and Bianca replies.

Bianca: Me and Tepig are from the Unova region which is very from Sinnoh and the nearby regions by Sinnoh. In Unova there are many Pokémon that can't be found outside of Unova.

Ash: Wow, that's amazing. Are there any Pokémon Gyms there too?

Bianca: Yeah, there are a total ten gyms in total but only eight badges are required to enter the Unova League.

Ash: Wow that sounds great, I would like to go to visit the Unova region. What about you guys?

Dawn: It sounds great, but are there any Pokémon Contests in the Unova region by any chances?

Bianca: No sorry, but I did see Pokémon contests here and I just wish there were contests in Unova.

Dawn: Ohhh. said disappointing

Brock: I would like to go but I think I should take a break from traveling and become a Pokémon Doctor. Once I become one, I would like to travel again.

Ash and Dawn: That sounds great Brock!

Ash: I wish you could come, but I hope for you Best Wishes Brock.

Dawn: Me too.

Ash: So what about you Dawn? Are you going to find a different region with Pokémon Contest?

Dawn: I don't know, I still try to think what I'm going to do once we arrive at Twinleaf Town.

Bianca: Well it was nice talking to you three, but my flight to Unova is about to leave. Bye bye!

She ran off towards her next flight, say goodbye to the three friends and both of them wave goodbye to Bianca and Tepig.

Both Ash, Dawn, and Brock boarded the ferry to Twinleaf Town, Ash looks back at Lilypad Island while remembering all the wonderful things that has happen during the Lilypad Island Conference. Ash notices Dawn in front of the sunset and he notice how beautiful she was. He remembers the great things that happen between them during their journey. Dawn says.

Dawn: Hey Ash is everything alright?

Ash snaps out and says

Ash: Uhh yeah I'm alright.

He looks at the sunset with Dawn against the railing of the boat and says

Ash: You know I have a lot of fun traveling with you and Brock in Sinnoh.

Dawn: Yeah me too, it wasn't for your support. I would of never made it to the Grand Festival. She smiles

Ash: Yeah, so much has happen over the 2 years we travel. I wish we can still travel more.

Dawn: Yeah me to, I still have a lot in my mind to think about.

They soon head back into their cabin with Brock, Pikachu, and Piplup for the night. As the morning sun rises, the ferry has arrive at Twinleaf Town and our heroes have just gotten off the boat. They make their way to Dawn's house and were greeted by Johanna (Dawn's Mother).

Johanna: Why hello Dawn, Ash, and Brock. It's great to see you all back here.

Dawn: Hi mom.

Ash and Brock: Hi Johanna, it's great to be here.

Johanna: Please make yourselves at home Ash and Brock.

Ash and Brock: Thank you!

As they enter the house to relax, our heroes will be thinking their future plans as the journey continues.

Well that was the end of Chapter One, and I hope you all like it. I will be posting a new chapter tomorrow and stay tuned. Tomorrow's chapter will take place in Kanto.

Please feel free to favorite the story and review it. Thank you all very much